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Kingkiller Chronicles in cosmere(Kingkiller spoilers


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So this is my attempt to put KC, Temerant and the story of Kvothe in the cosmere. 

I have no idea why I wrote this like an Ars Arcanum from khriss other than the reason that I am a giant nerd lol.


Shards: Truth and Tenacity

Magic Systems:

Sympathy: This magic system works for anyone from this world. A user forges a connection between two things to manipulate them, like by transferring heat or motion, through pure force of mind.This works better if the objects are already well connected. This invested art is ofcourse related to Tenacity

Naming: This is the invested art related to Truth. A user connects to the object's Identity (It's 'Name') to Command them by invoking its Name. It is to be noted that at no point does the Namer interact with the cognitive aspect of the object like in Soulcasting. 

Naming is not very well understood even by the people here. It is generally understood by the practitioners that a Namer requires an unconventional way of thinking or a broken mind. Indeed namers have the reputation of being quite eccentric. This bears many similarities to Snapping for Allomancy in pre-Catacendre Scadrial.

(Also, i decided that copper is taking the place of Aluminium here which is why it is seemingly Nameless)

Naming can further be extended to living people and the other cognitive entities of this planet.

Fae: These are cognitive entities  that inhabit the Cognitive Realm of Temerant. These entities are often shaped by the folklore and stories of the people of the physical realm, and they in turn influence the stories back. The local name for shadesmar here is The Fae Realm.

There are still many mysteries to solve about Temerant

Very curiously, travel to and fro to the cognitive realm is exceedingly easy and very strangely, done without the aid of a perpendicularity. Infact there is no perpendicularity on the planet. Travel to the Fae Realm is however only possible during moonless nights. 

There was a also a creature that I was warned not to interact with in my travels of the subastral, a fae creature known as the Cthaeh. Local legends surrounding creature suggest an almost Shardic-level of Future sight. This maybe fanciful exaggerations, but I suggest future explorers to steer clear as it's malavolence has been quite well documented. The local customs is also to ensure that no one who interacts with the creature survives.

Other local legends, such as the the story of Lanre and Lyra, suggest that it may be possible to use someone's name to bring them back as a cognitive shadow

Nazh, please be cautious in your investigations of The Academy. You may have a very unpleasant surprise in discovering that, masquerading as Master Namer Elodin, is our old friend Hoid, the Drifter

Edited by KaladinWorldsinger
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A few first impressions:

  • The Fae believe there are two basic Magics: The Glamour and Grammour (sp?), the Arts of Seeming and Being, respectively.  Naming is the most potent of the latter, but both Sympathy and Alchemy appear to be attempts to "hack" simpler and less dangerous uses of basic Naming mechanisms.  Glamour is basically Lightweaving and Rioting, since the only two examples I can think of involved visual deception or what seemed like vague mental pushing.  
  • Naming is probably heavily Connection-based, since it provides some language translation effects as you get closer to learning a Name.  
  • There's time Dilation in Shadesmar, indicating an astronomical concentration of Investiture there.  Conclusion: there is a Cognitive Realm Investiture horde akin to the Dor, described in legends as The Moon (but likely a Shards power).  This is likely the "missing" Perpendicularity of one (or both) Shards.  
  • Local (recent) legend indicates Investiture can be harvested and crafted in certain area's of the local Cognitive Realm.  Appears as tangible Shadow and Starlight, rumored to historically have been crafted into clothing that persists into the Physical.  
    • Non-Metallic Solid Investiture?  Need to confirm, seek recent witness.  
  • The Seven appear to be Cognitive Shadows (akin to Nalthian Returned or Rosharan Heralds) who's origins are a mystery.
  • "It is to be noted that at no point does the Namer interact with the cognitive aspect of the object like in Soulcasting."  However, writings found in the Library of the University of Imre do theorize about "Perception as an Active Force" do call this into question, further research will be needed.  (Researcher's Note: Will need to acquire the works of Metcaff, additional Funding maybe required.)
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9 hours ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

So this is my attempt to put KC, Temerant and the story of Kvothe in the cosmere. 

I have no idea why I wrote this like an Ars Arcanum from khriss other than the reason that I am a giant nerd

There is one fundamental flaw to your post:


You wrote the whole thing


Obviously you were supposed to only write 2/3ds and wait at least ten years to finish it. . .


Interesting as a thought experiment, but I would expect Temerant to be mono-Shardic (rather than di-Shardic like Scadrial) or, if two shards than it should have more than two magic systems. E.g. Scadrial - Two Shards, Three magic systems | Sel - Two Shards (splintered) and may more than two magic systems (that are mostly variations on a theme)



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3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

There is one fundamental flaw to your post:

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You wrote the whole thing

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Obviously you were supposed to only write 2/3ds and wait at least ten years to finish it. . .


Interesting as a thought experiment, but I would expect Temerant to be mono-Shardic (rather than di-Shardic like Scadrial) or, if two shards than it should have more than two magic systems. E.g. Scadrial - Two Shards, Three magic systems | Sel - Two Shards (splintered) and may more than two magic systems (that are mostly variations on a theme)



Well i did only do sympathy and naming, there are other systems too right? Sygaldry, artificing, maybe yllish knots? So you can say it is 2/3 done, heh. So there are more magic systems so it can be a dishardic world.

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8 hours ago, Quantus said:

There's time Dilation in Shadesmar, indicating an astronomical concentration of Investiture there.  Conclusion: there is a Cognitive Realm Investiture horde akin to the Dor, described in legends as The Moon (but likely a Shards power).  This is likely the "missing" Perpendicularity of one (or both) Shards.  

(Continuing the tradition of doing this in Ars Acanum style cuz why the heck not)

This is also indicated by the fact that seemingly anyone in the world of Temerant can choose to train in these arts. They do not appear to be innately invested like Nalthians nor do they interact with a visible key to investiture like eating metals. This leads me to hypothesize that the cognitive realm is extremely invested.


Sorry about double posting guys, won't happen again

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Hope that helps.

Edited by Treamayne
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20 minutes ago, Treamayne said:

In case you were not aware:

At the bottom left of the post you will see a "+" icon and a "Quote" link (as well as "Edit" on your own post so you can update it). On the bottom right you will see an up arrow.

  • The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post
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Hope that helps.

I actually didn't know that, thanks!

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2 hours ago, Treamayne said:

In case you were not aware:

At the bottom left of the post you will see a "+" icon and a "Quote" link (as well as "Edit" on your own post so you can update it). On the bottom right you will see an up arrow.

  • The Up Arrow is how you thank people or "like" a post
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  • The + icon is multi-quote. As you read a thread, if you want to quote multiple items you click that for each post
    • As you click +, you should see a toaster pop-up on the bottom right of the browser window showing how many quotes you will have
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  • Finally, you can also highlight a small section of a post and, when hovering over the highlit portion, click the "Quote" button that pops up.
  • Also note that you can move quotes after they have been added to your reply.
    • For example, you add a quote and realize there are no empty lines below it for you to type - so you can hit "enter" before the quote to make an empty line then when you hover over a quote you will see a 4-way arrow at the top-left that you can use to drag the quote up (or down)  and move the quote to before the empty line. . .

Hope that helps.

Been here a good long while and I didnt know half of that...  :blink:

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