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22 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

and ofc, y'all don't need to imagine what I look like, I've posted many pics and videos of myself.

And I haven't seen any of them so I'll try.

I think you have brown hair, brown eyes, nose kinda like a bird's (must be because of your name. My brain makes strange associations :D). And I think you said you were tall?

 @Ookla the Theoretical I thought you were a boy for a long time, so in my head you are simultaneously male and female. Long brown hair, blue eyes, rather short, in the 14-16 range?

@Ookla the Inverted I see you also with brown hair, short, with glasses, and a book in your hand.

These are not very precise descriptions, but I'm bad at describing even people I know irl, and I never have precise images for people online. Even book characters I have trouble imagining, unless there is a visual adaptation and I just see the actors.

So, tell me. How hilariously inaccurate am I?

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4 minutes ago, Ookla Carried by the Wind said:

I think you have brown hair, brown eyes, nose kinda like a bird's (must be because of your name. My brain makes strange associations :D). And I think you said you were tall?


naturally brown hair, currently dyed black though. hazel eyes!! i like my eye color hazel is pretty. nose like a bird... idk about that i wouldn't be able to tell i just have a nose ig. i am tall, 6 feet. decent height.

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

@Ranryu I imagine you as a sly cyclone slowly taking over the world. You don’t even know you’re doing it! 

What a coincidence; that's how I imagine myself! 


I'm always surprised when I look in a mirror... :P


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3 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

I imagine you as blonde and chill, but very forceful when you become interested in a subject. In a good way.

You know what, I think it's just your profile picture...

Yeah, I wish I was chill... Not blonde either. Basically imagine your most generic possible person, and you have me and Potato. Except Potato has curly hair.

I'm currently imagining you as an honorspren or something, but I have no idea why. :lol::lol:

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I imagine @Matrim's Dice the same as I imagine Mat normally (black hair, kinda upside down teardrop face, wicked smile), but I now have added tall to that description although it should really be giant.

I also imagine Kas (don't really want to @ him) as a face with square glasses staring at a screen on occasion. By on occasion I mean every time he mentions statistics.

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7 hours ago, The Known Novel said:

I imagine @Matrim's Dice the same as I imagine Mat normally (black hair, kinda upside down teardrop face, wicked smile), but I now have added tall to that description although it should really be giant.

Hmm… you got the ‘tall’ part :P Face shape and expression, not exactly. My hair is dark but it’s brown. Course, I imagine Mat in WoT differently, but that’s because this site has corrupted my view of the name to the point that I imagine him looking kind of like me…

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On 1/17/2023 at 9:59 PM, Ranryu said:

Yeah, I wish I was chill... Not blonde either. Basically imagine your most generic possible person, and you have me and Potato. Except Potato has curly hair.

I'm currently imagining you as an honorspren or something, but I have no idea why. :lol::lol:


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I think I already described Halcyon somewhere on this thread...

And I think I've seen a picture of Calano somewhere, so that kind of ruins it...

@The Aspiring Archivist...oh scud, I just imagine you as your PFP. Um...brown hair, medium-short height, no glasses...

@Morningtide, I always just picture you as your PFP. Like, more than anyone else.

I see "Morningtide" and I think that Elsecaller glyph. I guess...you seem like you have brown hair.

And that's about all I can muster.

I don't normally have to imagine these people; your words are enough for me to get a good idea of your personality, which is what matters.

And now my curious brain wants to know how people think I look...except many of them have already said...

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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

@The Bookwyrm Obviously you are a wyrm with a book.

...Hm. Accurate. (Depending on your definition of wyrm. Which can be very versatile in my mind.)

Also, I notice that I generally assume that people who were on the Shard before me are older than me, and people who joined the Shard after me are younger.

Generally. There are exceptions.

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6 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

...Hm. Accurate. (Depending on your definition of wyrm. Which can be very versatile in my mind.)

Also, I notice that I generally assume that people who were on the Shard before me are older than me, and people who joined the Shard after me are younger.

Generally. There are exceptions.

What are the exceptions?

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