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Hello 17th Shard


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16 hours ago, TheWanderer said:

While I have left my compliments of your work on several occasions, nice to meet you in a more formal sense. Welcome to the shard hope you continue to add great works to the fandom. My only contributions have generally been my insane theories or strange ruminations on various themes and such.

Thanks! Fandom theories are very cool, if you have something interesting to share, I will study with pleasure!

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12 hours ago, Hyoukane said:

Thanks! Fandom theories are very cool, if you have something interesting to share, I will study with pleasure!

I would have to scroll back immensely to find any of them, believe I tried to figure out how to make computer Aons, other uses for lerasium, and work out the criteria for various spren for selecting bond mates.

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