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15 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

@Cash67, I honestly see you as a shy, younger boy with brown hair who always wears the same aquamarine hoodie and orange socks, and everyone's too scared to ask about them.

...wow my mind does weird things when I don't sleep.

Dang y’all must have encountered me pre pandemic…. I do own an aquamarine hoodie and for a solid two years I just wore that thing everywhere. 

I do want the Official Awake Aes Sedai Visualization (TM) later tho. 

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13 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

@Aes Sedai I imagine you as... uh, Rayvyn actually, to be honest. Short black hair, cloak. Dark eyes.

Shallan: Leeli. You give off so many Leeli vibes but appearance-wise I imagine you with blonde wavy hair and blueish hazel eyes. You have a really pretty smile and you always try to be optimistic. I think that you’re short too. You give off short-person vibes in the best way possible.

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@The Wandering Wizard I see you with dark brown hair that's kinda messy, blue eyes and a mischievous grin. For some reason you're either wearing a dark blue shirt and blue jeans OR adventuring gear with a big, dark blue cloak with silver trim and a really cool hood :P 

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4 hours ago, Telrao said:

@The Wandering Wizard I see you with dark brown hair that's kinda messy, blue eyes and a mischievous grin. For some reason you're either wearing a dark blue shirt and blue jeans OR adventuring gear with a big, dark blue cloak with silver trim and a really cool hood :P 

Are you stalking me o.O :P

It's mostly accurate and that is close to what I wear most times. :P

I wish I had a hood like that...I do make capes out of blankets sometimes. 

I imagine you as a slightly shorter than average girl, who always gets a grin on her face when cats are mentions and you have short light brown hair.

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9 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

@Aes Sedai I imagine you as... uh, Rayvyn actually, to be honest. Short black hair, cloak. Dark eyes.

That's amazing, thank you :P. I wish I could get away with wearing a cloak everywhere.

@The Wandering Wizard, have you seen veggie tales? Specifically the Jonah and the whale one? I see you as one of the little peas who's always smacking people with fish. 

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11 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Are you stalking me o.O :P

It's mostly accurate and that is close to what I wear most times. :P

I wish I had a hood like that...I do make capes out of blankets sometimes. 

I imagine you as a slightly shorter than average girl, who always gets a grin on her face when cats are mentions and you have short light brown hair.

maybe :P 

Got the slightly shorter - grin's definitely right :D Whenever a cat is mentioned you either get me squealing (quietly) or grinning widely. Short-ish? I'm a blondie - but it's almost light brown :P 

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1 hour ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

So i'm kinda curious, last time i asked on here literally no one could picture what i looked like lol. Has anyone formed a mental image of me since then?

Still no. :lol:. Normally I just associate names with profiles. The green on yours threw me off for a second. I'll try to guess though. UUUUUHHH. Brown hair, brown eyes and light skin. B). Perfect right. 


Lol I honestly don't have a guess though. Maybe someone else will do better.


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2 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

So i'm kinda curious, last time i asked on here literally no one could picture what i looked like lol. Has anyone formed a mental image of me since then?

Is it bad if I imagine you as like...a vaguely human shaped white blob? Because that's honestly the best my brain can do :P

What about me?

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23 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

So i'm kinda curious, last time i asked on here literally no one could picture what i looked like lol. Has anyone formed a mental image of me since then?

Yes I do! It’s weirdly specific so be warned. Okay, so in my mind you are about 15 and have slightly longer than shoulder length dark brown hair that’s silky and has a bit of a wave to it. Your eyes are hazel-y golden brown and you have a couple little freckles on your face but not many.

Also in my mind you are wearing an over sized pj shirt with a ghost phrog on it, pj shorts, socks and are mid sock slide down a hallway singing into a hairbrush like a microphone.

im sorry lol 

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23 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

So i'm kinda curious, last time i asked on here literally no one could picture what i looked like lol. Has anyone formed a mental image of me since then?

Yeah I think you’re shorter with hair that’s constantly kept in a ponytail/up so the chaos can flourish. Very bouncy and bubbly personality wise, but not in a bad way. 

Im throwing the question back at you tho @Szeth's Facepalm

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On 5/2/2023 at 10:25 PM, Lord Gregorio said:

Still no. :lol:. Normally I just associate names with profiles. The green on yours threw me off for a second. I'll try to guess though. UUUUUHHH. Brown hair, brown eyes and light skin. B). Perfect right. 

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Lol I honestly don't have a guess though. Maybe someone else will do better.


Lol. I'm caucasian as heck but wrong on the other accounts :P

On 5/2/2023 at 10:54 PM, Edema Ruh said:

Is it bad if I imagine you as like...a vaguely human shaped white blob? Because that's honestly the best my brain can do :P

What about me?

I imagine you as... a cat for some reason? Maybe it was your pfp, but when i think "edmah ruh" or "aes sedai" all i can think of is a tabby cat lol.

11 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

Yes I do! It’s weirdly specific so be warned. Okay, so in my mind you are about 15 and have slightly longer than shoulder length dark brown hair that’s silky and has a bit of a wave to it. Your eyes are hazel-y golden brown and you have a couple little freckles on your face but not many.

Also in my mind you are wearing an over sized pj shirt with a ghost phrog on it, pj shorts, socks and are mid sock slide down a hallway singing into a hairbrush like a microphone.

im sorry lol 

That is actually the best thing i've ever heard, thank you so much. My hair is really light brown/dark blonde, sort of golden-y, and my eyes are greenish hazel, but everything else is pretty accurate! Including the pjs and the hairbrush as a microphone :lol:

I sorta imagine you with a dark brown pixie cut, freckles, and overalls. Also you have a fluffy pen and a little blue notebook/sketchbook.

11 hours ago, Cash67 said:

Yeah I think you’re shorter with hair that’s constantly kept in a ponytail/up so the chaos can flourish. Very bouncy and bubbly personality wise, but not in a bad way. 

Im throwing the question back at you tho @Szeth's Facepalm


sorry i'm a little sensitive about this lmao. I am EXACTLY median height for my age. In fact, i am actually a half inch taller than median height. SO THERE. And yeah it's usually in a ponytail XD i am always bouncing and tapping my fingers and stuff (90% sure i have adhd that has gone untreated bcuz i'm homeschooled and my parents aren't big on that sort of thing yayyy (sarcastic)) and i do enjoy talking :D

You... full disclosure i imagine you as a platypus. The second image that comes to mind is short black hair, freckles, blue/green eyes, average height. Kind of like percy jackson lol. And you have a really cool looking watch.

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34 minutes ago, The Last Fæ said:

Okay, I'll join. @Argenti, I see you as a reclusive hoodie wearing 15 year old, I also sense glasses.

Close you got the hoodies and glasses right, but not quite reclusive, I speak to quite a few people (mostly in school).

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3 minutes ago, Argenti said:

Close you got the hoodies and glasses right, but not quite reclusive, I speak to quite a few people (mostly in school).

You remind me to almost every detail of a person I know (who needs to be on the shard more, but they are so reclusive they won't even message here). Even your choice of profile picture matches some of there's. I also persuaded them onto reading Terry Pratchett, I kind of maybe thought you were them in disguise.

May I know what you think I look like?

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7 minutes ago, The Last Fæ said:

You remind me to almost every detail of a person I know (who needs to be on the shard more, but they are so reclusive they won't even message here). Even your choice of profile picture matches some of there's.

May I know what you think I look like?

I basically imagine Tress with chickens, maybe with blue eyes instead of green, probably around 16?


Oh yeah, you use other pronouns what are they?

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Just now, Argenti said:

I basically imagine Tress with chickens, maybe with blue eyes instead of green, probably around 16?

The age is wrong but not by a massive amount, Yet to get to Tress of the Emerald Sea (did a bit of research, very similar) the eye color is entirely correct. 

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