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The Plot to Murder Lord Ruler (SANTA!!!)


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Pencil Taxi pops back into existence. She jumped through the portal a little late.

"Sorry, y'all! Do my illusions..." she breaks off and shivers a little from excitement, "...have a part in the plan?"


Haha, you all have tragic backstories and I'm literally just a normal person. Not sure how I'm a Radiant. Also just realized I've made no mention of having a spren...




Edited by Ookla the Pencil Taxi
forgot my character name
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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

Haha, you all have tragic backstories and I'm literally just a normal person. Not sure how I'm a Radiant. Also just realized I've made no mention of having a spren...



Tragic light weaver backstory time!

And a funny cryptic!

"Your illusions can help us get closer to observe, but why are you here? Your weren't originally part of this operation."

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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

"Your illusions can help us get closer to observe, but why are you here? Your weren't originally part of this operation."

Taxi frowns, trying not to look offended.

"I was... I just haven't been paying much attention."

A voice appears from Taxi's leg. "You rarely pay attention."

"I do!"


Hehe, maybe we haves a first truth coming along... Look on page 3


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4 hours ago, Ookla the Crow said:

"Yeah," Evalyn says, "I didn't see anything too great either. That's not important though, we've got a mission." She looks up at the Toy Maintenance Store for Elves.

"What do you suggest? You studied the maps more, so you're my map." She said to Misting.

@Ookla the Kobold


Who wants to DM here? I need some description of our surroundings before I start making up map nonsense.  


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Kobold said:



Mkay. Here's a short (I hope) desc of surroundings and situation. I won't be able to say anything else after this, so here we go, and good luck!

You've landed in a sheltered alleyway, hidden from sight. A long, winding asphalt lane extends down a gently sloping hill. Massive warehouses line the lane, brick, metal, and a combination of the two. The alley you're in is between to buildings - Bob's sweet sugary confectionary! and Din Din's Dingy Bells! There seems to be a loud ringing noise coming from the latter building. Two warehouses down the street, you can see your destination, painted bright greens and reds. Large, blindingly bright neon letters decorate the front, styled to look like candy canes and mistletoe. You have to squint to see the writing. The entire street of warehouses is festooned with Christmas lights, and you can hear the jingle bells and terrible pop Christmas songs emanating from your destination.
There are no windows on the front of the building, but from your alley, you can see the sloping roof has a few skylights - which could be useful. The entire building is metal - the tin roof could prove to be an issue.
The building on your left (facing the street) is brick (Din Din's Dingy Bells!), with a convenient ladder scaling the side. It leads to a gently sloping roof with a high lip - perfect for spying on the target.
A few cars idle past. A black limo slides down the street, windows conspiciously tinted. It pulls to a stop in front of your destination. No body gets out yet, but the two elves at the entrance of your destination shift nervously, hands on candy cane batons.
The street is not that busy, so moving in a large group could be noticeable - the elves also have festive sidearms. You'll have to extra sneaky!
This might be a bit tricky... so have fun!

(A note for the DM: Don't do anything like "the guards instantly spot you from across the street and shoot you down!" - we wanna make this goofy, fun, and whimsy. Feel free to pull a few wildcards - but nothing too impossible! Okay, have fun! Bye!!

Feel free to summon anyone you want to DM)

@Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Kobold

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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Crow said:

"He wasn't supposed to be here today! This was supposed to be a reconaissance mission, not a hit a week before we need to!" Evalyn hissed.

Wizard looks bemusedly at Evalyn. "How would this be a reconaissance mission on his security if he wasn't here? Just because he's here doesn't mean we have to strike now."

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Wizard looks bemusedly at Evalyn. "How would this be a reconaissance mission on his security if he wasn't here? Just because he's here doesn't mean we have to strike now."

"It's normal for security to be here making preparations for his arrival, rather than his actually being here," Evalyn hissed, "But this makes it harder."

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Always go 3rd person past tense. "Said," "stabbed," etc. Present tense just hurts my brain.

"He might not be in that limo specifically. As it approaches important holidays they often have decoys to keep him safe." Kris stared into it with a pair of binoculars, but the windows were heavily tinted and he couldn't see a thing on the inside. "Still. It's a start."

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On 12/6/2022 at 9:24 AM, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Always go 3rd person past tense. "Said," "stabbed," etc. Present tense just hurts my brain.



Agreed. Me no likey present tense. (I read a first person present tense book recently and for a while afterwards my internal narration/monologue[yes I have an internal monologue/narration of a lot of things that happen, don't judge] was stuck in first-person present tense. It made me mad.)

Edit 11 days later: What the heck, did I just kill this thread?

Edited by Ookla the Pencil Taxi
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