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I think Adawathwyn drained the bands


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I wrote this as a reply in another thread but I'm somewhat confident about this theory. I believe Adawathwyn is a traitor and drained the bands. She was the one who insisted that they use them and pushed hard to be the first one to hold them. In that moment if she used the bands the normal way it's highly likely we'd get some kind of visual reaction from her because of how much power they hold. What if she drained them a different way though? We know she is a ferring, she claims to be "one of the mind" which likely means Zinc. But what if that was a lie and she was a one of the soul, a soulbearer ferring. We know they can store investiture in Nicrosil metalminds and because feruchemists can control the rate of storing and tapping metal minds it makes sense that she could do it so rapidly and without any visible reaction. That combined with Steris' and TenSoon's belief that this was some kind of play means its possible Adawathwyn was a traitor working for the Malwish. 

What do ya'll think? Broke or woke lol 

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2 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

I think it’s possible, but I think there’s a deeper mystery afoot. I don’t know what, but unless adawathwyn is more important than we thought, Brandon has something bigger in mind.

Yeah I see what you mean. Even with this theory I think there is more to the plot of the malwish getting the bands. I just think Adawathwyn was only a small (albeit crucial) part of it 

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1 hour ago, SteelBagel said:

Possible, but I think we'd still see some sort of physical reaction. Beyond that, this is definitely a plotpoint to be resolved in the next era, which she likley won't be around or important for. She's just to minor a character for me to think she did something so significant. 

Yeah it's kind of a coin toss regarding nicrosil ferrings since investiture isn't the same as physical attributes where we know you can see the effects of them storing. Also I think minor characters can do significant things, I agree she will likely not be relevant (or even alive) in era 3 but if I'm right, what she did will be. 

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2 hours ago, BeatDownBlvd said:

Yeah it's kind of a coin toss regarding nicrosil ferrings since investiture isn't the same as physical attributes where we know you can see the effects of them storing. Also I think minor characters can do significant things, I agree she will likely not be relevant (or even alive) in era 3 but if I'm right, what she did will be. 

One possibility is that she simply drained the investure that allowed people to tap the bands, and thus also prevented them from feeling how full they were. Of course, this would mean that any ferring can immediately discover the trick, as can any steelpusher or ironpuller, because the Bands still wouldn't show up to their senses, as invested objects.

At the same time, it's not like any allomancer or ferring actually checked the bands, iirc. People just proclaimed them empty, with the situation precluding any detailed investigation.

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2 hours ago, kenod said:

One possibility is that she simply drained the investure that allowed people to tap the bands, and thus also prevented them from feeling how full they were. Of course, this would mean that any ferring can immediately discover the trick, as can any steelpusher or ironpuller, because the Bands still wouldn't show up to their senses, as invested objects.

At the same time, it's not like any allomancer or ferring actually checked the bands, iirc. People just proclaimed them empty, with the situation precluding any detailed investigation.

That's an excellent point and what I actually should have said in the original post! It's true soulbearer ferrings store and tap the ability to use investiture. So the attributes themselves would still remain in this situation. It would also explain that lack of visual reaction too. If she was really working with the Malwish she could easily just put the ability to access it back now that it's in their possession.  

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I don’t think she could drain the Bands of all powers and metalmind stores with just a touch.

As I’ve theorized in another thread (or two), I think she is at the center of what happend to the Bands, along with Daal the Malwish Ambassador - a switcheroo, a two-person job where Daal’s staredown was the distraction allowing her to do the swap of the Bands for a dummy one that of course was “drained”.

Why would they be doing that together? Because they’re both reporting to Kelsier. She’s a Ghostblood and he’s from the Southern Continent, where The Sovereign had just been returning from, after laying the foundations for a plan for him to regain the Bands.

Because Kelsier hasn’t been Mistborn all this time, and really misses having Metalborn powers, oh yes he does.

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2 minutes ago, robardin said:

I don’t think she could drain the Bands of all powers and metalmind stores with just a touch.

As I’ve theorized in another thread (or two), I think she is at the center of what happend to the Bands, along with Daal the Malwish Ambassador - a switcheroo, a two-person job where Daal’s staredown was the distraction allowing her to do the swap of the Bands for a dummy one that of course was “drained”.

Why would they be doing that together? Because they’re both reporting to Kelsier. She’s a Ghostblood and he’s from the Southern Continent, where The Sovereign had just been returning from, after laying the foundations for a plan for him to regain the Bands.

Because Kelsier hasn’t been Mistborn all this time, and really misses having Metalborn powers, oh yes he does.

I like this. She also has enhanced mental speed so maybe she used that in some way to pull a fast one? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/22/2022 at 7:53 PM, robardin said:

I don’t think she could drain the Bands of all powers and metalmind stores with just a touch.

As I’ve theorized in another thread (or two), I think she is at the center of what happend to the Bands, along with Daal the Malwish Ambassador - a switcheroo, a two-person job where Daal’s staredown was the distraction allowing her to do the swap of the Bands for a dummy one that of course was “drained”.

Why would they be doing that together? Because they’re both reporting to Kelsier. She’s a Ghostblood and he’s from the Southern Continent, where The Sovereign had just been returning from, after laying the foundations for a plan for him to regain the Bands.

Because Kelsier hasn’t been Mistborn all this time, and really misses having Metalborn powers, oh yes he does.

That just reminded me about how we have not really received any information on Kelsier's connection with the Malwish and what he has done with them since becoming such a revered and god-like figure to them as revealed at the end of Bands of Mourning. Perhaps the Malwish are much closer to being a nation of Ghostbloods (although honestly probably nowhere close to that extreme). I could easily see Kelsier taking care of them and manipulating them to use them for his plots by becoming their "god" in contrast with Harmony considering the fact that Harmony left the Malwish in the dust. And we already know that Kelsier has done this to some extent with the Malwish.

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It's not all that related to Adawathwyn but if the bands are made of all the 16 metals and that includes aluminum then if tapping into the allomantic power of it could drain them. Just would be way that anyone could have done it if they managed to get access


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