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The Battle for the Sandwich

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I sell my cabin, now with built-in solar panels, to a rich businessman which gives me enough money to buy a boat to catch up with Pineapple-spider’s raft and steal the sandwich. My very fancy boat now turns into an ATV and I drive away through the mountains.

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After several months of searching, I have found all seven Dragon Balls, so I summon Shenron and wish for the Sandwich. Then I fly up with my magic powers and snatch all of the dragon balls before they fly away, and go fly back to my cave.

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2 hours ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

Since I have been blasted into the sky super high, I am now High Vyz. My vision improves and I can see WhyEverNot’s cave and I fly there, using the momentum from the explosion.

Not sure why you went to Why's cave since I have the Sandwich, but it works in my favor so I'm not complaining. I pilot my F-22 far away from here.

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Rye stood still, his mind completely emotionless. What had he become? He slowly looked down at his hands, which were a sickly grey. His arms were riddled with bullet holes that he couldn't even feel. Somewhere, he felt something. His oathstone had been destroyed in an explosion. Some lucidity, barely enough to think, trickled into his brain.

Rye began walking. Walking for hours without pause. He couldn't feel fatigue, so it didn't matter. He walked until he reached a desert. A lone temple stood. He entered, and kept walking. Walking through complex halls, ignoring traps, until he made it to the center of the crypt. The shimmering waters of life awaited. He stumbled over, but tripped on an F-22 that was there for some reason and fell into the pool. He felt pain, and screamed as his nerves began working again. His wounds healed quickly, luckily. His skin turned back to its natural tan, and he could finally think again.

He jumped out from the waters, newly invigorated and no longer undead. He hopped into the F-22, no longer worrying about his PTSD from when he'd died flying one of them, and flew out of the temple, crashing through the roof and into open air. "To the sandwich," he said.


edit: this is my 100th post, yay!

Edited by BlueWildRye
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3 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

Rye stood still, his mind completely emotionless. What had he become? He slowly looked down at his hands, which were a sickly grey. His arms were riddled with bullet holes that he couldn't even feel. Somewhere, he felt something. His oathstone had been destroyed in an explosion. Some lucidity, barely enough to think, trickled into his brain.

Rye began walking. Walking for hours without pause. He couldn't feel fatigue, so it didn't matter. He walked until he reached a desert. A lone temple stood. He entered, and kept walking. Walking through complex halls, ignoring traps, until he made it to the center of the crypt. The shimmering waters of life awaited. He stumbled over, but tripped on an F-22 that was there for some reason and fell into the pool. He felt pain, and screamed as his nerves began working again. His wounds healed quickly, luckily. His skin turned back to its natural tan, and he could finally think again.

He jumped out from the waters, newly invigorated and no longer undead. He hopped into the F-22, no longer worrying about his PTSD from when he'd died flying one of them, and flew out of the temple, crashing through the roof and into open air. "To the sandwich," he said.


edit: this is my 100th post, yay!

Quite a character arc there

3 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

Not sure why you went to Why's cave since I have the Sandwich, but it works in my favor so I'm not complaining. I pilot my F-22 far away from here.

Oop, guess I was hallucinating

I see that I was probably high in multiple ways, then I build a human trebuchet to launch myself directly at Through the Living Glass’ F-22, taking it out and blowing it up. I conveniently launched straight towards the Sandwich, I take it and touch the ground with my unbreakable legs and run away faster than a speeding bullet.

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I was flying my own F-22 from the other direction, and you slam into it full force as I am flying it low to the ground. I grab the sandwich, wave my fingers, and teleport it to Canticle. *ahem* I'm going to be careful not to spoil any TSM stuff.

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I touch Rye just before he teleports and I teleport with him. I then slap Rye really hard forcing him to drop the sandwich. I pick up the sandwich and place it under one of three cups, and shuffle them around. Which one will you choose? 1, 2, or 3

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