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41 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:


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@The Honorable One

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TA-DA! :D 



lol, also my hair is much, much, m u c h more curly and FLOOFY than that

(I'm also naturally a brunette but I bleach random chunks of it because I either get bored, or I have an existential crisis /j lol

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49 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:


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@The Honorable One

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TA-DA! :D 

A lot less blonde, and if I tried to smile like that, it would just look creepy. Also, I don't look that old.

Edited by The Honorable One
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8 minutes ago, The Honorable One said:

A lot less blonde, and if I tried to smile like that, it would just look creepy. Also, I don't look that old.

Yeah... AI can't do younger lol 

14 minutes ago, shortcake said:



lol, also my hair is much, much, m u c h more curly and FLOOFY than that

(I'm also naturally a brunette but I bleach random chunks of it because I either get bored, or I have an existential crisis /j lol


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4 hours ago, The Honorable One said:

Someone should do me. Warning: my pfp is not me.

Short, with short brown hair and dark blue eyes. You like jackets a lot. You’re around 17 years old.


4 hours ago, shortcake said:

Do meeeeee

You are quite short with short hair dyed a pale pink with bright green eyes. You enjoy wearing sweaters.


21 minutes ago, Robin Sedai said:

Anybody willing to give me a guess? I'm curious now :3

Around 26 years old, tall with long black hair, you wear a lot of dresses, usually orange. You also like hats.

If anybody wants to do me…I’d be curious.

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4 minutes ago, Just-A-Stick said:
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yeah... I would, but i'm not sure how to do they/them with AI.... :(  sowwyyyy


Uh let me see if I can be of assistance 

@Ravenclawjedi42 which gender do you look most like

idk if that’s a question that can really be answered easily lol

@Just-A-Stick AI-ify me

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