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Incorrect Corrections


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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

I am a human.

Incorrect. Because your reputation says your most ancient, you are a sponge, because they live thousands of years.

Brandon Sanderson wrote The Stormlight Archive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exactly! Dr. Pepper was founded and is still owned by time travelling samurai who came from the past. They left one or two people here to maintain their corporation. One of these people was Louis Armstrong.

Paper comes from trees

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Response to Haly. \/

Of course they do! If you look at the sentence “Letters do not peel off pages easily.” and count the number of letters in it there are 30 precisely one of which is a capital. If you take that 1 and the number of non-letter characters in the sentence (7) and take them both away you get 22 the number which corresponds to the letter V in the English alphabet. In Mokian “vee” roughly translates to “letters that peel easily off the page”. So there! You are wrong!


it takes 4,000 newtons to break a bone

um… what? How can someone be so wrong?! Obviously it’s 206 newtons because that is the average number of bones in the human body. Duh! It’s a 1:206 ratio.

Never smile at a crocodile.

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Not only is that incorrect, but it's also just plain mean. Studies have shown a sharp increase in depression among crocodillians due to everyone always scowling at them. 

Rainbows are the result of light hitting water droplets in the air at the correct angle so that the different wavelengths of light refract at somewhat different angles thus becoming distinguishable to our eyes as different coloured light instead of just white light. 

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First of all Frenh is not a place. I will just assume you meant ‘French’ even if you did you’re still wrong. As any good Free Kingdomer knows the country of France is just a Librarian myth. So is Brie, Camembert is the only soft cheese that exists.

any thing multiplied by 0 is 0

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I pressed submit to soon
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Division by 0 makes perfect sense, for example when one divides by zero the distance between two locations they split it into zero pieces, making it 0 and so an easy and short trip. the mathmagicians guild claim that such power must have an adverse effect of the fabric of reality, but they said the same thing about exponents, so why trust them?

You can't go wrong with googly eyes

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