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Well, you see what the title is. Also what age vibe do you get? Inspired by @Shining Silhouette's recent SU.

People who might be interested as far as I know: 

@The Wandering Wizard @Just a Silvereye @Robin Sedai @Morningtide @CalanoCorvus @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Cinnamon

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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I imagine @Robin Sedai as about 5'2, short dark hair, glasses, 15-16. Also for some reason i always imagine you behind one of thoses old huge white computers that were shaped like a box. This is mostly based on a dream i once had that you were in, in which you were named Eve and you had a little brother lol

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Most of the time I see you as your profile pictures. A fun side effect is that when you change your pp, you become another person to me :lol:

I'd tend to view Shallan Stormblessed as a redhead around 18, I don't know why


Edit: An image just randomly popped in my head. That of @The Wandering Wizard being an actual wizard wandering through the US dressed as a 16-year-old Gandalf. (I think I saw you saying you were 16 somewhere ? Maybe?)

So that’s how I picture you now, and it shall be so forever, even if I have the fortune to meet you IRL :P

Edited by Just a Silvereye
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52 minutes ago, Just a Silvereye said:

I'd tend to view Shallan Stormblessed as a redhead around 18, I don't know why

Probably because my profile picture was Shallan for a while, and she's redheaded and about 18. :) 

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On 11/18/2022 at 9:28 PM, Robin Sedai said:

I usually just imagine people as their profile pics. But @Sequence I imagine as a Cognitive Realm Cryptic, with relaxed body language and an umbrella drink. It's very specific and I don't know why.

That's hilarious. I love that.

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K. I've imagined a lot of people, so lez go!

Silho: Bit taller than average, a bit lanky. Fairly short-cut brown hair. Say around... 18-20 age range

Wizard: Average height, curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Hmm... 16-18 age range

Shallan Stormblessed: Normal height. Slightly skinny, but not skinny skinny. Red hair (Shallan vibes, y'know?) blue eyes. 14-17 age range

Mr Misting: Dude that chills in the corner with a top hat. Black, black hair, brown eyes. Age range: 18-20

(might add some other people once I decide on details)

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I imagine Insanity as 15-17 with blonde hair and smallish glasses and colorful fun clothes (probably because of your pfp).

2 hours ago, Telrao said:

Silho: Bit taller than average, a bit lanky. Fairly short-cut brown hair. Say around... 18-20 age range

Wizard: Average height, curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Hmm... 16-18 age range

YES @The Wandering Wizard she knew I was older :P.

Also yes I'm soooo much taller than Wiz it's not even funny y'know

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The problem with this is that I know how too many Sharders look. Besides the whole crew that lives in the same city as me...I've seen Silhouette in his video when he asks Sanderson a question, and @CalanoCorvus posted an image of himself in an SU back before halloween.

And, like Robin, I generally form images of people based on their profile pictures and their posts.

So this doesn't really work on me.

9 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

blonde hair

I can accurately and confidently tell you that this is false. As for the rest...you're somewhat accurate. 

I'll let @InfiniteInsanity tell you the rest. If she wants to.

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