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Theory: Snapping Gives a Small Burst of Allomantic Power


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I was thinking about it, and you know how some surgebinders seem to get a little burst of stormlight when they swear an ideal? I wonder if something similar, if more low-key, doesn't happen in the process of Preservation/Harmony investing an allomancer when they Snap, producing a weak manifestation of their allomantic power. If so, that would help explain a few fuzzy points in the text; how mistings of highly toxic metals like Cadmium are identified, and how Kelsier managed to escape the Pits after Snapping (since the Pits were damaged by allomancy, it wouldn't make any sense for the Lord Ruler to have allomancers with metal vials acting as guards). It's hard to say for sure though, since we've never actually seen anyone snap yet.

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12 hours ago, Cocoa said:

I was thinking about it, and you know how some surgebinders seem to get a little burst of stormlight when they swear an ideal? I wonder if something similar, if more low-key, doesn't happen in the process of Preservation/Harmony investing an allomancer when they Snap, producing a weak manifestation of their allomantic power. If so, that would help explain a few fuzzy points in the text; how mistings of highly toxic metals like Cadmium are identified, and how Kelsier managed to escape the Pits after Snapping (since the Pits were damaged by allomancy, it wouldn't make any sense for the Lord Ruler to have allomancers with metal vials acting as guards). It's hard to say for sure though, since we've never actually seen anyone snap yet.

I also posed this question, quite a few years back... And @Oversleep pointed out that there was, in fact, a ready source of Allomantic metal for a newly-snapped Mistborn to burn at the Pits of Hathsin, the ban on Allomancy among the guards and obligators notwithstanding.


And perhaps burning atium doesn't shatter the geode crystals the way that burning normal Allomantic metals would do.

  On 4/10/2018 at 3:19 PM, Oversleep said:

Actually... he worked in atium mine.

Once he got some atium, the rest was easy. He probably picked up a few metals in the meantime, but everything boils down to atium.

Yeeeah, I guess that should have been obvious, on second thought.

"Why is this emaciated skaa slave charging a group of 20 armed guards, brandishing a wooden spoon? What's he gonna do, scoop us to death?"

scoop dodge twirl scoop





Edited by robardin
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13 hours ago, Cocoa said:

It's hard to say for sure though, since we've never actually seen anyone snap yet.

Sure we have, that's what happened to all of the people affected by the mists in HoA (including the Mistfallen). 

The mists caused* a sort of seizure that Snaps the person; which is followed by a sickness as they recover from being Snapped. Afterward, they have to test metals to determine what type of misting they have become (with the length of the sickness indicative of the type of Misting - shortest for physical metals, longest for temporal metals). 

However, I agree we can't be entirely sure that Snapping through a physical beating also includes the sickness portion (though I would expect that it does, since it seems to be an effect of the change to the individual's sDNA).



*I use the past tense because we know Harmony changed how Snapping works, so Era 2 will have at least some differences. 

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19 hours ago, Cocoa said:

I was thinking about it, and you know how some surgebinders seem to get a little burst of stormlight when they swear an ideal? I wonder if something similar, if more low-key, doesn't happen in the process of Preservation/Harmony investing an allomancer when they Snap, producing a weak manifestation of their allomantic power. If so, that would help explain a few fuzzy points in the text; how mistings of highly toxic metals like Cadmium are identified, and how Kelsier managed to escape the Pits after Snapping (since the Pits were damaged by allomancy, it wouldn't make any sense for the Lord Ruler to have allomancers with metal vials acting as guards). It's hard to say for sure though, since we've never actually seen anyone snap yet.

Only windrunners get that, do to their possession of Adhesion.

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