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The 17th Shard Symphony Orchestra (and other musicians)

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Obstinate said:

There are plenty of normal, non-squishy percussion players. Wait. Never mind, I was thinking of something else. Percussionists are insane.

Ok, apparently I'm just insane. But I get to whack stuff. Seems like a solid tradeoff.

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8 hours ago, Ookla the Shadowed said:

Wednesday - my flute exammmmm which I was really nervous for (I got merit, 3 marks off a distinction, but I made stupid mistakes and I’m so annoyed at myself :angry:)

Oof - exams are always nerve-wracking. I was lucky this year and got a nice examiner for my flute exam- but when I was doing piano exams, my last examiner was really scary and wrinkly and just fear-inducing in general.

BTW what grade are you doing?

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Floofy said:

Oof - exams are always nerve-wracking. I was lucky this year and got a nice examiner for my flute exam- but when I was doing piano exams, my last examiner was really scary and wrinkly and just fear-inducing in general.

BTW what grade are you doing?

Grade 6… the sight reading and scales and stuff is soooo hard but the pieces are so much more interesting :D 
My examiner was nice, but it was in this super freezing church hall and just generally not a nice experience overall.

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6 hours ago, Ookla the Shadowed said:

Grade 6… the sight reading and scales and stuff is soooo hard but the pieces are so much more interesting :D 
My examiner was nice, but it was in this super freezing church hall and just generally not a nice experience overall.

It must be fun to have actually challenging music.

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Not an orchestra player, but offering vocals and another piano to the 17SSO! I love listening to a big band orchestra, take a look at The 8 Bit Big Band! I LOVE what they have done!


And yeah, I’ve heard horror stories about orchestra exams from people o know who are in band and orchestra, I hope y’all did great!!

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My friend did her flute exam and her entire thumb key came off in the middle of a scale!! She said the examiner did that thing that all examiners do where their face is just a mask and they say “and when you are ready move onto your next scale” like he didn’t even break script for her entire thumb key coming off-

Luckily she had a mini screwdriver and knew how to put it back on but she was so nervous to play afterwards

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5 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Ah yes, symphony orchestra. I myself am trying to learn the cello in my relatively old age (which is not going great), and want to learn the bass guitar at some point. Yes indeed.

Yay! Good for you! Be patient with yourself. These things take time, and it's often longer than you expect.

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1 minute ago, That1Cellist said:

Yay! Good for you! Be patient with yourself. These things take time, and it's often longer than you expect.

My main problem is that I'm almost 24 years old trying to learn the Suzuki method, which you're supposed to start at 4. What I've heard from my teacher and others is that the older you are, the harder it is to learn. Same can be said about... basically anything.

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3 minutes ago, Sequence said:

My main problem is that I'm almost 24 years old trying to learn the Suzuki method, which you're supposed to start at 4. What I've heard from my teacher and others is that the older you are, the harder it is to learn. Same can be said about... basically anything.

Ah, I would disagree with that somewhat, but I do see what you're saying. I was unaware you're supposed to start Suzuki at age four. That's also how I've been learning, and I've been doing it only since I was 11-12ish. I think I'm doing okay. Try not to be discouraged. The thing that really matters is practice. Don't worry much about the people who got a head start because they started later than you.

Edited by That1Cellist
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On 22/12/2022 at 3:46 PM, InfiniteInsanity said:

I'm confused I thought you were talking about guitars?

There's a wonderful thing called harp guitars. They're SUPER COOL and my brother wants to get one one day.

Imagine a normal acoustic guitar - body and neck, all normal, then above that, you have half a harp stuck on top. I suggest looking them up and watching some people play them, because storms, they sound amazing.

It's basically two instruments, but you can play them at the same time!

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It's been a while since I invaded this thread but I'm back.

A lot of my favorite songs are technically orchestral, as in they use orchestra instruments, but considering that basically all of them are from video game/movie soundtracks, they also incorporate more electronic components and sound weird. And also really storming cool.

I also have a lot of favorites that aren't really orchestral. And if they are, they stretch the bounds a little.

Let me know if you want some examples...I might be able to find something worth sharing...

And in case people forgot, I play clarinet, piano (sort of; my mom's a professional pianist and piano teacher, but I haven't taken official lessons in years), and a variety of smaller woodwind instruments (that I'm mostly messing around on rather than playing seriously.)

I want to get a japanese flute because of the soundtrack (and story, frankly) of one of the aforementioned video games. Also flutes are just cool.

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The songs that I find best are the songs that calm me down, make me feel good.

The songs that calm me down, make me feel good, are soft and melodic.

The songs that are soft and melodic are usually played with guitar, and very few other instruments.

See where I'm going with this?


Harp guitars.

Wtf that's so cool i want one

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Playing Bransles from Capriol Suite (arranged for orchestra) in orchestra and my tongue is actually falling off.

Anyone had a similar experience? I know fast tonguing only applied to wind/brass, but has anyone got any pieces that feel like they’re physically impossible to play? 

violinists: paganini 

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