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Hello Everyone!

I've been a forums and discord lurker for about a year now, and I think it's time I actually start sharing some of my misinformed and misguided theories instead of forcing my roommate to hear them.

I'm also making this post while I really should be doing my computer science final projects, but Brandon has helped me procrastinate through college so far and I see no reason for that to stop.

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32 minutes ago, FlowerGirl said:

Welcome, it's great to have you here! Do you have a favorite magic system? Mine is either AonDor or forgery.

Probably Awakening, characters are my favorite part of storytelling so the ability to effectively create autonomy with a command I find fascinating.

19 minutes ago, Rabbit Unmade said:

Welcome to the Shard! Who's your favorite character?

This is hard, I like Shallan because of her having the forgotten past trope, I like that it allows her to grow in two directions.

Also the leads from SP1 I adore already, so them.

9 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Welcome to the shard! What is your favorite sanderson book?

I have no way to chose well... Probably the emperors soul, just because it's self contained and the only story I really feel like I have an emotional conclusion from. It might be the Hero of Ages for a similar reason.

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