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Club For People Who Aren't Single Pringles


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44 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

I may be joining your ranks soon, we’ll have to see. If not I’ll just keep being a Pringle happily:P

I feel partial to this, I had a disagreement with a few of my friends and ended up blocking some.

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On 8/3/2023 at 9:33 PM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Hello motha-

*a voice crackles onto the radio*

This program his been cancelled for fake swearing. 

Come in next time for Thaidakar's terribly done apology/not an apology video.


I don't know why I did that- it just felt like the perfect opening.

I do not belong here, but I have invaded. All hail the great and mysterious Stranger. I will give you no context for that whatsoever.

Someone tried to make me belong here, but I promptly said no because they're a creep who I've known for a few years and is far younger than me and immediately asked me if I wanted to do something I really do not want to do until I'm married. 

So that's a good reason...


Don't sue me for this weird post, please. I'm still dealing with the time Hoid sued me for slapping Kelsier when Hoid wanted to.

I'm terribly sorry that happened to you. I hope you're able to meet far better people.

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:


it’s been an honor

but i am no longer a not-single-pringle.

i am now a single pringle.

it’s been an honor. until we meet again.

You good, man? PMs do be open if you wanna chat, my friend.

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5 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:


it’s been an honor

but i am no longer a not-single-pringle.

i am now a single pringle.

it’s been an honor. until we meet again.

You okay? Pringles are great and all but the flavouring can be a shock when you’ve gotten used to the taste of taken bacon. Extended metaphor is confusing so I’m just gonna stick with English and ask again: are you okay doomie? We love you and if you ever want to talk about literally anything my PMs are open <3

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Internet forums are places for offering unsolicited advice right? Or have I been doing it worng? (misspelling intentional)

I thought I'd offer some of the thoughts that I've had over the years of lots of first dates, handfuls of second dates, a few pen pals, and periodically floating in large groups where it seemed like a lot of people were dating - and I'd be the guy who somehow found himself sitting on a roof drawing moths. I've been married for five years now, but I remember first dates and how stressful they are, particularly when my track record indicated that this next one probably won't develop into anything other than mutual awkwardness when running into the person again. Here's a few things that kept me looking for someone and why I'm glad I stuck it out.

I appreciate this following quote and it helped me at least with my mindset when dating:

“The same God that placed that star in a precise orbit millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the Babe has given at least equal attention to placement of each of us in precise human orbits so that we may, if we will, illuminate the landscape of our individual lives, so that our light may not only lead others but warm them as well.” - Neal A. Maxwell

As I said, I've had friends, pen pals, and first dates, plenty of them, and not surprisingly I didn't marry 99% of those people I interacted with (I have no idea how many first dates I went on, probably not actually 100, but you get the idea). Had I come up with the analogy back then, I would have felt an affinity for Halley's Comet, where it seemed like I would spend most of my time in drifting isolation, a point of light in a sea of stars, and then my orbit would intersect with another's orbit with what felt like a once-in-a-lifetime event. And then we wouldn't quite fully connect and my life would resume as it had before, leaving me warmed by their light but more acutely sensitive to the nature of my isolation.

What I ended up deciding was that if there was a very low probability that I would get a girlfriend or engaged from getting to know someone or asking them on a date, then my goal was to help that person I was dating become a better person, to treat them well, and perhaps to help them learn what they were looking for in a relationship - even if what they were looking for wasn't me. My criteria for myself was if I became a better person, more considerate, a better listener, and if I learned not to do that really dumb thing I did on that date again when I was dating my future wife (because it obviously she wasn't going to be the person on that date), then it was a success. I figured there was a very high chance that I would be going on dates with someone's future spouse and I would have wanted my wife to be treated well on dates - even if I wasn't on that date and hadn't met her yet. If I had longer relationships and at some point we had outgrown each other, if I had become a better person, and helped them become a better person, and if my goal truly was to see them happy even if that wasn't with me, then that was okay. I was still glad that our orbits had intersected for a time. If it fell apart because we weren't making each other better people and we were becoming miserable, then it was good if sad for us to separate. All the dating with bad match ups was like trying on a bunch of gloves until I found that fit me as well as I fit the gloves. I considered it a painful honor when I got a non-trivial number of wedding invitations from girls I had dated. Once, I had recently gone on a second date with a really cool girl, found out an old boyfriend was moving back from out of state and she was super nervous on whether or not reconnect with him again in case things had changed too much or if they had changed too much. I shared the above quote with her and it really helped her calm down. They've been happily married for 6-7 years now. I'm glad I played wingman for that guy because I hoped that other people would help me out when I finally found my wife. I've since found out after the fact that my wife's bestie and housemate at the time when we were dating helped me out a lot, for which I am grateful. It's not always the case, but for me what went around came around.

I'll also note that all the skills that you develop as an independent single pringle like cooking for yourself, doing dishes, laundry, cleaning, shopping, tax forms, budgeting, working, etc. really helps out the relationship even if the other person is better at it than you are. I'm glad I can make tomato basil soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for my wife when she gets sick, though admittedly last night's soup was from a can. I used to make homemade soup before we had our daughter, but my wife is fine with Progresso when we're both beat after college, work, and raising a toddler. Even single life can help you in a relationship if that's what you're looking for.

Edit: I posted this then realized I didn't state some of the reasons that I was glad I stuck it out. It's nice to wake up next to a bestie every day. It's nice that I don't have to drop her back off at her house at the end of a date and drive home alone (when we started dating I lived about 75 miles (120 km) away from her as she was attending a different university). Now I don't have to wait for special occasions to decide I want to get her flowers. I wasn't going to start with it, but in the U.S. there were tax breaks we got for being married which is nothing to be sneezed at. I also was able to get a full-time job working at the university she was attending and get half off tuition for her as a benefit.

This has been another essay from Duxredux. As always, I remind you that I'm just one longwinded point of data. Thank you for reading, hope this helped someone.

Edited by Duxredux
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