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The Battle for the Sandwich

how many fingers do you have  

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I sneeze. Somehow this means that the sandwich launches back to the hill where it started (don’t question it). I am also launched back there (cause logic and stuff I guess) so I pick up the sandwich

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I turn from a sandwich back into a person. While Lunamor is recovering from this, I enter my spaceship shaped like a sandwich shop, take the real sandwich, and fly to Roshar.

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I snap my fingers and become an elantrian. I teleport to roshar, take the sandwich from The Living Glass and teleport back to the city of Elantris with my army of elantrians protecting the sandwich and I.

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2 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

I am hidden as an Elantrian, and use Aon Tia to  teleport to the Sandwich, and exit the Multiverse into the real world 

I snap out of my dream

I still use Aon Tia to teleport to the Sandwich, and exit the Multiverse into the real world

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