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Telrao's Creative Corner!


Should I make a commissions thread?  

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  1. 1. Ya want me to draw stuff for you?

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    • Uhm maybe
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    • DRAW CAT

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Heyo Humans!

So, I have been debating about this for several days... and so I finally decided to make a Creative Corner - just in case!

I did a sketch randomly and soo... yeah. Here it is!

I can't draw hands, or people generally, so the proportions are probably a leetle bit off. Also, my phone has terrible picture quality, so sorry if it's a bit blurry!

Vin sketch


This is a sketch of Vin when she first started off being a Mistborn.


Hopefully, I'll also start posting some writing I've been doing - in this corner, I'll post sketches and art. I might make a writing corner soon (after exams) where I'll post concepts and short stories. Maybe.

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

Edited by Telrao
This'll just be my arts corner :P
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Just now, Cinnamon said:

Woah … that’s really good! Also, does it say something in the mists?

Thank you!

And yes, it does say something in the mists! Two things, actually, but one is obscured by the shadow :P the lighting is terrible. I'm not going to tell you - I'm gonna try and see how long it takes people to figure it out!

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I’ll spoil my guesses so you can try and find it yourself if you want to ;)

Well it took me a while but I think the big one says 


Ruin, or Bun but I’m pretty sure it is ruin, because bun makes no sense.

And I can’t make out 


The one in the bottom left corner but Imma make and educated guess based on the other one and it’s length, preservation?


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On 03/11/2022 at 6:56 PM, Cinnamon said:

I’ll spoil my guesses so you can try and find it yourself if you want to ;)

Ayyy nice! You are correct! Brilliant deduction, Sherlock!

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10 minutes ago, Telrao said:

Ayyy nice! You are correct! Brilliant deduction, Sherlock!



I wasn’t sure about the second one because I thought I saw a ‘w’ and it was majorly throwing me off

Also, your drawing is super good, I really like Vin’s form and the coins

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7 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Wow, great art!

*Drops all rep I have avalible onto this thread*


Thank you!

And now, another sketch!

I drew this one a bit earlier, but hey, it's Lift!


Lift being AWESOME (with Wyndle!)


That was done the night I finished the Edgedancer short story (Lift is so FUNNY my HOID!)

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Oh boy oh boy! Another sketch!

So... I took the Knights Radiant test and found out I was an Edgedancer! Exciting!

In celebration, at 10 last night, I did a sketch of me (in Roshar) with my Cultivation Spren and Shardblade.



am wearing a glove. Trust me.


I designed the Spren off of drawings I'd seen of Wyndle. The leaves kinda ended up looking like a cactus, so she's a Catcus now. Her name is Myndle (y'know like meow and Wyndle)

The Shardblade is so stormin' large because I'm a relatively small person, and shardblades are like 6ft long or something. I took inspiration from Adolin's shardblade (I used a sketch of a sketch for reference) I just kinda scribbled markings that I thought looked cool on there - they don't mean anything, though.

I like how the clothing turned out - I'm wearing a tunic-dress tied at the waist, over nice baggy pants and tight boots, with a long-sleeve shirt.

Again, apologies for the low quality image and shadows. Have a wonderful day, Humans!

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16 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

Woahh nice side profile! Mine usually turn out wonky, do you have any tips?

*Coughs into hand* Ahem, well... I am self trained, and have zero experience with teaching people, but I can make a suggestion to you, @Szeth's Facepalm

If your character drawings are coming up wonky, then you may want to focus more closely on proportion. This is key to making a figure look realistic and believable.

I always start by visualising what I'm drawing, then sketching the basic shapes. It helps it you have a reference for the position you want the figure to be in. For me, I just kinda saw it in my head, then if I needed a reference, looked in the mirror. After that, you add the general body shape, fixing up lines and proportions as you go, so things don't look wonky.

Always be sure to check limb connections and lengths - I tend to make the arms too long and the legs too short (which makes 'em look a liitle strange)

Every sketch has it's quirks, and it's all about practice! So if they is lookin wonky, try sketching real people - not in detail, just general shapes - and then using that intuitive knowledge in your drawings. Hope this helps!

Edited by Telrao
spelling :P
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Ahhh sorry for the double post but I drew a cat please don't kill me

This is from a D&D campaign I'm doing in my youth group.


A cat in a rogue's cloak!


We got the cat when we ignored the DM's pointed sign to go transport cargo, and instead went and saved a random cat.

This scene happened when I requested one of the rogues, Tim (we have three rogues in a group of eight people) to go scout out the cave ahead. He rolled a nat-20, and beat my passive perception of 16. So, I thought I was talking to him, but it ended up being a cat sitting on a rock. I still don't know how that happened, but it did.

I may upload a sketch of my D&D character soon, but we'll see!

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On 11/6/2022 at 1:42 AM, Telrao said:

Ahhh sorry for the double post but I drew a cat please don't kill me

This is from a D&D campaign I'm doing in my youth group.

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A cat in a rogue's cloak!


We got the cat when we ignored the DM's pointed sign to go transport cargo, and instead went and saved a random cat.

This scene happened when I requested one of the rogues, Tim (we have three rogues in a group of eight people) to go scout out the cave ahead. He rolled a nat-20, and beat my passive perception of 16. So, I thought I was talking to him, but it ended up being a cat sitting on a rock. I still don't know how that happened, but it did.

I may upload a sketch of my D&D character soon, but we'll see!

I don't really like cats. But this is a wonderful drawing. I don't know how you got it to look so good as a sketch.

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9 hours ago, Gregorio said:

I don't really like cats. But this is a wonderful drawing. I don't know how you got it to look so good as a sketch.

Thank you very much! (I hope one day we'll turn you to the DARK SIDE MWUHAHA)



Telrao is a blue point Ragdoll (IK I initially said Himalayan, but Ragdoll suits what I was visualising more)


Personally, I'm pretty proud with how this turned out. You can probably tell I'm better at drawing cats then humans. This is Telrao in her natural form (pre-elantrian markings), so I'll probably draw a few more of her in the future, with markings and differing expressions.

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

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3 hours ago, Telrao said:

Thank you very much! (I hope one day we'll turn you to the DARK SIDE MWUHAHA)


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Telrao is a blue point Ragdoll (IK I initially said Himalayan, but Ragdoll suits what I was visualising more)


Personally, I'm pretty proud with how this turned out. You can probably tell I'm better at drawing cats then humans. This is Telrao in her natural form (pre-elantrian markings), so I'll probably draw a few more of her in the future, with markings and differing expressions.

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

That is a very cute cat! :wub:

You do have great skill in drawing cats!

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6 hours ago, Telrao said:

Thank you very much! (I hope one day we'll turn you to the DARK SIDE MWUHAHA)


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Telrao is a blue point Ragdoll (IK I initially said Himalayan, but Ragdoll suits what I was visualising more)


Personally, I'm pretty proud with how this turned out. You can probably tell I'm better at drawing cats then humans. This is Telrao in her natural form (pre-elantrian markings), so I'll probably draw a few more of her in the future, with markings and differing expressions.

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

I can appreciate beautiful drawings of cats. 

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Heyooo again Humans!

Did another sketch (I should really sleep, but, hey, sketching is fun!)


Just a random woman with swords walking through the mountains. I might've been a little insane.



Not my favourite sketch, but it worked out OK, I guess. (Hands are HEKK)

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

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Aha! Guess whaaaat

It's another sketch whooo


Just a guy with a sword and armour. Not sure who it is - open to guesses, tho!


Don't mind the pink in the corner - that's just my Media folder aha

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

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3 hours ago, Telrao said:

Aha! Guess whaaaat

It's another sketch whooo

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Just a guy with a sword and armour. Not sure who it is - open to guesses, tho!


Don't mind the pink in the corner - that's just my Media folder aha

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

Could be Adolin. He does like his swords. Even the ones that aren't shard blades. It's a cool sketch. Very nice.

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Hey y'all! 

Sorry for not posting on this thread for a leetle bit. Exam season hahaaaa

Anyways, here's some sketches (and a coloured version) of ma elf for a D&D campaign I'm doing at ma youth group


Here's a beeg sketchie of Kvari in a tree


It's called "watch duty" - this scene actually does happen (and for some reason, the DM didn't make me roll for dexterity as I climbed up a massive tree. Perks of being a forest elf, I guess


Aaand some smaller sketchies


This one's the overall page



Kvari (K-var-ee) Squirrelspeaker is a very amusing character to play. She's a hermit (introvert yayy) but pretends to be social. She was kicked out of her village at a young age, because she said all sentient beings should be equal (elves are extremely xenophobic in D&D. It's a vibe). So she was raised in the forests by squirrels. Her best friend, Bordorf, taught her how to harvest and properly hide acorns. But (the tragedy) he died because he attempted to eat a pineapple, but the pineapple ended up eating him (HORROR) - so now Kvari has a phobia of pineapples.

And yes, there is a sketch of a pineapple vine saying "you're a pine-apple." (This also happened in the campaign.)

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

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Eeeee here we are again, folks! Another sketch *applauds self*

Here we are!


Sl i i i i din' down a hill whooo


Don't mind the pinkish hand in the corner. Hahhh

So I first sketched the girl (me, if you're wonderin') and was like, "hey, she looks like she slidin'" and so I added the ground and the smoke. Then I was like "hey, she's an edgedancer!" So I added Myndle. And then I was like "hey, she needs her SHARDBLADE!!" So I drew the hekkin massive sword and was happy.

Yes, I drew a glove this time! You can't see it ('cause I cropped it out) but I wrote "This is what would happen if Rosharian me came to earth :D"

I do have a dress like that in real life (Imma wear it to formal HA!) And I never wear it. It's nice tho. (Savers, mate. Best place EVA)

Anyways, have a wonderful day, Humans!

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