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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Raveness said:

You can do me if you want Stick :P




5 minutes ago, Ookla the Black Sock said:

That's actually close to how I picture him.




Wizzy, will you do me? lol


Edited by Ookla-The-Stick
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3 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

And now I’m just going to slowly work my way through AI generating art of every active Sharder, so here’s an Eddie (how I pictured her before I learned that she has pink hair: @Ookla the Believer

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Actually same


Also, feel free to do me :)

Edited by Ookla the Resolute
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8 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

Apparently this is Elan: 

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@Ookla the Prehistoric


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Elan if your hair was that fluffy I would…put a cat in it. 

2 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

And now I’m just going to slowly work my way through AI generating art of every active Sharder, so here’s an Eddie (how I pictured her before I learned that she has pink hair: @Ookla the Believer

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Ooo!! I love the extra pokey elbows xD

Actually, if my hair were longer (and, y’know, not slightly pink) that would be really accurate.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Elan if your hair was that fluffy I would…put a cat in it. 

Ooo!! I love the extra pokey elbows xD

Actually, if my hair were longer (and, y’know, not slightly pink) that would be really accurate.

Now I wanna put a cat in someone’s hair!

Sigh. I just want a cat, period. But 🎵my mom’s allergic and I am too🎵. I’d be willing to get one anyway, but….

5 minutes ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

Actually same


Also, feel free to do me :)

I sometimes imagine you as a Counselor-in-Training at my summer camp who has a similar name, and sometimes like this:




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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Hehe Thaidybear I still imagine you as Paul Atreides.


Maybe the 80s or 90s version, but Timothee Chalamet? Nahhhhhhhh.

Idk how I imagine you. I only really imagine one or two people such as Archie, Elan, Panda and one or two others that I've actually gone aside and specifically thought "Huh, I wonder what they look like-" Maybe kinda like that picture Stick posted, the brown hair one. I didn't know till like fifteen minutes ago that you had pink hair.

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