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1 hour ago, Alvron said:


I would be sorry but the Sacred Coin and I are going through a rough patch right now, I hope you'll understand, Sarge :( It's not her, it's me.

1 hour ago, Alvron said:

EoD is 8pm for me so there's a good chance this cycle will end in a tie. :P 


1 hour ago, Alvron said:

Increase the tie, get free pizza and vote for someone that blasphemes against the Sacred Coin?  Sign me up.

I knew you'd see it my way! :D

1 hour ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:

but anyways i’m not super against any of the wagons but i am worried that the elims aren’t very threatened right now, given that we’re likely looking at a big team.

Whyever not? :)

1 hour ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:

im… with illwei on this one. can we not make kas a possible rng ml? i’d much prefer to yeet literally anyone else bc he’s on of my strongest reads

This is an odd response as this is well within your control at face value. I'm not the one who is discontent with the state of things - you are.

1 hour ago, Illwei said:

@ookla the POKE VOTE are you saying you don't believe anyone up for the exe is an elim?

Yep. This.

1 hour ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:

kas i’ll give you quokka with pizza photo if you go onto someone for self pres :P

Yes, but you see, I am perfectly fine with how things are proceeding. And also, the defining thing about me in SE is that when I'm bought, I stay bought :eyes: My loyalties wouldn't be very attractive otherwise; I'm not reneging on my deal with Szeth.

Also do you know how long I haven't had pizza?

Two years.

Two mcfreakin' years.

Szeth's offer is too good to refuse! :P

Let's make a bet - if I flip Elim, I make you memes in the dead doc. One meme per Turn, featuring you. If I flip Village, you give me quokka with pizza photo to put in the dead doc. How about that? :eyes: If someone else flips because RNGesus be like that, we both make a quokka meme for the next three Turns. You on?

1 hour ago, Tani said:

I'm also sick.

Hi hi sick buddy, I just got back from the clinic and I feel your pain :P

So the current state of my reads - I'm still fine with V!Illwei, and I'm decently committed to V!Mat. I don't see E!Mat being committed enough to slugging it out this consistently, so that's fine with me. I am probably going to relook Archer and Stick - I'm not sure how I feel about Stick, and I don't know where Archer's Wiz/Alv theory comes from. Going to backread really quickly in a bit.

I sort of want to say I lean towards V!Alv but in truth, I just really want Alv to be V, and I do know E!Alv would have that same exchange with me, so YMMV. 

Very, very slight V!Szeth credences, potentially. Doesn't feel like the sort of solicitation E!Szeth would do, but this is also Szeth, and let's be fair, I'm doing most of the marketing for Szeth which is really unfair and actually @Ookla the Omniscient do I get a pizza commission from you if I can summon more people onto this wagon? One extra pizza per player?

was very slightly V-reading Tani before she showed up for meta reasons. I lean somewhat towards keeping it, but am not sure but that is an issue for another Turn/cycle.

I think Insanity should definitely attract some pressure next cycle for that very stable vote on Mat, and Silho should as well.

Am less sure about Turtle now for reasons highlighted above. Feels a bit like showboating.

Wiz is probably still a null- for me and if it wasn't for my commitment to enjoying pizza I might just take Shadow's advice cf. not overthinking and just going for obvious Evil and go Bookwyrm. Incidentally, yes Mat, theoretically there are LHFs everywhere on D1 but Bookwyrm is the equivalent of Thaid for me, that's how awful that train feels.

And of course, if I do flip, just take this as a sort of 'where I am at/what I would do' bunch of claims. Ultimately I'm okay with this :) 

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Just now, Kasimir said:

Let's make a bet - if I flip Elim, I make you memes in the dead doc. One meme per Turn, featuring you. If I flip Village, you give me quokka with pizza photo to put in the dead doc. How about that? :eyes: If someone else flips because RNGesus be like that, we both make a quokka meme for the next three Turns. You on?

1 hour ago, Tani said:

yup :P


whyever not? :)

because votes were incredibly spread out and it felt like either the elims knew most of them could change onto a different wagon around eod or they were not super threatened, but i guess we’ve got time

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13 minutes ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:

yup :P

Excellent >:)

13 minutes ago, ookla the POKE VOTE said:

because votes were incredibly spread out and it felt like either the elims knew most of them could change onto a different wagon around eod or they were not super threatened, but i guess we’ve got time

IDK, a three way wagon be like that. I do wonder about them burning vote manip but the fact that it costs Stormlight in this game makes me wonder if they'd do it, though tbf, I suppose it could become a more attractive proposition given the current state of the wagons.

But also, realistically, EoD is at 8PM for Alv and 3PM for me so there will be a tie, simpliciter :P 

Edited to add: Like, if anything, I'd say I'd be more worried the Elims wouldn't feel threatened by a super wagon. If we've got a decent spread, there are decent chances at least one player in the danger zone or in the three way is Elim.

I just know who it ain't! :P 

Edited to add 2:

6 hours ago, Archer said:

I feel bad about it to so I'm gonna steal the Alv-Wiz e-e theory as my justification, stemming from that Alv sussing me post being possibly a defence of Wiz. 

In retrospect, re-reading through the thread, my hackles are rising at this post. Archer's vote on Wiz is incredibly stable - it came there and stayed there for "the sin of random voting", which fair, but that's an opening vote. I can't find a post from Alv in which he susses Archer for Wiz - quite frankly, I'd be happy to find a single post with suspicions from Alv. It's just not there.

Archer feels like he's looking for a quick reason to justify a vote that he wants to stay put. Am more willing to commit to E!Archer at this juncture.

Here are the two moments that 'might' qualify as Alv sussing Archer:


On 11/22/2022 at 4:50 AM, Alvron said:

Deep breaths Alv.  Deep breaths.  They didn't mean it.

Nope.  Didn't work.


They're clashing over random voting being a sin. That's a methodological squabble and not one in which Archer is named as a suspicion. Post linked for reference.


On 11/22/2022 at 5:08 AM, Alvron said:

I'm a player and I don't poke vote very often but when I do, I never use it to cover for a teammate.

Yeah, you're not going to like me.  I almost always vote for the VC rather than suspicions when there's a chance at a tie.  I don't even care if I'm one of the tied votes.  Heck, I've even voted on myself to insure a tie before.

As am I whenever a tie is possible.

This isn't even remotely a defence of Wiz either. How the frith does that Alv/Wiz e/e theory have legs? This is Alv responding to Archer's claims on TUN (first), Xino (second), and Wiz (third.)

@Matrim's Dice, I'd like to know your opinion on Archer's Wiz vote, and if you'd potentially consider an E!Archer world, given your current views on my position on Wiz.

Edited by Kasimir
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27 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Very, very slight V!Szeth credences, potentially. Doesn't feel like the sort of solicitation E!Szeth would do, but this is also Szeth, and let's be fair, I'm doing most of the marketing for Szeth which is really unfair and actually @Ookla the Omniscient do I get a pizza commission from you if I can summon more people onto this wagon? One extra pizza per player?

Sorry…! I’d actually rather the wagon stay in place right now b/c ties. But here, have another piece of virtual pizza.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

Sorry…! I’d actually rather the wagon stay in place right now b/c ties. But here, have another piece of virtual pizza.

So I don't get more pizza if I can get more people to vote for me? :( 

Thank you for the pizza anyway!

Edited to add:

Oh, wonderful, found Alv's suspicions, sorry Alv I take that back :P

4 hours ago, Alvron said:

How about ignore him unless you have a Kill ability, then use it on Araris at first opportunity?

wait, what?  When did I sus you this game?  Don't get me wrong, I don't trust you but I don't trust anyone at this stage. And I do like Wiz as I tend to like anyone willing to leave things to the Gods of Luck and Chance but that doesn't mean I'm going to defend them.  For the record, I don't think you're evil and I'm leaning evil on Wiz, Elk and Wei, mainly Elk, but not sure if I'll be voting this round.  Unless there's a chance for a tie of course. :P 

Alv, would like to know if your views have shifted with the Wiz/Alv E/E theory?

Edited by Kasimir
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  • The Wandering Wizard (3): xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten, Archer, Elkanah
  • The Bookwyrm / Ookla the Perpetual (3): The Wandering Wizard, Matrim’s Dice, JNV
  • Kasimir (3): Kasimir, Alvron, Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient
  • Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient (2): The Unknown Novel, _Stick_
  • Matrim’s Dice (2): Shining Silhouette, InfiniteInsanity
  • Alvron (1): Illwei
  • xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten (1): Araris Valerian
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  • The Bookwyrm / Ookla the Perpetual (3): The Wandering Wizard, Matrim’s Dice, JNV
  • Kasimir (3): Kasimir, Alvron, Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient
  • Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient (3): The Unknown Novel, _Stick_, Archer
  • The Wandering Wizard (2): xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten, Elkanah
  • Matrim’s Dice (2): Shining Silhouette, InfiniteInsanity
  • Alvron (1): Illwei
  • xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten (1): Araris Valerian, Archer
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6 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:
  • The Bookwyrm / Ookla the Perpetual (3): The Wandering Wizard, Matrim’s Dice, JNV
  • Kasimir (3): Kasimir, Alvron, Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient
  • Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient (3): The Unknown Novel, _Stick_, Archer
  • The Wandering Wizard (2): xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten, Elkanah
  • Matrim’s Dice (2): Shining Silhouette, InfiniteInsanity
  • Alvron (1): Illwei
  • xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten (1): Araris Valerian, Archer

*flips coin*


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  • The Bookwyrm / Ookla the Perpetual (3): The Wandering Wizard, Matrim’s Dice, JNV
  • Kasimir (3): Kasimir, Alvron, Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient
  • Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient (3): The Unknown Novel, _Stick_, Archer
  • The Wandering Wizard (3): xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten, Elkanah, Tani
  • Matrim’s Dice (2): Shining Silhouette, InfiniteInsanity
  • Alvron (1): Illwei
  • xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten (1): Araris Valerian, Archer


... okay I'm doing homework for a bit so you're on your own for votecounts :P 

A bit under 4 hours left!

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... sigh


  • The Bookwyrm / Ookla the Perpetual (3): The Wandering Wizard, Matrim’s Dice, JNV
  • Kasimir (3): Kasimir, Alvron, Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient
  • Szeth_Pancakes / Ookla the Omniscient (3): The Unknown Novel, _Stick_, Archer
  • The Wandering Wizard (3): xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten, Elkanah, Tani
  • Matrim’s Dice (2): Shining Silhouette, InfiniteInsanity
  • Alvron (2): Illwei, Cash67
  • xinoeph512 / Ookla the Forgotten (1): Araris Valerian
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42 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Alv, would like to know if your views have shifted with the Wiz/Alv E/E theory?

Not really.  I tend to ignore those types of theories until there's something more concrete  to work with.

12 minutes ago, Tani said:

*flips coin*


I take it your choices were between Mat and Wizard then since it was a coin after all.  Why those two?  Did you just want to increase the tie?

10 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Alv loves this D1.

You're not wrong.

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Just now, Alvron said:

I take it your choices were between Mat and Wizard then since it was a coin after all.  Why those two?  Did you just want to increase the tie?

Could vote for you too :P

For that matter, I think a five-way is still feasible at this point.

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11 minutes ago, Alvron said:

I take it your choices were between Mat and Wizard then since it was a coin after all.  Why those two?  Did you just want to increase the tie?


Maybe I should go back and roll a die tho, so RNG can have its proper say in things...

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10 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Indeed.  I'm kinda hoping Araris turns up and votes for me.

Do you add to your kill list for votes or just kills? I see you've avenged yourself for that LG72 kill.

I am mildly surprised I've not actually killed you when Evil though I think you or Steel got me in QF29 - MR3 was a near thing.

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8 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Do you add to your kill list for votes or just kills? I see you've avenged yourself for that LG72 kill.

Only kills.  My list would be far too long if I added those that voted for me as well.

8 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I am mildly surprised I've not actually killed you when Evil though I think you or Steel got me in QF29 - MR3 was a near thing.

Let's not correct that.  I really don't want your name on my list.  Both of us actually.  I targeted Devotary and because Steel supercharged me it took you out as well.

edit: Turns out II was wrong.  I did target you not Devotary..  :( 

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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

Archer feels like he's looking for a quick reason to justify a vote that he wants to stay put. Am more willing to commit to E!Archer at this juncture.

I agree with you kinda, and if it were any other person I would fully agree, but I think Archer just does this/seems like he's doing this sometimes. I know for a fact I've exed him for it before when he was v.

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