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Lost Metal Chapters 14 and 15 reactions


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5 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Harmony recognizing a corrupted atium is an idea... but I'd assume Harmony still has the issues of seeing metal that the other shards have, and it depends how complete the corruption is.

Maybe this is why He wants make Earing - Spike from it and put them into Wax together. So he can "synchronize" himself to the Trellium and start feel it.

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6 hours ago, Harrycrapper said:

Yea we don't have anything confirmed, but there's a few disparate facts that point in the direction of some sort of futuresight beyond what Era 1 Atium provides. The ancient Terris people had prophecies that seemed to have been fulfilled by Sazed which would have had to of been well over a thousand years old. None of the known Feruchemical abilities provide futuresight and Allomancy was extremely rare back then. The Terris Worldbringers knew the location of the Well of Ascension, which was right next to Ruin's perpendicularity, so they likely knew of it too at some point. Just seems to me that pure Atium from the anti Well of Ascension is most likely involved with the prophecies. 

Yeah, I mean this has always been an unresolved point for me.

I'm starting to wonder if they got their powers from the pool and the concentration of investiture of the atium alloy, kind of like the horn eaters got abilities from being around their pool, and then got the prophecies from interacting with Preservation in the cognitive. There obviously was some communication between the early Terris and Roshar due to the World Singer/World Bringer thing so people used Ruin's pool, Preservation's ghost can't send messages to people in the physical, and there were no Mistborn to burn atium alloys with duralumin to see enough into the future for these kinds of prophecies. 

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That's a very mean cliffhanger. I NEED to know what was the output of this experiment ! If they did succeed... will they have to fight the kandra to keep the Lerasium ? Could we have a Steris-Mistborn ?


(Btw something screems "SUS" with that kandra)

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I'm thinking the experiment has failed to make Lerasium because Brandon has said that era 3 is the next time we see mistborn.


And I know there are a lot of people who want it but if there's another "who's the Kandra" plotline I'm going to scream. We already had one this era.

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10 hours ago, Frustration said:

I'm thinking the experiment has failed to make Lerasium because Brandon has said that era 3 is the next time we see mistborn.

I always assumed this was Kelsier not a new Mistborn because of the WoB that we will see more Kelsier in Era3 and the rogue Mistborn thing sounds like him. Up until these pre-view chapters that is. 

10 hours ago, Frustration said:

And I know there are a lot of people who want it but if there's another "who's the Kandra" plotline I'm going to scream. We already had one this era.

I agree 100% 

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29 minutes ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Why do u think that might happen? Was there some set up?

No, there are just some people talking about it.

3 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

I always assumed this was Kelsier not a new Mistborn because of the WoB that we will see more Kelsier in Era3 and the rogue Mistborn thing sounds like him. Up until these pre-view chapters that is. 

He's said that Mistborn will have become legend at that point, so that's the soonest that they can come back.

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But yeah, this seems like something similar to some sort of nuke. Splitting apart the metal, and by the fact we know that there is an E=mc2 of Investiture, Matter, and Energy, and that they mentioned "how much energy can be in a metal", that this likely managed to "split" the metal in a way that converts it, at least partially, into energy. That is my theory of what happened. 

So, this might be a form of nuclear bomb. But definitely only partial if anywhere near a complete reaction, if we assume the same equation. 89875517873682 Joules per gram, which is basically the Little Boy. 


Also, Trellium being pushed away from other Investiture seems like it would be good in Invested Technology. So we have sensors with Trellium, Stormlight 4 Spoilers:


and we have wires with Raysium. Able to allow for the transfer of Investiture through lines of it.

Seems like we are going closer and closer to Invested technology with these different God Metals being introduced lately. 

Not sure how Harmonium or Tanavastium-Koravarium would work in this manner. Maybe bits if a way is found to make them appear and disappear with a current of Investiture.  

Edited by Firesong
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3 hours ago, Firesong said:

So, this might be a form of nuclear bomb. But definitely only partial if anywhere near a complete reaction, if we assume the same equation. 89875517873682 Joules per gram, which is basically the Little Boy. 

I've been thinking the same thing.  MB Era 1 was medieval/renaissance fantasy.  AoL was 1880s, SoS 1910s, BoM felt like a WWI-esque spy thriller.  It makes a lot of sense for TLM to introduce WWII-style themes, including, but not limited to, Investiture-based nuclear weapons.

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14 minutes ago, AquaRegia said:

I've been thinking the same thing.  MB Era 1 was medieval/renaissance fantasy.  AoL was 1880s, SoS 1910s, BoM felt like a WWI-esque spy thriller.  It makes a lot of sense for TLM to introduce WWII-style themes, including, but not limited to, Investiture-based nuclear weapons.

In lower amounts, the whole Era 2 is based on late 19th to early 20th century. Era 3 is gonna be 1980's era tech, and if we get one, Era 2.5 will be the ~1940's level. But that is one he talked about the least, he talked far more about a 3.5 Cyberpunk era. Which I definitely want, I love the Cyberpunk aesthetic and such. 

But yeah, this seems like some early form of Invested nukes, like, first discovering the technology for such things. Wonder where it will go. 

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47 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

I saw on Reddit someone suggesting there will be more Atium than Larasium in Ettmetal, so when you pull it apart you are left with having all the Larasium destroyed, and then a tiny bit of Atium. For meta plot reasons, this makes a lot of sense. 

There should be equal amounts of Ruin and Preservation in ettmetal. There is technically more Ruin than Preservation in Harmony, because Scadrians are more of Preservation than of Ruin, but WoB implies that Harmony is doing something with this extra Ruin (possibly atium, actually), so we'd still expect a hypothetical ettmetal split to give equal amounts of atium and lerasium.

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1 minute ago, hitkay said:

There should be equal amounts of Ruin and Preservation in ettmetal. There is technically more Ruin than Preservation in Harmony, because Scadrians are more of Preservation than of Ruin, but WoB implies that Harmony is doing something with this extra Ruin (possibly atium, actually), so we'd still expect a hypothetical ettmetal split to give equal amounts of atium and lerasium.

Well didn't Preservation take the extra Ruin and turn it into the metal reserves? Wouldn't it make sense for Harmony to utilize the same tactic? Harmony could take the extra ruin and place it in the metal in a similar way, but temper it with some Preservation. 

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Just now, teknopathetic said:

Well didn't Preservation take the extra Ruin and turn it into the metal reserves? Wouldn't it make sense for Harmony to utilize the same tactic? 

Exactly, a metal reserve of atium is essentially a way to release Ruin's Investiture until it's equal to Preservation's. Harmony's Intent is about finding harmony between Ruin and Preservation, so I doubt his God Metal would be unbalanced between them.

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