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Lerasium Production


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I guess I did not really think he was lying I think that the Kandra just have not been able to replicate what Wax did. Now maybe he is not divulging everything so you can call this a lie of omission. 



“The kandra found atium dust in Waxillium’s destroyed laboratory,” Sazed said. “It appears that if you detonate harmonium against trellium—or, I suppose bavadinium would be its true name—it creates some small amount of atium as a by-product.” “Lerasium?” Kelsier asked. “I’m sorry. That is all annihilated in the explosion. We’ve tested it several times now.”

Sanderson, Brandon. The Lost Metal (The Mistborn Saga) (p. 485). Tor Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 



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3 hours ago, Frustration said:

Harmony said that Wax did something different as all his experiments only resulted in Atium. I'm guessing it has to do with intent, and wanting to Preserve something is really hard when you're making a bomb.

I agree; it all comes down to Intent. I believe that Wax had the Intent to create lerasium and atium, and that this Intent was expressed when he set up the experiment and executed it. Everyone else seems to be expressing the Intent to create atium only, or are not expressing the Intent to create lerasium “properly”.

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8 hours ago, lacrossedeamon said:

But wouldn't Sazed's own experiments also have that Intent and as a Shard shouldn't he recognize that as being the missing aspect from the Set's experiments?

I think that Harmony's dual nature makes it difficult for him, himself, to manifest one "component" godmetal or the other. He can't just incorporate half of his nature (even if he balanced creation of lerasium with equal amounts of atium), and perhaps can't directly cause such a thing to happen by any means while he holds both Shards. I'd wager that, in addition to the appropriate Intent, there also needs to be a sufficient Connection to Harmony and his Preservation side.

I'm also intrigued by the use of bavadinium. Is that the only godmetal that will split harmonium into its constituent Preservation/Ruin aspects, given its power's Intent towards autonomy rather than combination? Or would any godmetal be capable of that outcome from division of harmonium? Has Autonomy planted a new seed to cause trouble on Scadrial through introducing ways to split harmonium, not unlike how Trellism was planted and then used?

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On 18.11.2022 at 0:22 AM, TheOneKEA said:

I agree; it all comes down to Intent. I believe that Wax had the Intent to create lerasium and atium, and that this Intent was expressed when he set up the experiment and executed it. Everyone else seems to be expressing the Intent to create atium only, or are not expressing the Intent to create lerasium “properly”.

Given that people at the university know that lerasium can turn you into a Mistborn I find that unlikely.

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Others have also mentioned that the secondary explotion could have caused the difference.

On 11/16/2022 at 1:37 AM, Beaglefat said:

He then tells Kelsier at the end of the book that he does not know how to make it.

Not exactly. He says:


“I’m sorry. That is all annihilated in the explosion. We’ve tested it several times now.”

They might not know exactly how to make it. The kandra tried several times and it did not work. Wax tried, and thought he failed. Even now that he knows that he can burn other metals, he might not know exactly what caused it to work despite further experiments. (I kinda fancy that Whimsy interferred here, though that is very far fetched).

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5 hours ago, Yumiya said:

They might not know exactly how to make it. The kandra tried several times and it did not work. Wax tried, and thought he failed. Even now that he knows that he can burn other metals, he might not know exactly what caused it to work despite further experiments. (I kinda fancy that Whimsy interferred here, though that is very far fetched).

Or alternatively it fails because Kandra are doing it. They carry the wrong spike. Or, more sinister, Waxillium pulled it off precisely because the trellium spike he used had the right hemalurgic charge.

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