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Welcome to the Shard!

FlowerGirl stole my question. Regardless, we're glad to have you!

If you want to know more about the Cosmere, have you looked at the Coppermind? There's a link at the top of this site, and it leads to a wiki filled with all the information we currently have on the Cosmere.

If you've already done that, then great!

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Welcome! I hope you enjoy our stay here! :lol:

What order of Knight Radiant are you?

Also, friendly warning. Double posting is generally frowned upon, the mods don't like it. If you need to add more you can edit your post and you are able to quote multiple posts by using the + icon next to the quote feature! You are new so it is no big deal,^_^ I just thought I should let you know because some people are rather persnickety about.

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