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Kollos blooded implications


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I was curious on what exactly a Kollos blooded person was, because as far as I knew Kollos could not reproduce. But after reading up on some answers to similar questions from Brandon, we know that they can now reproduce, and the Hemalurgic spikes of the Kollos cause some genetic changes in their kinda human children. Does this mean that all types of Hemalurgic abilities can affect offspring? Imagine if two inquisitors had a child, how much Hemalurgic ability or genetic changes, if any, would that child posses? Maybe this was already common knowledge for some of you, but I found this thought to be pretty interesting. 

Edited by Bebop
I didn't mean to post this twice, and I can't figure out how to delete it, sorry.
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51 minutes ago, Bebop said:

I was curious on what exactly a Kollos blooded person was, because as far as I knew Kollos could not reproduce. But after reading up on some answers to similar questions from Brandon, we know that they can now reproduce, and the Hemalurgic spikes of the Kollos cause some genetic changes in their kinda human children. Does this mean that all types of Hemalurgic abilities can affect offspring? Imagine if two inquisitors had a child, how much Hemalurgic ability or genetic changes, if any, would that child posses? Maybe this was already common knowledge for some of you, but I found this thought to be pretty interesting. 

Unlikely, Sazed-as-Harmony made specific changes to the Koloss while remaking Scadrial during the Catacendre, and specifically made them a breeding species. We have no indications that this would apply to other hemlurgic entities/races. From the Coprermind:


In the post-Catacendre era, koloss became a self-reproducing species. When two koloss reproduce, the offspring are born koloss-blooded. They can also breed with humans and produce koloss blooded hybrids. This means that they are physically strong, with a mottled granite-like complexion and blue skin.[14] Furthermore they continue to grow taller throughout their lives. They heal quickly and are often less intelligent than average. They become a full koloss once they accept the spikes.


I didn't mean to post this twice, and I can't figure out how to delete it, sorry.

Sometimes it is the fault of the browser, not the user. Simply click "report post" on the top of each post and list the reason as "Duplicate post" and the mods can sort it out.

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On 11/1/2022 at 1:47 PM, Bebop said:

I was curious on what exactly a Kollos blooded person was, because as far as I knew Kollos could not reproduce. But after reading up on some answers to similar questions from Brandon, we know that they can now reproduce, and the Hemalurgic spikes of the Kollos cause some genetic changes in their kinda human children. Does this mean that all types of Hemalurgic abilities can affect offspring? Imagine if two inquisitors had a child, how much Hemalurgic ability or genetic changes, if any, would that child posses? Maybe this was already common knowledge for some of you, but I found this thought to be pretty interesting. 

Probably be some changed since both kollos and mist wreaths have different offspring. 

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It is probably not possible for all Hemalurgically gained things to be passed on to your descendants. 

Extra Allomantic potential, for example, don't seem to get passed on to an Inquisitor's children (at least, not the power of the spikes). This seems to depend on the quote though.



Is the access to Allomancy and Feruchemy granted via Hemalurgy heritable?

Brandon Sanderson

No. Good question.

So, my guess is that the reason why Koloss pass down genetic traits to their children is that their actual physical DNA has been altered by the use of Hemalurgy. It also seems that Inquisitor children have "complications" being more commonplace, probably because certain physical changes occur when enough Hemalurgic spikes that grant powers occur, such as greater height and a grind-ier voice. oh, and the gigantic freaking holes in their body and warped organs.



You've said that Inquisitors could have children. Would those children have a better chance at being Allomancers compared to if they had the kids before they were Inquisitors?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, but there also could be...complications.

This quote is from 2012, but the next is from 2019, after Brandon had more time to consider the implications of genetic Hemalurgy.



I wondered if an Inquisitor had children, if they would inherit stronger Inquisitor abilities, or if they would just inherit the lesser lines from being a Seeker, for example?

Brandon Sanderson

Excellent question. I don't think I've ever been asked this before... The way Hemalurgy works, if you're not aware, you are taking someone else's soul, and you are basically nailing it to your soul... That won't affect the children. So you will have the weaker lines.

They have tried that. Unfortunately.

So, to sup up, Invested powers; not passed down via Hemalurgy. Genetics warped by Hemalurgy; definitely passed down.

You might be able to pass down Invested powers if you Allomantically burned the Hemalurgic spikes though, splicing your sDNA with that of the spike's contents, but the implications of this Allomancy/Hemalurgy hack haven't been told to us yet, so maybe not.

Hope this answers your question :) 

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