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5 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

@Aes Sedai I think you might've mentioned somewhere that you have pink hair so I imagine you with pink hair but brown roots 15-16 and hazely-golden eyes

I did mention that :P it's mostly faded now sadly though I might redo it.

@Cinnamon, I just imagine you as tall with blond hair. And you smell very strongly of cinnamon.

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3 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Sure. :P here's your actual one:

@Being of Cacophony I imagine you as 15ish with sandy brown hair cut pretty short and blueish-golden eyes and pretty lanky.

yeah, we'll go with that and not what I actually look like :P i like that better :lol: 

@Cinnamon, you're like the cliche surfer dude. Sandy hair, blue eyes, tall and lanky, blue shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt. 20-23, somewhere in that range. I don't think your that age, but that's how old you look in my mind.

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51 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:

yeah, we'll go with that and not what I actually look like :P i like that better :lol: 

@Cinnamon, you're like the cliche surfer dude. Sandy hair, blue eyes, tall and lanky, blue shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt. 20-23, somewhere in that range. I don't think your that age, but that's how old you look in my mind.

I’ll take it. :D That’s way cooler than I am :P 

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11 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:


@Cash67, i see you as... another platypus. Uh... male, 13-14, likes pie, likes astronomy, fun to be around, loves animals, just a little taller than average. I also don't know you very well though, so take it with a grain of salt.

I'd hope i'm fun to be around....

I'm a little older, a little taller, but you have basically described my past self!

11 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

@Cash67 I imagine you as 20-23 brown hair kinda messy but in a stylish way. Hazel, greenish eyes and pretty tall. Also, you have glasses

*sputter* *cough* *cough* *choke* *cough* um.... did you fly to Texas and track me down?! Minus the glasses part, you pretty much got me spot on! I'm a little younger but I think I've always seemed older to people. (Tho I do need glasses..... another story for another time)


I've already done Cinnamon, so I'll do my fellow MPI people who are here

@Being of Cacophony Yeah I do imagine you as a fellow platypus. In human form, you're a slightly shorter, slightly more muscled male with short hair. Probably 14-15. You always are ready for an adventure, as long as you know what you're about to do. (This description comes with the same disclaimer as yours of me did)

@Telrao You're a slightly taller female with longer hair. Probably around 16-17. You're competitive and will do whatever it takes to win (within reason), and at your house you have a cat that loves following you around. Whether it is because of the food you offer or how much the cat cares for you we may never know....

@Aes Sedai You are average height, with long hair typically in an out-of-the-way hairstyle (bun/ponytail/NOT IN THE FACE) but will 100% know the advantages for style that long hair offers and can and will manipulate those to your advantage. Probably 15-16. VERY intense and competitive, almost to a fault, and intensely loyal. Also has a dagger.

How'd I do?

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12 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

@Aes Sedai You are average height, with long hair typically in an out-of-the-way hairstyle (bun/ponytail/NOT IN THE FACE) but will 100% know the advantages for style that long hair offers and can and will manipulate those to your advantage. Probably 15-16. VERY intense and competitive, almost to a fault, and intensely loyal. Also has a dagger.

How'd I do?



Wow. Personality wise...yeah that's pretty much spot on. 

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I'm pretty sure I already did Shallan but @Cash67 for I while I didn't actually pay much attention to your pfp and I don't wear my glasses as much as I can but also I'm out of contacts so in scrolling through for a while I thought you pfp was a frog. So you're a frog in my head. Its great.

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25 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I'm pretty sure I already did Shallan but @Cash67 for I while I didn't actually pay much attention to your pfp and I don't wear my glasses as much as I can but also I'm out of contacts so in scrolling through for a while I thought you pfp was a frog. So you're a frog in my head. Its great.

Hehe this is incredible *croak*


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2 hours ago, Cash67 said:

@Being of Cacophony Yeah I do imagine you as a fellow platypus. In human form, you're a slightly shorter, slightly more muscled male with short hair. Probably 14-15. You always are ready for an adventure, as long as you know what you're about to do. (This description comes with the same disclaimer as yours of me did)

i wish! you got the personality pretty close, the only thing wrong is that even if i don't know what i'm doing, ill go do it :P 

i think I'm actually slightly taller and slightly less muscled, but same general idea :D 

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On 11/03/2023 at 2:47 AM, Cash67 said:


@Telrao You're a slightly taller female with longer hair. Probably around 16-17. You're competitive and will do whatever it takes to win (within reason), and at your house you have a cat that loves following you around. Whether it is because of the food you offer or how much the cat cares for you we may never know....

You did pretty well, my good sir! My cat does love following me around (although that's just cuz she likes pats) and I am rather competitive (but secretly :P). Although... I'm average height tehehe :D 

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I love how half of you just described me by accident. I'm tall,  blond, I have blueish green eyes and I am rather skinny.
It seems I am the average shader.

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8 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

@Telrao I kind of imagine you as Lift, but cat. 

Personality wise? If so then yup! :P 

@Wittles of Shinovar I imagine you kinda like your pfp, except around 14-15 age range. Brownish-black hair, blue eyes and a goofy grin. A bit lanky too I dunno :P 

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Just now, Telrao said:

Personality wise? If so then yup! :P 

@Wittles of Shinovar I imagine you kinda like your pfp, except around 14-15 age range. Brownish-black hair, blue eyes and a goofy grin. A bit lanky ttoo I dunno :P 

I basically just put a character to personality traits for how people look in my head. :P 

I've got brown/hazel/some weird brown color eyes, but other than that you basically got me. Although I'm not tall enough to be considered lanky I don't think. When I don't feel dead inside I'd say I have kind of a goofy look :unsure::P  

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1 hour ago, Cash67 said:

@Wittles of Shinovar yeah I got you vasically the same as Telrao, copy the PFP and have you as a shorter, younger, slim human male. Also you 100% know what you are doing, especially when you are trying to fry up to something

Correction, I project that I 100% know what I'm doing. In reality it's about 20% :P

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@Cash67, I honestly see you as a shy, younger boy with brown hair who always wears the same aquamarine hoodie and orange socks, and everyone's too scared to ask about them.

...wow my mind does weird things when I don't sleep.

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