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The Vigil (E6T2)


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Lena, University District, Il Grano

Lena smiled at the dark red liquid in her glass, watched it move from one side to the other when she turned the glass slowly in her hand. The wine smelled amazing. Sweet, but a little herb as well, not too sour and it's colour was a winning condition on its own. She lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip, enjoyed the flavors in her mouth. Delicious.

The man, Steven, sat close to her at the table made a sound and she looked over to him, covered her annoyance with a smile. Steven straightened on his stool at her obvious attention and launched into another elaborate story of his and Lena forced herself to keep at least part of her attention with him this time. He was boring. His stories were boring, his opinions not of any interest to her and the perfume he wore smelled like wet dog. But even more important, he was arrogant. And that made him easy prey.

She widened her eyes in faked surprise when he finished the story with a non surprising twist, something about his brother who guessed a gift correctly? How could someone fill their days with such boring things, when you could head out and breathe the smell, feel the heartbeat of Alleycity? It was amazing. Monsters, fabulous women and glorious men, adventures and alleys, and this guy talked about guessing a gift. She took another sip of her wine and decided to go on with this quickly. If she had to listen to another word coming out of his mouth she would end this another way. And in that case she would have to find another suitable victim. No, it was better to endure him for a little while longer.

"Would you care for a more private place?" She asked him, careful to stress the word private just in the right way. His face shone up like a star at night and his ego grew like a plant with water. Lena leaned a little forward and noticed with satisfaction that he took the oppotunity to glance into her cleveage. She was dressed in a beautiful, dark violett dress that went perfectly with the dark wig she wore. It highlighted her curves, lifted her breasts a little and its fabric caressed her skin. Or in other words, she loved it. It was rare to find a piece that fit you so well.

In a fluid motion she stood up, enjoyed Steven's admiring gaze and took her glass into her hand. She walked over to the staircase leading upstairs, aware of his eyes lingering on her backside, a smile on her face. Lena didn't wait for him  but instead climbed the stairs without hesitation, stepping into the the hallway on top of them. She opened the second door to the right and only now waited for him to reach the top of the stairs before she entered. Couldn't have the poor guy wander around like a lost soul.

When he finally entered the room she was standing in front of the mirror, her glass carefully placed on a small table nearby. She watched him through the mirror, observed as he took in the large bed and the drawer. Mat, the owner of this place, had a few rooms he rented to drunken customers at night, or to love struck couples. Or to others. He didn't particularly care as long as he was paid. She opened her pouch and lifted her lipstick to her lips, slowly covering them in red paint. Pursing them she ensured that they were covered completely before she added a layer of gloss, that one only slightly smaller, never touching her bare skin. Then she turned around, an alluring smile on her face, her movements enticing.

"Glad you made it." She greeted him, her smile growing wider. He shot her a slightly confused look, but Lena walked over to him, placed her hands on his chest. "You didn't need to get all that make up on them." He pointed out. "I'll smear it anyway." Lena grinned at him happily, her first real smile for the whole evening. "Oh I hope that you will. Some things need to be done the proper way." He grinned a stupid, male grin and her heart jumped in excitement. Finally. It had been too long. Without any further delay she kissed him. Watched his smile falter a short while later, watched him stumble backwards, trip and hit his head when he fell to the ground. And smiled. She had calculated correctly.

Lena reached for a handkerchief and removed the remaining lipstick from her mouth, happily humming to herself. Then she sat down in a comfortable chair and took another sip of wine. It was far too good to waste it.

Some time later she left the room and locked the door behind herself. This time she didn't take the steps back into the main room, but instead a smaller one set at the back of the house. She opened a wooden door without knocking, waved at the man inside. "I'll go now." She informed him cheerfully and tossed him a small bag. He caught it and opened it, before he nodded. "Is he still alive." He asked and didn't wait for a reply. "You didn't check, I know. " he made a wave with his hand. "Should I need a clean up crew -" "it'll cost me extra." Lena finished his sentence. "I know, I know. He hit his head when he fell." She gave a slight shrug. "But he's definitely not dead from the poison." She hadn't made such a beginners mistake in years. It was so much more complicated to keep them alive than to kill them.

"I'll be back in a couple of hours." She threw him another bag. "Put that in his drink when he wakes up." It would keep the guy off work for a bit. "Will do." Mat replied curtly. "Have a good day, Leila." She smiled and waved at him, before she shut the door again. It had been a good day. And with a guild head meeting coming up it would only be better. Humming happily she walked through the streets, a small passcard in her pocket. It was going to be her invitation.

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Marie, the Bindpoint 

Marie wavered at the man's offer. He was a Valiert? The name was faintly familiar; perhaps she'd met a couple in passing at balls, but all of that was so long ago. The house must have survived to the present day. Certainly she didn't recall this particular lord, but then, she wouldn't; she had never been a part of Elendel's noble scene. Not that she would have wanted to - but should she want to, now? Should she consider dipping her toes into whatever equivalent this city had?

The idea wasn't very appealing. Maybe it should be, though. She had to start somewhere, to prove she could interact with people. Admittedly that might be difficult as an Inquisitor, but there wasn't much to do about that. 

"I would appreciate that," she said abruptly. How long had she been thinking? Marie fixed her eyespikes on the Valiert. "Actually, I'm looking for something else to wear as well, so if -" 

Movement caught her gaze; a flash of light followed by the movement suddenly freezing again. Marie tensed at this, head turning to catch it. The lines there, the way they pointed, and in that concentration - she hadn't seen them like that since kandra back on Scadrial. Her hand slipped into her pocket again. "You," she called out. "Did you follow me?" She looked back at the Valiert, searching this time, and he had the same rusting patterns. Spiked. 

Something ran through her, a shiver of some emotion she couldn't - or didn't want to - name, and she bared her teeth for a moment. "He sent you after me? And here I thought for once - no." She ran her thumb over the raised design on the irony in her palm; the largest denomination of coin, worth two boxings, but more important was its weight. "Why are you here, then? What do the two of you have to say?" She stared down the one who had been about to sneak off. "Are you just keeping a rusting eye on me? Or...are you going to try to take me back?" 

Ironies were coins that could do damage. She didn't know if a good Push with it could shatter a kandra's bones, but she'd be happy if she got to find out. 


(In case it needs to be said, Marie is not actually going to attack them unless they do first, but she sure wants to lol) 

@Voidus @Ookla the Nerdy 

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SeKaan, the Bindpoint 

"Are you just keeping a rusting eye on me? Or...are you going to try to take me back?" The Inquisitor asked, a fury conveyed by the lowering of a brow rather than a glint of the eye but no less threatening.

"To keep an eye on you?" Lord Valiert replied, placing a hand over his heart in offense. "Why lady Inquisitor I have no idea..."

His eyes followed the direction her head had tilted, catching sight of translucent skin, metal glinting as it caught the sunlight. One of the Faceless Immortals, here along with an Inquisitor! What an auspicious day. But the two seemed to have no relation, was there perhaps some friction that had gone forgotten by mythology?

"Apologies." SeKaan replied, shaking their head to remove the remnants of Lord Valiert from their mind. "Little hard to slip back out of the role sometimes."

There was little point to trying to maintain a ruse, as soon as her head had turned to follow the Kandra that they had noticed they knew it would not be long before those same eyes of steel would be turned to them. An Inquisitors Steelsight was a formidable concern it seemed. They would have to be more careful with the placement of their spikes in the future, perhaps think of some countermeasure.

"I assure you that I had no ill intent in my approach." They continued, holding both hands up to show them as empty. "I actually had no idea that I would find you here, nor any other of my kind..."

They turned, still keeping the face of Lord Valiert for now, given that there were more than just the three of them present on the street, to look towards the other. The translucent Kandra who had given themselves away by stepping into the light. They were... unfamiliar to SeKaan, though it was hard to tell from this distance and without knowing if that was their usual bones or just a borrowed pair.

"Shall we perhaps adjourn for somewhere less public, Lady Inquisitor?" SeKaan offered, hands still raised. "Somewhere of your choosing if you are still concerned of a trap."

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KanDraa dreaded one thing above all - being found out.

Perhaps it was a holdover from DA conditioning. Perhaps it was their desire to escape, to not be seen. Or maybe it was simply a leftover urge from their short time as a mistwraith. Whatever the case, it was over. I should have left the moment I saw spikes, thought Kan. I just walked back into capture.

Well, there was no sense fighting it now. Kan slowly crept out of the shadows.

@Ookla the Archivist @Voidus

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Lita, Mistkeep

A slight unease crept over Lita at Laurelai’s question. Had she inquired about her bar idea with the Dark Alley’s “highest authority”? Being a Department Head now, there was only one true higher authority to check with, and Lita has rather been putting off a meeting with him.

Voidus. Laurelai’s father, the one who had killed the Stranger. She had seen him reach into the Spiritual Realm to pull his old friend into the Cognitive. She had watched as the two had battled, blinding light against inky endless nothing. He had featured in plenty of her restless nightmares and pensive dreams.

It was not a meeting Lita was looking forward to having. But of course, not checking beforehand could lead to something even less pleasant.

”Next on my list,” Lita said, hoping that her voice sounded lighter and more confident than she felt. “Seemed little point in asking him if I didn’t first get the most important opinion on the location.”

She smiled knowingly at Laurelai; flattery always set her more at ease, and nothing seemed to fluster the blonde like talking about her father. Lita could understand - having a god for a parent sounded mentally exhausting. 

“Now,” she continued, pointing up the street to an old Survivorist church. “I would consider this our closest competitor. I’ve come here a few times and the ambience is quite spectacular. Always gives a little flavor, that taste of blasphemy. And who doesn’t want to drink in church?”

As they neared the building, one could see the word arching over the doorway in gold metallic letters: HATHSIN. Moody, deep light seeped out the stained glass windows, and the sound of conversation and music spilled out as someone else opened the door to exit.

Lita grinned at her friend. ”Shall we?” 


Vivica, The Cauldron

“What is something you always wished to do while we were in the Forgery?"

Vivica glanced upward at Nox as he spoke, breaking out of the reverie that had quickly swept over her when he had put an arm around her, stepping out of the Alley. She could hardly believe that it was possible to be this happy. Her beautiful new white dress brushed against the backs of her legs as they stepped onto the street, silk and chiffon whisper-light on her skin. The casual touch of Nox’s hand over her shoulders sent pleasant shivers through her, echoing warm, delirious memories of the past few hours. She smiled at him, even forgetting to be afraid of the open city. It felt impossible to be afraid with him so near.

”This is all I ever wished to do in the Forgery, Nox,” said Vivica, nestling closer to him, listening to his heartbeat.

A man on the corner of the street was selling ice cream, scooping perfect spheres of pastel softness onto sweet cones. The sight stirred another memory.

”Wait…” Vivica stopped and pointed at the cart, tugging slightly on Nox’s shirtsleeve. “There was a cart like that that used to park outside the hospital. I could see it from my window.”

She smiled softly, a bit sadly. “I used to watch it sometimes, daydream about walking down the hospital stairs with you and eating ice cream. Leaving the Cognitive Ward. Sitting in the square. Feeling a breeze maybe. Like real people do.”

Vivica looked into Nox’s perfect, dark eyes. “This is real, isn’t it Nox?”


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Laurelai, Mistkeep

Laurelai gave a pleased smile to the praise before following Lita's line of sight. The inviting sound of music called from within the church, enough for Laurelai to already begin relaxing. She had hoped that the entire day could have been sent recovering from the stress of a week in Records, and yet here she was just as tense as she had been yesterday. Giving a rueful shake of the head she looked the building over, gaze lingering on the stained glass windows, illuminated from within.

"Mmm, looks quite lovely." She commented, not having been herself but quickly drawn to the ambiance. "And I'm never opposed to a little blasphemy. Especially not when it's attached to lovely conversation and something fine to drink."

Following Lita's lead, Laurelai breathed a sigh of relief as they were enveloped by a wall of warmth and sound. The streets outside had not been kind to her decision regarding boldness today, almost enough to make her regret her choice. The number of stares she received upon entering into the building however, immediately satisfied her that she had chosen well. Giving a practiced and pleased smile around the room, she turned back to Lita just quickly enough to avoid prompting anyone's approach.

"Drinks first or dancing do you think?" She asked, voice raised a little to be heard over the music. "Or would you prefer to avoid that given your recent... piercing."

Mmm, yes those lingering glances were most satisfying. It was always a nice feeling to have chosen the right outfit for the occasion, especially when pairing it with the right smile for maximum effect.

Laurelai, Alleycity 18 years ago

There were only two options, but Laurelai agonized between the white and the blue dresses. They were the only two she owned that could really be called nice, one, a simple Scadrian white was supplied by the orphanage to wear when they were taken out, the other had been a gift for her from the Lamirir's when they'd...

"Al-ethi" She said, shaking her head to dismiss the upsetting thought and repeating the words they'd used to describe it. She always seemed to have more trouble than other children with pronounciation but two years of practice had mostly helped. She could be understood now at least. "Ha-vah"

She wondered which would be the best to choose, a pit of nervous worry was already forming in her stomach at the thought of the meeting that was to take place this afternoon. She could make no mistakes, she was already so lucky that someone was even meeting with her to consider taking her in.

"Blue." She decided eventually, practicing the word and pulling the dress from her small cot. "Hello. My name is Laurlai. Laurelai. Laurelai Esserethel. I am wearing a blue havah."

Practicing further as she changed, she wondered what these new people, the Vennit's would think. What would they look for in a child? They would want her to smile, she had learned that quickly enough. People were unnerved by children who just silently stared or cried in a corner. The Lamirir's had told her she had a wonderful smile when they first met her.

She practiced, wishing that she had a mirror to see in. Quickly enough however she had to give up on smiling practice to focus on her buttons. They were so difficult, and she still wasn't sure why it was so important for her to button over one hand but not the other. It was much easier to put this dress on when someone could help her. Sometimes one of the adults would do that if they had time. Once the children had helped her, though they avoided her now.

VeeVee would help me. She thought, recalling her friend from before the Lamirir's. She always helped me with buttons and words.

She smiled in fond recollection, before remembering what had happened to her first and only friend with a sudden shiver. Her smile was lost instantly, tears springing to her eyes and only just managing to be held back.

"No no no." She whispered to herself. "Happy happy. Smiling. Hello, my name is Laurelai. I am wearing blue. Hello Mister Vennit, hello Misses Vennit. It is nice to meet you."

The smile was gone, with no way to retrieve it. She hadn't practiced enough, hadn't worked hard enough. Why had she thought about VeeVee like that? It was only going to upset her after all, best not to think about things like that. Not VeeVee, not the smell of rose-scented soaps, not fires and not the Lamirir's. But then what was there? What could she think about without getting upset?

A soft, warm sensation spread across her scalp. A feeling of loving fingers tracing something into her hairline. She smiled at the feeling, her tears quickly drying and the tension and worry that had begun to consume her mind disappearing as it washed through her. It felt comforting, and caring, and affectionate. It felt like everything that Laurelai wanted. It felt like love.

"Hello Mister Vennit, hello Missus Vennit." Laurelai said sometime later, smiling happily at the couple. "My name is Laurelai."

"Oh isn't she darling?" Said missus Vennit, returning the smile as she crouched next to Laurelai. "What a lovely dress Laurelai, very fitting for such a lovely girl."

"It is my blue havah." Laurelai said proudly, turning to better display the fabric and smiling even wider. She hoped that she'd chosen the right dress, the right smile.

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Marie, the Bindpoint 

The kandra shed the act like water, despite what they said. Still polite, as they had been before, but they dropped the scraping. At least she knew where she stood now; oddly, that made her relax just a bit. She knew how to talk to a kandra. They knew what she was. Even if they were truly surprised to encounter her here, they would understand how she worked in a fight, would likely be in contact with Harmony themself. In knowing her, they became less of an unknown. 

She shifted her stance to entirely face the other, approaching kandra. The first one, 'Valiert', was still in her view, and she did not let go of the coin. She burned another short burst of bronze; definitely those Blessing spikes kandra had from the one, but she couldn't tell which power. Surprisingly, the other seemed...not to have a Blessing? She could see the spikes easily, though. Well. Marie set it aside for later. 

"And you, do you claim not to have come for me too?" she asked them sharply. "I made a deal. You can ask yourself, I'm sure, to confirm. Or why else are you here?" 

Her head still turned to the other kandra, she spoke to Valiert. "If you like." They were drawing more attention now. Probably should avoid that whenever possible, with her new goals. She didn't have to consider where to go. "I don't know anywhere; lead the way." If there was an ambush, there would be an ambush regardless. If they wanted to stop her badly enough, it wouldn't matter where she went in this city. Better to watch where they thought to go. 

Marie thought, for a heartbeat, of asking Harmony herself what was going on and seeing if he had sent them after all. But...not yet. She just - wouldn't, yet. 

@Voidus @Ookla the Nerdy 

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KanDraa, the Bindpoint

KanDraa slunk out of the shadows. This Inquisitor (How did Kan know that word?) had gotten the better of them. The Inquisitor was talking about a deal, but Kan didn't know of anything like that. All of this did indicate one thing, though. This spiked creation didn't seem to be DA. Kan burned bronze, locating Blessings in the noble, who had revealed their identity. In addition, the Inquisitor was burning Bronze and Steel. Try to figure me out, spiked one, Kan thought. Kan spoke as best they could with their limited form.

"I am... kandra. I have not heard about this... deal. With whom would you have made it?"

@Ookla the Archivist @Voidus

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Small note, regular Kandra blessings are a passive Investiture so I don't believe Bronze would pick them up. Certainly not specifically enough to identify. Otherwise Vin would have had a much easier time Kandra hunting.

SeKaan, the Bindpoint

SeKaan considered, wondering whether or not they should show an Inquisitor and another Kandra to one of the few safe, quiet places they'd managed to find. But eventually they gave a small shrug and turned up the street, away from the center of the city and the dome that was visible there. People seemed nervous about that dome, and unwilling to get too close. Though why a city had been built around it in that case was a question for the scholars of the world.

"Come along then, there's an abandoned house I've been using for storage not too far." They said. "I'll need to pick some things up from there anyway, Lord Valiert is going to have to be retired for a little while, shame."

They grimaced a little in reluctance, their face already subtly shifting to be softer, less obviously the same. True only a few people would have been able to put the identity together and the chances of one of those few ruining the disguise in the future was minuscule, but such were the things that separated a Kandra from a human spy. Mistakes like that were not permitted for a Kandra. Better to let Lord Valiert languish unused for a time until he was forgotten here.

"And you." They said, turning their head to the Kandra. "Would you please put in some basic effort at least? We are not all too common here, at least from what I can tell. Walking around and showing your True Body for all to see is going to attract attention.

@Ookla the Archivist @Ookla the Nerdy

Voidus, The Cauldron

“This is real, isn’t it Nox?” Vivica asked, turning to look at him with large bloodshot blue eyes.

He smiled, trying to remove the momentary flash of concern at the question as he looked back. He searched her eyes, not entirely sure what he was looking for, and took a short moment before finally nodding.

"Real as can be." He replied gently, pulling her a little closer. "With or without ice cream. But since it's already here..."

He gave another smile and directed them both towards the small cart, waiting patiently until they were at the front. He dipped a hand into a coat pocket though already realized the problem when he saw the woman in front of them passing a handful of chrysts over to the cart operator. Voidus did not have any with him, he rarely carried any forms of currency due to his general lack of any need to. And he had been a little too distracted prior to Alleytravelling to the city to remember to pick any up.

"Some of everything please." He said, smiling only faintly this time as they reached the front. "My apologies I don't have any chrysts but hopefully this should cover it."

The operator gave him a slight frown, already forming words of polite refusal when he looked down at the hand Voidus extended, initially he simply tilted his head in a moment of confusion, but then an instant later his eyes shot up, thick dark brows leaping into his hairline in surprise and shock at the handful of metallic beads.

"Um sir.." The operator began, having to clear his throat several times. "Is that...?"

"Atium, yes." Voidus replied, calmly setting it atop the cart. "It is worth something is it not? I hope that will be enough."


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KanDraa - Some random street in the Alleyvillage

KanDraa followed the Inquisitor and the other Kandra through the winding streets of Alleycity. Kan noticed some of the alleys as they passed. The twisting spaces seemed to call out to Kan. The DA's experimentation went deep.
The other Kandra, the normal one, was talking. Kan ignored it until directly adressed.
"And you. Would you please put in some basic effort at least? We are not all too common here, at least from what I can tell. Walking around and showing your True Body for all to see is going to attract attention."
The words struck KanDraa as if a Coinshot had Pushed on their spikes. Kan momentarily stopped walking. 
Those dark days under experimentation. The acid, the toxins, the researchers scribbling on their notepads. When KanDraa wasn't a person, but a thing. An object for experimentation.
Kan looked at the other Kandra for a long beat.
"That would be wonderful, wouldn't it? To be what I was built for..."

@Voidus @Ookla the Archivist

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SeKaan, the Bindpoint

"That would be wonderful, wouldn't it? To be what I was built for..."

SeKaan gave the other Kandra a pitying glance before ushering them down a side street. To not even be able to perform such a basic function as a Kandra... either someone had broken them terribly or this was not a Kandra from the Homeland. Did other worlds have them after all? So many seemed to have humans after all, perhaps some others had Kandra, Mistwraiths...

"Through here, the little cottage with the painted door." They said, gesturing the two others towards the house.

The roof had partially collapsed, made partially of tile and partially of stone. It was one of many such buildings that seemed to have been abandoned during whatever the chaos that had enveloped this city a week ago was. But an abandoned building, especially one with nobody looking to reoccupy it, served as a convenient location for a Kandra to work from. It was not the most comfortable such location they had found, but it was the closest and one of the ones they were most willing to lose.

"This will do for now." They said, closing the door behind the trio. "Now, some questions for all of us I think? It did not seem that any expected to be in quite that situation today. Do you mind if I change as we talk? My True Body is here, and it is more comfortable to speak in my normal appearance."

A lie of course, but a believable one perhaps. Many of their kind did precisely that, especially when talking with other Kandra. The stone bones SeKaan had here were a nice set, but only one of many favorites.

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Lita, Hathsin, Mistkeep

Lita let herself sublimate slightly into the wash of warmth and music as she and Laurelai moved through the crowd inside Hathsin. It was still late afternoon, and there weren't too many people here yet - though more than could be expected on a typical afternoon. But, this was anything but a typical day. She caught all the admiring stares thrown Laurelai's way, the appreciative look-overs, and smiled. That should please her. Indeed, the blonde was smiling within moments, and Lita felt herself relax too. Laurelai had spent too much time on-edge lately. They both had.

"Drinks first or dancing do you think? Or would you prefer to avoid that given your recent... piercing."

Lita looked to her friend, a surprised, but very pleased, smile quickly spreading across her lips. Dancing? Lita had not expected Laurelai to suggest it herself; she must be in quite a good mood indeed.

"Dancing sounds wonderful." Lita grinned, speaking decisively to avoid giving Laurelai room to back out of the suggestion. "New jewelry should pose little problem, I rarely dance so vigorously before I've had anything to drink. Though nothing a little pewter burn can't fix, anyway."

She took Laurelai by the wrist, the motion drawing a slight bit of deja vu as she pulled her towards the dance floor, conjuring up a version of Lita that both was and was not true. A shake of the head cleared it away, and she stored the tiny burst of warmth from her cheeks into one of the brass cuffs on her ears - more out of habit than anything else. It wouldn't do to embarrass Laurelai too much so early into the evening. She had just started to calm down, after all.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vivica, the Cauldron

The ice cream was perfect: sweet, creamy, cold. It was everything she'd daydreamed about. Of course, the real Vivica had eaten ice cream plenty of times. In the Alleys, she could eat whatever she wished. Usually, that was cake. But the Forgery still felt so near, pressed up so close against her other memories. Recollections of isolation, of being trapped in her room, forced to watch the rest of the world live and laugh and move about the city, haunted her thoughts. 

Don't think about that, she told herself, forcing a smile as she licked a drip of almond ice cream off the back of her hand. Had she ever tasted anything so nice? She looked up at Nox, admiring the way his hairline curved perfectly around the back of one ear, and felt a deep warmth color her cheeks. Yes, perhaps she had. But the ice cream was still lovely. The only problem was how on earth she would eat all of it.

"I'm not sure how I shall eat all of this, Nox," she said, voicing her concern and looking over the six other ice cream cones he had bought, in addition to the one he was now eating. "But it was so wonderful of you to get it for me. I think the man with the cart was very happy with the Atium. Perhaps he needs it for an experiment?"

She swung her feet below the little park bench on which they sat, living the daydream she'd so zealously treasured during the six months of the Forgery. It was real - he'd said it was real, and so it must be real. Vivica smiled, watching Bennington swim an easy circle around the two of them, his body somewhat bigger and longer than it had used to be, but still a cheerful violet.

"What do you think this meeting will be about, Nox? I do hope they don't blame you for anything that happened - that would be most unpleasant of them."

Vivica frowned at this thought; people did not seem to appreciate Nox the way he deserved. But maybe the heads of the guilds would be more sensible than the ordinary people of the city. Surely, they would be, right?


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Laurelai, Hathsin, Mistkeep

Laurelai gave a small startled noise as Lita grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her, gently but still suddenly, over towards the dance floor. Her surprise gave way to an amused pleasure and smile as they arrived, the crowd of bodies parting naturally around the two to allow them passage. The conversations and sounds of feet moving rhythmically against the floor began to blend together into a comforting blanket of background noise. The music swelled and surrounded the pair as they drifted out together, an unfamiliar style to Laurelai, either recently imported to Scadrial or else originating from elsewhere. 

It is nice to be in a crowd like this. She thought, taking her time as she moved opposite Lita and began moving gently with the beat, getting a feel for the music. Her mind flicked instinctively through a list of well-practiced dances, most of them formal dances for Scadrian ballrooms, but she gave a small shake of the head to drive the thoughts away. Dancing like this was best enjoyed in the moment, a different sort of enjoyment to the other.

"Thanks Lita." She began voice elevated slightly to be heard but not so loud as she would if talking to someone other than a tineye. "I-"

She looked up, smiling with relaxed joy and caught the green flash of Lita's eyes staring back. She was a little taller than usual, Laurelai's shoes not elevating her height quite so much as Lita's did. And the shift in angle caught her suddenly by surprise, staring into Lita's eyes, to the joyous smile on her lips, the ease and comfort with which she moved her body...

Pulling her eyes away and freezing the smile on her face to prevent any rising flush, Laurelai scanned the rest of the room trying to find something distracting. It took a moment to realize that her mouth was still partially opened, having begun to speak and never finished.

"It's nice to get out of the office." She said, in a hopefully calm tone.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Voidus, the Cauldron

"I'm not sure of the specifics." Voidus replied, honestly. "I would have refused to come but... well we have been the cause of some recent upheavals. I imagine that's probably the core of what they wish to discuss. But as for what manner... well I probably will not get my hopes up for a thank you."

The briefest flash of tired irritation crossed his face before settling back in  passivity. Those flashes were coming a little more frequently lately, ever since the Forgery. Having lived a more normal life for a time had perhaps put Voidus a little closer to such emotional foibles than he usually was. But, then again, there were certainly benefits to be found as well to having regained a little of the humanity he'd thought long lost. A feeling of life that the void had stolen from him all those years ago.

"Let us hope at the least that they do not complain too much." He said, trying to smile reassuringly. "I would hate for them to spoil our evening. Not that I think they are in any way capable of such a thing really. You bring me far more joy than they do irritation."

He gave a small wave at the uneaten ice creams, folding space around them and causing them to vanish, stored for a later occasion. Or perhaps experimentation, Voidus was not actually certain that he'd made ice cream before. Perhaps some new flavours could be developed that he could share with Viv?


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On 11/28/2022 at 7:29 PM, Sherlock Holmes said:

"I hope I don't, if they're as fearsome as you seem to think they are," Tena said. "I have known powerful beings before, though I can hardly claim to understand them." She started to walk, gesturing for the Epic to join her. "I find your story interesting, and your passion for science commendable. I've not got the mind for it myself, but I'm well aware of how useful it is to employ scientists. Are you adept in fighting as well? We're not the sort to make a lot of mess--" she thought of the Seven Day War and the nonsense Hellbent had caused-- "not usually. I'd prefer if you were a quiet fighter, but I'm no subtle thing myself. Still, I like to think that the only way our victims see us coming is if they're looking in a mirror." She smiled crookedly. "Though I'd have to reprimand the Ghostblood sloppy enough to not wait for a more discreet time."

"I am an excellent assassin," Rik grumbled. "To my great displeasure. It is a waste of my considerable talents to merely crush a man's head from two hundred feet away. And yet, it is what I have been used for this past year." He hopped down from the roof. "If you have need of an accountant, however, I would consider it an adequate use of my time. There are many powerful creatures who keep poor records of their finances, and I find blackmail via this method to be quite satisfying. Research and development in a proper lab would be my dream, but I'm afraid my master stipulates I must be in close contact with you." He sneers. "They do not appreciate the sciences like we do."

He rubbed his chin as he looked around the city. "You may take us to any refreshment spot of your choice. If possible, though, I would prefer somewhere dry and shaded. My constitution is not meant for this intolerable warmth."

@Sherlock Holmes

Edited by Grey Knight
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Lita, Hathsin, Mistkeep

“It’s nice to get out of the office.”

Laurelai’s voice had gained an edge of tension, the relaxed joy on her face rearranging itself into practiced calm. Lita felt some of her own joy evaporate, though she did not let her disappointment show on her face.

This again, she thought, bracing herself for hours of awkward eye contact and stilted conversation. Should she have simply brought someone else? Was there any way to get her friend to relax, to soothe some of her anxiety?

Lita felt a sudden smile touch the corner of her mouth, and she reached out with a hand to spin Laurelai in a playful spiral. As she did so, she touched off the new metal within her, burning brass for the first time instead of tapping or storing into it. Then, she reached out with a very small, tentative thought to take away some of Laurelai’s tension. Just a bit - hopefully. The last thing she wanted to do was artlessly wallop her friend and tip her hand. But just enough to give them both a break, maybe? Enough calm to make coming out worthwhile? That seemed almost courteous.

”Yes,” Lita answered, smiling wider. “Yes it is. We spend far too much time indoors. Or…wherever it is we actually are. Indoors? Outdoors? In a separate dimension? Who knows.”


Vivica, The Cauldron

The thought of the rest of the city failing to recognize Nox’s kindness regarding the Forgery made Vivica pause, and she felt a little frown crease her brow. Not even his kind compliments fully erased the indignation she felt on his behalf. 

“This city is full of terribly impolite people, Nox,” she said, continuing to eat her ice cream and feeling relieved as he caused the other cones to disappear somewhere else. “Don’t they understand what you did for them? What you did for us all? What you continue to do? I just don’t understand it. Why can’t they see how much you care for this place? Why wouldn’t they say ‘thank you’?”

She stared somewhat suspiciously at the people passing by them where they sat. How many of them had cursed at the mention of her beloved’s name? How many loathed, rather than revered, their dark and wondrous god? How many took advantage of everything he and the Dark Alley built and maintained, while at the same time wishing they did not exist?

Vivica turned her eyes back to Nox’s face, and she could not help but smile. There was nothing about this moment that she deserved, and yet, here she was, within it. Within arm’s reach of him. She lifted a hand, placing the tips of her fingers against his arm. The solidity of him was almost overwhelming.

”I’ve been thinking about your beautiful earrings,” she said, reaching up and touching her one ear, where the copper spike returning her insanity nestled inside the newer flawless garnet from Nox. “I want to wear both, but I can never seem to heal my other ear back again, no matter what I try. Perhaps you have some idea of what I should do? It is a terrible thing not to enjoy the fullness of your gift to me.”


Edited by ZincAboutIt
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On 12/8/2022 at 3:10 PM, Grey Knight said:

"I am an excellent assassin," Rik grumbled. "To my great displeasure. It is a waste of my considerable talents to merely crush a man's head from two hundred feet away. And yet, it is what I have been used for this past year." He hopped down from the roof. "If you have need of an accountant, however, I would consider it an adequate use of my time. There are many powerful creatures who keep poor records of their finances, and I find blackmail via this method to be quite satisfying. Research and development in a proper lab would be my dream, but I'm afraid my master stipulates I must be in close contact with you." He sneers. "They do not appreciate the sciences like we do."

He rubbed his chin as he looked around the city. "You may take us to any refreshment spot of your choice. If possible, though, I would prefer somewhere dry and shaded. My constitution is not meant for this intolerable warmth."

"I know of such places," Tena said, jumping down from the Canton of Combat and landing on the street below. Once Rik had joined her, she continued to talk. "I do appreciate science, though I know little enough of it. I am poor with math, my strength is in my body." And my bearing, she thought, hoping it was true. She needed to be a leader. "I think there is research I could have you do, but I do need a scribe firstly. I assume you are competent with record-keeping?" It was entirely possible that her people's ledgers were in poor order, given how many Ghostbloods had left in the past few weeks.

She walked into a small bar, the place full of soft cushions and much quieter than other bars tended to be. After ordering herself a cider and watching during the entirety of its making, she drank it quickly, keeping it in her hands the entire time. She held it close to her body, as if trying to protect it. She waited for Rik to join her in a far corner of the main room, catching the barkeep's eye. He nodded to her and provided Rik with whatever drink he asked for.

@Grey Knight

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Marie, SeKaan's safehouse, the Bindpoint 

Marie followed the two kandra warily, steel on high burn as she watched around them for any more. One of them had said they were uncommon, but kandra lied easily. If they were watching her after all, then there could be more...though, she had to admit to herself she would be surprised if Harmony had sent more than a few at once. There were only so many living kandra, and she thought they had other things to interfere in. 

She didn't pay much attention to her surroundings as they moved, letting it pass mostly in a blur. Her thoughts whirred in different directions; if they were here to watch her, did she let them? Did she confront Harmony directly about it? Should she leave? Attack? Run? She hated the idea of giving up on this chance already, though. Could she hope they weren't sent by him at all? One of them did look odd, not even bothering to disguise its inhumanity. (Why wouldn't you, if you could hide your spikes? ...she tucked this thought away even as she was having it. Just to be safe.) 

She thought the two exchanged some words on the way there, but she couldn't make them out over the low buzzing filling her ears like static. It felt like it was in her chest, too; a trembling she couldn't make stop, so she ignored it. She really didn't want to go back yet. 

In what could have been seconds, they were there. They must have gone down at least a few streets, but Marie couldn't have told you how many, or from where.

The house they arrived at was another of the half-destroyed buildings this city had around; the roof was mismatched and had caved in. Briefly she wondered if the house was stable, but she had pewter and gold if it wasn't, if they were trying something. She went in with one last glance at the roof. 

The kandra who'd been a Valiert, whose hideout this was, proposed questions for all of them and Marie nodded; then they added that they wanted to change appearances. 

"I've never seen a kandra fully change before." Marie shrugged, eyespikes on this one, but listening for sudden movements from the other. She didn't care what bodies these two wore. "Do as you like. But I do want those questions." She darted a glance at the second, translucent kandra. "You asked who I made the deal with? Harmony. And if I'm to believe you're not with him, and don't know me - then my name is Marie Lekal." 

@Voidus @Ookla the Nerdy 

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SeKaan, SeKaan's safehouse, the Bindpoint 

"SeKaan." The Kandra offered, after only a moment to demure. "As for whether or not I am with Harmony... that is a difficult question to answer."

Pulling a bag from underneath a loose floorboard, SeKaan began to shuck the form of Lord Valiert. Carefully storing hair and fingernails before spitting out bones one after the other into a disorganized pile. The stone pieces of one of their True Bodies were sucked in just as quickly, replacing as they went. It would take some time to get through them all, but SeKaan was after all a proud member of the Sixth Generation. They did not need nearly so much time as the younger and less experienced of the Faceless Immortals.

"As I'm sure you could imagine I am not entirely willing to give all the details." They said, speaking truthfully as their body slowly became translucent. "I am here because I was asked to be, though I was told nothing about a surviving Inquisitor. But..."

They hesitated, wondering if they should actually share this sort of information. True, Harmony already knew and there was nobody else who would be greatly affected by that, but giving out personal information mere moments after meeting someone felt uncomfortable.

"We are not precisely on the best of terms right now." They said finally with a shrug. "I agreed as much to get away from Scadrial as I did because of who was asking. It seems you may have had a similar experience yourself?"

@Ookla the Archivist @Ookla the Nerdy

Laurelai, Hathsin, Mistkeep

Laurelai's feet moved automatically as her mind searched for a distraction, tempted for a moment by bright patterns of light. Instead, she watched the bartender across the room as she poured a row of drinks for a group of what looked like Elendel nobles, Lordlings out carousing. The practiced stream of liquid from bottle to cup captivated her until Laurelai was spun in place by Lita's hand. She kept perfect posture and balance through the spin, maintaining her smile and feeling the difficulty of maintaining it lessen as she slowly calmed.

Laurelai continued flowing with the movement, holding Lita's hand but pulling back until their arms were both stretched out, then pulling back in. Looking past Lita to the bar, Laurelai gave an easy smile to the bartender who happened to be glancing over in that moment, returning the smile with one of her own before moving to the next set of drinks. She was also, Laurelai recalled, one of several who had stared at her as she entered. Laurelai glanced for a lingering moment, wondering if perhaps she should go order some drinks for the both of them, have a casual conversation. It was always useful to know another bartender.

And it's such a nice night, shame for her to have to only entertain dull Scadrian lords. She considered with a smile. But no need for a drink yet, already feeling nice enough without.

She pulled away from Lita again, extending her arm overhead and twisting to encourage the redhead into a spin of her own when a furrow creased her brow. Just for an instant before she wiped it away, but quickly her eyes began scanning the crowd, marking out each person who was paying attention to her. Trying to pick which of them were just looking and which were... focused.

Can I not simply go out dancing for one night without some Misting trying to soothe me? She wondered as she ticked people off one by one. At the least it's subtle enough not to be insulting. A little too sudden though, not a build. Someone a little less experienced perhaps?

She rode the wave of calm, allowing it to drive her smile rather than forcing one of her own as her eyes met Lita's again. She added a little extra warmth for the redhead, glad that they both finally had an opportunity to go out together, that Laurelai had finally had a chance to give Lita the gift that she'd...

Her eyes tried to widen but she slid instead to Lita's back, hands still grasped and causing her to wrap an arm partly around her waist. The motion was enough distraction and time to pull her control back tightly, let the calm wash away the sudden surprise of realization that her friend had soothed her. A slight smile showed as she got past her initial shock, pleased that Lita had taken her up on her offer of practice. But it was soon wiped clean as she mentally cataloged what exactly she was feeling right now. Why had Lita chosen to make Laurelai calm?

Because she can see that you keep tensing up and it's annoying her. A voice sneered at the back of her mind. You're slipping Laurelai, letting someone pick up on what you're trying to hide so easily. This is what you get for trying to manage things this way instead of the easiest way, the way you're best at.

She faltered a half step in the rhythm, mind whirling and considering before coming to a rapid and resigned agreement. A moment of concentration, carefully stepping back into the rhythm of music quickly enough that it could hopefully just be mistaken as a momentary mis-step. Her body moved automatically again as her mind shifted its focus, drawing glowing lines of invisible energy. Not even a shudder ran through her as the stamp took hold, the only evidence of its usage a more relaxed and easy demeanor and a ring of flowers that now circled her little finger. Not an intentional part of the Forgery but innocent enough that she simply gave a small smile as she noticed it.


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KanDraa, SeKaan's safehouse, the Bindpoint

KanDraa listened to SeKaan and Marie. They seemed to have had similar experiences. What would that be like, to have a bond like that with someone? Kan didn't know. SeKaan was getting out of his skeleton and putting in a stone one. KanDraa supposed that they could ask for a True Skeleton, but decided not to. After all, this one was theirs. Perhaps the one thing that they had ever truly owned.

"I have never met Harmony. He is the god of... Scadrial, correct? They were very interested in him. Something about holding two opposing shards. I missed most of it, but I heard snippets."

@Ookla the Archivist @Voidus

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Balance the Realizer, various parts of Alleycity

Balance dashed through the streets of Alleycity. He was running, though he wasn’t sure from what. The change of his hand and part of his face had been a catalyst, but they were not the reason. He slowed, and finally came to a stop. He looked around, and saw that he was in the abandoned parking lot he had destroyed Technotic’s first motivator in. Things had been shifted by the releasing of the world from its bindings, but it felt right. Strangely, the wall he had destroyed had been reconstituted, probably by the releasing of what he had heard people call “the Forgery”. There was still a pile of debris from his destruction of the motivator, though only the bits of metal remained.

He still felt the urge to run, but he refused. He had nothing to run from, even himself. Himself. The word echoed through his head. It was as if that word had unlocked something, and then the memories hit him, and he collapsed onto the bare earth.

He was young, on a planet much like Earth, and yet different. The technology level was higher, and it harnessed powers similar to magic and Epics. It was blended, and the people lived in harmony with each other and nature. He grew up, making and losing friends, going to school, the common things one does as one grows. As he grew, so did his curiosity of the world. There were deep jungles and oceans that had not been explored, and legends grew around them. At the age of 18, he had decided to become an explorer, and with some help from a team, he debunked several myths about strange places. As the years passed, he and his team became close friends, and one day he was given a small cube with a voice recording of a song.

As he reached the age of 20, he discovered a strange vault door in the middle of a massive mountain cave. In spite of a sense of foreboding, he and his team managed to unlock it. As it opened, a chill wind swept through the cave, carrying the scent of blood and death and something rotting. Chilling red light shone out, somehow enhancing the shadows. A rumbling chuckle echoed through the cavern and in his and his team's minds. They heard one word, seemingly shouted exuberantly. “Free!” A dark shape shot out of the vault and the cavern, and behind it occurred withering and destruction. The one who had given him the song was knocked aside, and every part that had been touched began to wither and die. Like a poison, it began to spread across her entire body, but before she died, she managed to translate some runes carved into the back of the vault door. “Render, Destroyer of Worlds, Eater of Fate, Ending of All”. Horrified, Balance and his team contacted the elders of their world, who were the government. After much discussion, a course was decided upon. Using old magic, new technology, and the natural laws of the world, the elders undid time, unraveling it so that Render did not exist. For, if It had been permitted to destroy all of their world, It would have moved on to other worlds and places. This was the only way to contain the damage. The undoing of time removed their world from possibility, causing everything that they were to unexist, to never have existed in the first place. However, trying to help, Balance entered the circle the Elders had made to enact the spell. He was removed from possibility, and ejected into another world, the world of Calamity and the Reckoners. The destruction of his people was his fault, HIS.

Balance cried. This was why he had been running. This was why he had been so afraid. He wanted to forget, and wanted to remember. To keep himself human. To not make the same mistakes again. Outwardly, he seemed young, still twenty years old, but inwardly he was decades older. He wanted to end, to join his people in nothingness. And yet… he was still bound to truth. It was at the core of his powers, something that his investment by Calamity had caused. He had Oathed to help Demaren Technotic, and he would. And too, his curiosity was piqued. He wanted to know more of the worlds that touched Alleycity, this world of crossroads and unexpected ways. He wanted to know what was happening to him, why he was changing in this way. He got up, brushed himself off, and strode sedately towards Technotic’s shop, mentally exhausted.

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On 12/13/2022 at 0:01 PM, Sherlock Holmes said:

"I know of such places," Tena said, jumping down from the Canton of Combat and landing on the street below. Once Rik had joined her, she continued to talk. "I do appreciate science, though I know little enough of it. I am poor with math, my strength is in my body." And my bearing, she thought, hoping it was true. She needed to be a leader. "I think there is research I could have you do, but I do need a scribe firstly. I assume you are competent with record-keeping?" It was entirely possible that her people's ledgers were in poor order, given how many Ghostbloods had left in the past few weeks.

She walked into a small bar, the place full of soft cushions and much quieter than other bars tended to be. After ordering herself a cider and watching during the entirety of its making, she drank it quickly, keeping it in her hands the entire time. She held it close to her body, as if trying to protect it. She waited for Rik to join her in a far corner of the main room, catching the barkeep's eye. He nodded to her and provided Rik with whatever drink he asked for.

"I am competent in that field," Rik said. He settled down and looked suspiciously at his own cider. He had never been been fond of the drink back on Earth, but this one was far darker than what he was used to. A thick fragrance surrounded it, though not an unpleasant one.

"What is the Ghostblood's priority at this moment? Are your assets liquid enough to sustain short-term operations, or are you threatened with total insolvency and financial ruin?"

@Sherlock Holmes

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7 hours ago, Grey Knight said:

"I am competent in that field," Rik said. He settled down and looked suspiciously at his own cider. He had never been been fond of the drink back on Earth, but this one was far darker than what he was used to. A thick fragrance surrounded it, though not an unpleasant one.

"What is the Ghostblood's priority at this moment? Are your assets liquid enough to sustain short-term operations, or are you threatened with total insolvency and financial ruin?"

"Financial ruin isn't a problem, since our manufacturing continues," Tena said, careful to keep her words guarded. She didn't intend on saying anything untrue-- being a poor liar, despite herself-- but she didn't want to "give anything away", as she'd so often heard. "We are poorer than we were, but we were never poor. I'm working on recruitment in particular, since I think that's our best hope for recovering."

She finished her drink and set it down on the table, still keeping it close to herself. "We'll be doing some small operations in dealing with crime in the Alleycity, I think. There's a lot of looting and confusion following the shift of everyone's personalities. It's a proper mess."

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Lita, Hathsin, Mistkeep 

There was a moment where Lita was certain Laurelai had noticed, and she braced herself for a knowing smile or gentle tease. But then Laurelai slid behind her with a smile, moving to the music easily. There was a slight lapse to her rhythm for one fraction - then the tension in her hands, her fingers, disappeared completely.

 Lita turned again with a smile, meeting Laurelai’s eyes. The blonde’s face was alight with a happy expression - seemingly genuine. The smile Lita was used to, the one from before the Forgery. 

That was easy, Lita thought, and the delight lasted all of a moment before she realized how unlikely it would be for her first tentative soothing to cause such a total change in her friend’s demeanor. Keen eyes caught sight of a the small ring of flowers around Laurelai’s finger, and her heart fell.

”I’m going to go get us something to drink,” she said, voice light and easy, not betraying her inner turmoil. “Please do have too much fun without me, that is why we are here.”

Lita turned, and only then allowed her eyes to close a bit, allowed herself to feel a sliver of sorrow as she walked through the crowd. It stung, but perhaps Lita had been too optimistic to expect anything else. Her company was now stressful - the problem was Lita herself. Why else would Laurelai have to change herself to be able to spend time with her?

She fought off the urge to leave, to simply disappear into the crowd, go home, and do something else. Something relaxing. Her mind strayed to pouring wine, the meditative perfection of a job done to its utmost. Almost, she did leave. But no - that was a step too far. She had come out with Laurelai, and they would finish the evening together. Whatever Laurelai thought of her now, Lita was not about to add to her only friend’s reasons for disliking her company.


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SeKaan, SeKaan's safehouse, the Bindpoint 

"You've never met Harmony?" SeKaan repeated, their tone exaggerated in its incredulity to make up for their lack of a face with which to express it. They slid translucent muscle fibers over a skull to rectify that problem as quickly as possible, sliding it into place atop the vertebrae and twisting it slightly back and forth as tendons formed. They moved a little faster than normal, preferring speed and an immediate resolution to their problems rather than perfect accuracy.

"That seems to have the most interesting story behind it of all." SeKaan continued, forming lips just in time to pull them into a wry smile. "I am not familiar with any others of our kind who survived but did not meet Harmony. Or at least talk to them."

Him. SeKaan reminded themself, though it seemed strange for a god to ascribe to only one gender. Easier to remember when I am wearing someone else, but best to remember now as well. For politeness if nothing else.

They tilted their head, examining this strange member of their species who seemed to lack some of their most distinguishing abilities. Almost SeKaan would be tempted to think this was something else entirely, some human with translucent flesh. But the similarities were too great, the placement of spikes to specific.

"I think you have a story to tell, Kandra of unknown generation. And I would appreciate hearing it, in particular who this 'them' is."

@Ookla the Archivist @Ookla the Nerdy

Voidus, The Cauldron

 "It is a terrible thing not to enjoy the fullness of your gift to me.” vivica said, polite as ever and with a smile that eased all his irritation away in a heartbeat.

"It is no impoliteness to wish to be as you are." Voidus replied, wearing a faint grin touched with lingering sadness. "I do hope that is clear, I certainly can heal these for you. Though you're unusually resistant to that. Or, not healing precisely but any further alterations."

He gave a gentle shake of his head, dismissing the thought with the motion to better concentrate on enjoying her presence. He lifted his arm slowly before placing his hand against hers that had been touching it, letting their fingers push softly against each other in a mirrored tender sentiment. His smile became a little warmer and wider as he beheld it, such a simple thing, but when was the last time he had taken a moment to enjoy it?

"Well, as I say if it is what you actually wish for then I can certainly do so. It would be easiest in the Alleys, mostly just due to the lack of prying eyes. But I can do so here if you would prefer, eyes or no."

His dark eyes met the dancing joyous blues of hers with an intensity to show that his words were not empty. If he needed to simply remove every pair of eyes that could behold them from their surroundings then he would do so. It was simple courtesy and practicality that kept him from doing so the moment she made her request.


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KanDraa, SeKaan's safehouse, the Bindpoint

KanDraa sat down in the safehouse. The other Kandra wanted to know Kan's story. Well, Kan supposed that they didn't have a choice. It was time to talk.

"The first thing I remember is pain. I slowly became aware of the world around me, with the blurry vision of a newborn kandra. I saw people in cloaks leaning over me with hammers and spikes. When they saw me move, they stuck one more spike into me and something changed."

"They locked me into a cage from which I could not escape. I don't know exactly how it worked, but I was trapped. The researchers removed my spikes and replaced them. They devised tests and forced me to follow. I wanted more than anything to go. But I could not."

"About a week ago, something changed. The fabrics of this world unraveled and rewove, and I was able to leave. Now I'm here in your safehouse, hoping to lie low."

"I don't know who the people that made me are. But I do know of their organization: The Dark Alley."

@Voidus @AonEne

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