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1 minute ago, The Bookwyrm said:

And the subtle convincings of Kas have taught me the folly of my ways. He hath convinced me to change my prior vote.

I'm gonna pull the plug on this now, because I expect that this will be the most popular response 

12 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Dislike performative desire 4 V!read over utility 2 Vil

After three pages of memes, me saying something controversial is utility. 

7 hours ago, Archer said:

Do you think Kas is overreacting to my plan, TUN? 

And when I make posts like this, I'm trying to engage a wider audience. I recognize that you have a shorter deadline due to timezones, Kas, but you've got to read the room. If you wallpost, you discourage hot takes from my target demographic. The reason you're drawn to this is the reason you should have let it simmer; it's the only readable thing going on right now. 


Anyway, Xino casually told me they probably weren't going to make PMs, which is villagey. Elims gotta spider y'know. 

Turtle calling their vote a poke is scummy. 

Oh and the GMs told me off recently for quoting the exact time of a PM message, so round to the nearest hour, y'all. 

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hi i’m here cat is on my lap so cute

wiz sorry that was meant to be a poke but yesterday got hectic rl


The Wandering Wizard: null+ posts are good- ig i’m biased towards people who post reads lol

Archer: null/null- not voting as village is rlly odd given that it’s just a 40% chance of us having a villager die which would not be great

Kasimir: null+ good talking 

The Unknown Novel: null+ tbh i need to reread the thread but vibes are good

The Bookwyrm: null- was lurking which doesn’t feel great to me

Ashbringer: null+ vibes good

JNV: null not much to go off of

Shining Silhouette: null? posts are so short lol

xinoehp512: null posts so far are fine not pinging me

um i’d be fine with voting bookwyrm or archer rn

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23 minutes ago, Turtle said:

hi i’m here cat is on my lap so cute

wiz sorry that was meant to be a poke but yesterday got hectic rl


The Wandering Wizard: null+ posts are good- ig i’m biased towards people who post reads lol

Archer: null/null- not voting as village is rlly odd given that it’s just a 40% chance of us having a villager die which would not be great

Kasimir: null+ good talking 

The Unknown Novel: null+ tbh i need to reread the thread but vibes are good

The Bookwyrm: null- was lurking which doesn’t feel great to me

Ashbringer: null+ vibes good

JNV: null not much to go off of

Shining Silhouette: null? posts are so short lol

xinoehp512: null posts so far are fine not pinging me

um i’d be fine with voting bookwyrm or archer rn

Your Wiz comment is people who post reads deserve trust then you post some reads. Well played! 

Counterpoint: 40% chance of a e!me dying is worse :P. Technically speaking, I deserve trust if you take me at my word. 


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23 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

when u start typing normally smh

cause kas may have his own thoughts on u and ur behavior but i dont have the same context and ill judge on my terms



Hey why do you hate Turtle. VCs are clearly a sign of villageness

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One hour, thirty-three minutes remaining! Make sure to finalize votes and actions!

  • Archer (4): xinoehp512, Kasimir, The Wandering Wizard, The Bookwyrm
  • Turtle (2): Ashbringer, Shining Silhouette
  • Kasimir (1): The Unknown Novel
  • The Unknown Order (1): JNV
  • The Bookwyrm (1): Turtle
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2 hours ago, Archer said:

After three pages of memes, me saying something controversial is utility. 

I'll give this to you - but as you point out, that comes from you saying it. You doing it generates negative Village utility in a number of reasonable, nearby worlds.

So do you intend to do, or just say?

2 hours ago, Archer said:

And when I make posts like this, I'm trying to engage a wider audience. I recognize that you have a shorter deadline due to timezones, Kas, but you've got to read the room. If you wallpost, you discourage hot takes from my target demographic. The reason you're drawn to this is the reason you should have let it simmer; it's the only readable thing going on right now. 

I'll readily concede that I could wait, especially since if it's V!you, it's probably some form of ploy to draw reactions. And I should have given you more credit for that, for which I apologise. But the point is I don't believe I get to take the fact that it's V!you for granted, and it's reasonable to push you hard as well for something that in my eyes is fairly anti-Village because I want to be able to read you too (since I pretty obviously don't know your alignment), and hopefully to get a sense of other people from how they are thinking about you, and to try to work out their mindset. That's how discussion functions.

Here's my question back: what did V!you really expect from your target demographic as being E!indicative? "Sure Archer, please go ahead, I'm V!reading you for this"? Reaction tests often have some sort of thought through endpoint. If you don't know what's a failure response and what's a good response, then maybe you should consider whether it was a worthwhile thing to run in the first place.

Final counterpoint: without voting pressure (and probably even with it), did you particularly expect indicative responses from a thread that had been content to, as you say, meme for three pages and not particularly discuss?

Anyway, I'm going to relook the thread once more since tweet life is clearly a wash and comment as I go.

Reminder that I suck at post reads! :D 

21 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Did you mean to say shade?

I still like this post. High immediacy - I was in the thread as soon as I saw my GM PM and celebrated, and noticed the rule issue and was typing. Wiz beat me to it. As I mentioned, that's the basis for my current V read of Wiz. It's not a powerful read, but it'll do for D1. From how stoked Wiz was to be Evil and in a doc in LG90, my sense is that he'd hit the doc first. The fact that he beat me to the thread makes me feel positive about this.

21 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Interesting Kas and Shining pointed the same thing out in two different ways. Probably not e/e.


Okay QF has been a while so let’s go quick and go Turtle.

I sort of like this post too, but I feel a bit ? about it - Ash is starting a bit heavier on analysis than he did in LG90. Obviously it's nice to note. It doesn't make as much sense from an E!Ash perspective, I think, unless Wiz and I are in fact Ash's teammates. Fortunately for me, I can reject that world out of hand. (I guess there's a world in which E!Ash was looking for something to say, but IDK, it just feels good he latched onto this.)

21 hours ago, Turtle said:

hi ok rp coming later I have an idea for my character but I’m in school rn

I’ll poke wiz for now

Never really understood why you want to go HELLO THIS IS A POKE VOTE but you do you I guess. I don't know how I feel about this one. A bit of a rush to stake thread presence, given Turtle sort of disappears later on. I don't quite like it, I suppose.

21 hours ago, Turtle said:

what does ‘4 bein here not in doc’ mean? what?

But this is a nice comment from Turtle? IDK, I'll readily concede that with 140 characters, my phrasing wasn't anywhere near that clean, and I could see where that could confuse someone into thinking that I'm just blatantly saying that I'm tempted to V!read Wiz for being in the thread and not in the doc and how do I know that. I like that line of questioning. But it's not followed with a Kas pressure vote, which is sort of what you'd expect to happen if Turtle'd really thought I'd gone and E!slipped there, and that sort of dampens the positivity of it for me. 

21 hours ago, The Unknown Novel said:

Being in thread and not chillin' the elim doc like I am.

Then again, TUN pretty blatantly gets it, which might be another point of contrast. TUN also does vote me, which makes you wonder if TUN was working off that catch. If so, that'd look a bit better in my eyes. But he doesn't push it, and that makes me think it's more a poke vote. Also, not fond of the Elim jokes - E!TUN seems to be overly fond of them.

20 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

What if I disrespec Archer for you :ph34r:

@xinoehp512, what were you hoping to achieve by the doubled vote?

20 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:


expln wiz plz

im votng him now

Silho picks this up on the second time I mention this and asks. ...This is gonna be another game in which I basically think Silho is just Evil because of terribad vibes, isn't it >> I don't know: the interaction is like this: I mention I'm tempted to V read Wiz -> Shining votes Wiz -> later on, I reiterate that I do in fact have a slightly positive read of Wiz, and Shining asks to know why and then unvotes. The whole process felt so perfunctory I wondered if Shining was really interested in voting Wiz, but ONCE AGAIN I don't know if I can really make sense of Shining voting and unvoting so readily minus a distancing vote (and Wiz wasn't in danger anyway so why bother) so I'm just going to shrug and squint at Shining and move ON :|

19 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:

cn i kill u

Silho is bloodthirsty and chill. Better call the Ghostbusters.

The basic result of that long part of the thread:

-Silho wants to kill someone
-TUN doesn't really want to die
-Kas decides it's fine to die with Silho and votes Silho
-Silho self-votes
-Wiz signs up for death as well

It's a meme part of the thread, and maybe up to the middle part of the cycle. Silho has moved into the lead with three votes but has functionally self-voted so I'm not sure that really endangers him. He could always self-pres on someone else, and drop that to 50-50. Still, I do like the chillness with death, but then it's quite easy for an Elim to perform this when little is at stake at the midpoint.

19 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:
  • Archer(1): Xino
  • Turtle(1): Ash
  • Wiz(1): Turtle
  • Shining(3): Wiz, Kas, Shining
  • Kas(1): TUN

Courtesy of Xino.

@The Bookwyrm votes Wiz:

19 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

If you say so, Wiz.

I could see that as testing Wiz's actual willingness to die, but I'm having a hard time trying to make sense of it. It feels a little opportunistic and a more or less deliberate attempt to smuggle a vote because I'm not sure that functionally makes a difference at this point of the cycle. Bookwyrm also disappears here for quite a while so that just adds to the safe parking vibes. That being said, give Book's still new, not sure that's indicative much.

Book, Xino, me, and Shining had all expressed death wishes. More ambiguous for Xino. Why did you vote Wiz, and what did you expect to achieve by this?

15 hours ago, JNV said:

[OOC: Trying to come up with a good RP reason for why the vote was happening was a bit hard like the evils are shades are we just pretending the shades can pretend to be people now like whats up with that so Im just going with working with the shades as my excuse youre welcome to countermand that but genuinely could not think of anything and also the vote is more of a ‘dont want to die by the vote filter’ vote than anything series Ill hoepfully find something more genuine later]

Blatant poke from JNV. Question for you here - any particular reason your poke/survival vote goes on TUN? What are your thoughts now?

12 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Who’d people make their PMs with? I be curious.

Oh yeah. Ash asks about knowing who opened PMs with whom and I don't disagree it's nice to be able to map out player connections. Probably forces the Elim team to decide if they want to go for complete distancing or not, which means resonances are potentially more telling than in an open PM game. Slight V points for that.

11 hours ago, The Unknown Novel said:

Crct, I da Slim Shady

See: LG87, LG90.

11 hours ago, Archer said:

I'd like to add when did make the PM to the discussion question

What do you hope to achieve from this one?

5 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Could kill Bookwyrm. Evade. TUN draws eyes but my eyes are drawn the same as always. Still like Turtle as a vote. Xino could be better. But Xino was last time and went poorly last time.

It's interesting to me Ash is drawn to Turtle. I get the sense that he's drawn to multiple other suspicions but picks Turtle so that's a bit ? for me in that I don't understand this but player vote preference is always worth noting especially when implicit (hi Mat! :D )

4 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Doth not the rules sayest, 'thy failure to slay thine enemy, shall be thy doom.'

Good rule catch and correction here. This is very important because we only get the 50% death if the knife user kills a Villager. This means that the knife may not be as useful to the Elims unless they are willing to roll the dice - their preference will probably be to persuade Village knife-users to miskill or to stay under the radar enough that it happens naturally. Unclear which strategy they're going for right now.

3 hours ago, Archer said:

I'm gonna pull the plug on this now, because I expect that this will be the most popular response 

After three pages of memes, me saying something controversial is utility. 

And when I make posts like this, I'm trying to engage a wider audience. I recognize that you have a shorter deadline due to timezones, Kas, but you've got to read the room. If you wallpost, you discourage hot takes from my target demographic. The reason you're drawn to this is the reason you should have let it simmer; it's the only readable thing going on right now. 


Anyway, Xino casually told me they probably weren't going to make PMs, which is villagey. Elims gotta spider y'know. 

Turtle calling their vote a poke is scummy. 

Oh and the GMs told me off recently for quoting the exact time of a PM message, so round to the nearest hour, y'all. 

Still think it's basically an anti-Village strategy. But I get enough Village off this post to feel uncertain enough to go: Archer.

29 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

expt fr when theyr not

edit: lol also voted b4 the vc

Question: if you're sus of Turtle, how does voting alongside Turtle make you feel?

For the moment...TUN.

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15 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Silho picks this up on the second time I mention this and asks. ...This is gonna be another game in which I basically think Silho is just Evil because of terribad vibes, isn't it >> I don't know: the interaction is like this: I mention I'm tempted to V read Wiz -> Shining votes Wiz -> later on, I reiterate that I do in fact have a slightly positive read of Wiz, and Shining asks to know why and then unvotes. The whole process felt so perfunctory I wondered if Shining was really interested in voting Wiz, but ONCE AGAIN I don't know if I can really make sense of Shining voting and unvoting so readily minus a distancing vote (and Wiz wasn't in danger anyway so why bother) so I'm just going to shrug and squint at Shining and move ON :|9

Here's a rule of thumb: if you find yourself not liking my tone, I'm V!Silho. If I'm feeling really vil to you but my actions seem off, I'm E!Silho. Cause it's actually been true every game so far I think :P.

19 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Question: if you're sus of Turtle, how does voting alongside Turtle make you feel?

You must've missed my Turtle vote:

1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

when u start typing normally smh

cause kas may have his own thoughts on u and ur behavior but i dont have the same context and ill judge on my terms




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1 minute ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Here's a rule of thumb: if you find yourself not liking my tone, I'm V!Silho. If I'm feeling really vil to you but my actions seem off, I'm E!Silho. Cause it's actually been true every game so far I think :P.

Hey I talked myself into not voting you, if you're Village you gotta give me some credit for that at least! :P 

2 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

You must've missed my Turtle vote:

I didn't - it was aimed at you going for Bookwyrm (and admittedly that earlier vote) since Turtle is willing to vote there. Sort of more of "How does this coherently work for you if you think Turtle is Evil and also Bookwyrm." Unless you've since changed your Bookwyrm thoughts?

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

Hey I talked myself into not voting you, if you're Village you gotta give me some credit for that at least! :P 

+1 SilhoCredit

1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

I didn't - it was aimed at you going for Bookwyrm (and admittedly that earlier vote) since Turtle is willing to vote there. Sort of more of "How does this coherently work for you if you think Turtle is Evil and also Bookwyrm." Unless you've since changed your Bookwyrm thoughts?

Y'know I wish I had a coherent picture of my actions in the larger scale of things but my big picture skills as of now aren't great

Currently more sus of Turtle than Bookwyrm (hence my Turtle vote), but E!Turtle and E!Bookwyrm are maybe mutually exclusive I suppose

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Let's do that thing.

If Archer doesn't vote, there's a 40% chance he dies no matter what. If he's the lead train as well, this guarantees us a single casualty. As it is, we're looking at four worlds:


AFAICT this is the simplified decision matrix. We know the IF filter odds. Lynching or not lynching Archer is within our control. This model ignores protect success and makes the pessimistic assumption silver dust is not so prevalent such that someone will always die.

The obviously worst outcome is failing to lynch V!Archer in a world where V!Archer dies to the IF, because that gets us three Villager losses either way you slice it. The L sub-world is a little better than the ML sub-world, of course, since there is a dead Elim in that world. It's tempting to argue that since the outcomes are usually -2V or -2V/1E, we should really avoid the disastrous 3V box by ensuring a successful Archer lynch.

You could argue this model fails because not all V casualties are equal and losing Archer =/= losing me for instance. It's a bad trade and we're better off losing V!me compared to V!Archer. I'm happy to agree with this argument but I dislike it being employed because I kind of don't think it's healthy for SE to think in terms of player value and that gets dark real fast when we move outside the very careful example I've selected so far. So I'm going to willfully ignore it.

That being said, it really, really sits badly with me to want to just lynch a player regardless of their alignment or the fact I do get some V vibes off Archer's last post.

TUN Turtle.

I guess?

I am ready to be convinced to move elsewhere or to change my mind another fifty times before rollover :|

16 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

+1 SilhoCredit

Can I buy anything with it though :eyes:

17 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Currently more sus of Turtle than Bookwyrm (hence my Turtle vote), but E!Turtle and E!Bookwyrm are maybe mutually exclusive I suppose

Okay, fair enough.

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Kas, I can't quote you on mobile so here's bullet points:
-We have an urgency difference. You don't want to waste C1, I was building towards a more meaningful C2
-Given my sussing of Mat in the LG for not voting and my self awareness demonstrated by announcement of my intentions, you can conclude I'm taking a stance on voting I don't fundamentally agree with (at the expense of C1 progress - the theoretical tradeoff is one vote for more meaning behind all the other votes)
-The goal was to entice opportunistic votes, which would be noticeable by their hasty reasoning. Too easy clears would also be sus. It's largely based on the reasoning expressed.
-On the subject of Xino's vote, I should be sussed more for PMing Xino. I'd forgotten about their vote by the time I did, but it looks like e!me trying to privately reduce the pressure on me
-I read Xino village for the VCs because they specifically do that as a villager, but I normally read that as elim. It's weird how many we've had.
-For future reference, my guess would be the elims voted early this round so they wouldn't forget. A two man team especially should be worried about risks because 2 on 8 is scary.
-I suspect the elims held off on making PMs until they decided who they needed to target for networking. Casual conversation isn't top of mind so they might as well reserve the resource.

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1 minute ago, Archer said:

-We have an urgency difference. You don't want to waste C1, I was building towards a more meaningful C2

LG79 - it's why I've pulled off, yes, though the multiboxing option is still looking awfully tempting :|

3 minutes ago, Archer said:

-Given my sussing of Mat in the LG for not voting and my self awareness demonstrated by announcement of my intentions, you can conclude I'm taking a stance on voting I don't fundamentally agree with (at the expense of C1 progress - the theoretical tradeoff is one vote for more meaning behind all the other votes)

That's what fundamentally throws me - that and 0.4 is just a little shy of a coinflip for an extra death.

4 minutes ago, Archer said:

-The goal was to entice opportunistic votes, which would be noticeable by their hasty reasoning. Too easy clears would also be sus. It's largely based on the reasoning expressed.

Ok, fair enough.

4 minutes ago, Archer said:

-On the subject of Xino's vote, I should be sussed more for PMing Xino. I'd forgotten about their vote by the time I did, but it looks like e!me trying to privately reduce the pressure on me

Ngl I legit thought it was graph-related.

5 minutes ago, Archer said:

-For future reference, my guess would be the elims voted early this round so they wouldn't forget. A two man team especially should be worried about risks because 2 on 8 is scary.

Sounds reasonable to me, and makes me feel a bit better about going for Turtle tbh.

5 minutes ago, Archer said:

-I suspect the elims held off on making PMs until they decided who they needed to target for networking. Casual conversation isn't top of mind so they might as well reserve the resource.

Ok, also sounds reasonable. That and they might have to decide if they want a distancing PM.

@The Bookwyrm 




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Fifteen-minute warning!

  • Archer (3): xinoehp512, The Wandering Wizard, The Bookwyrm
  • Turtle (3): Ashbringer, Shining Silhouette, Kasimir
  • The Unknown Order (1): JNV
  • The Bookwyrm (1): Turtle
  • The Wandering Wizard (1): The Unknown Novel
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I love when post editor thinks the post I sent last night needs to send again

What to do what to do

More meaningful C2?

People follow me onto Turtle. is Strange. But Turtle is not Archer, and Archer is strange. TUN votes Wiz, why?

Shining is here. JNV and Xino are long gone. Bookwyrm not-so-long-gone. Kas, Archer, Ash are here. TUN is here.

Edit: Turtle is here!

Edited by Ashbringer
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