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Tower of Ghenjei: An ICanon subplot

The Aspiring Archivist

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Untitled said:

Nameless was silent for a moment, thinking. "I'm not sure how to best describe it. Balefire erases threads from the Pattern. Obviously, that means it erases people and destroys any object or weave that it touches, but that's not all it does. When it removes  threads from the Pattern, it doesn't just 'cut' them, like killing someone or destroying something normally would. It burns the thread backwards, getting rid of it back in time, so to speak. That can have some... dangerous consequences. On a small scale, it can be positive. For example, I'm pretty sure that guy stabbed me right before I hit him with balefire. I hit him with it, and so his actions from just before he got hit never happened. On a large scale... the more powerful the balefire, the further back in time it burns the threads. Use too much, and you could destabilize or even destroy an entire dimension. In my world, when balefire was first discovered, it was used recklessly. Entire cities were destroyed with it before we realized what the consequences could be. They almost broke the Pattern itself. After that, well, use of balefire isn't exactly encouraged." Nameless grimaced. "I've not exactly been careful with balefire in the past, but it's especially dangerous to use when travelling dimensions. Not all universes are as stable as my homeworld or the clinic."

"That would work. Do you think there's any doctors out there to get the signal?"

"Right. So, if this balefire is so powerful, why didn't it completely kill, or erase, the manipulator?"

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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Right. So, if this balefire is so powerful, why didn't it completely kill, or erase, the manipulator?"

"I don't know. It can't destroy everything, although I've never heard of a living being able to survive. Whoever this manipulator is, he's more powerful than I thought."

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Untitled said:

"I don't know. It can't destroy everything, although I've never heard of a living being able to survive. Whoever this manipulator is, he's more powerful than I thought."

He's a god.

Tors spoke to both Wynn and TAAron.


His name is Malum. He comes from our home world.

@Ookla the Obstinate

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34 minutes ago, Ookla the Obstinate said:

Wynn jumped. What? Oh, Tors.

"Who what?"

He killed my creator and destroyed my homeworld. He's the reason TAAron is a scholar abroad instead of going to school with his best friend. He is, by purpose of my creation, my arch enemy. And he wants to kill you all.

"What?" TAAron looked shocked. "He was right there... RIGHT THERE!" His voice escalated to a yell.

"I want to kill him."

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Untitled said:

Nameless gave TAAron an odd look. "Am I hallucinating again, or are you talking to your spren?"

"Not a spren. She's a trident, and her name is Tors. She can only talk to people she's bonded with, but you might be able to make out a ripple in the air right..." He pointed at where Tors was hovering near him. "There.

"And, uh, she says that the manipulator is a good from our world, named Malum. He killed the other god in his world, and destroyed it thereafter. And now he wants to kill all of us."

Edited by Ookla the Inverted
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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Not a spren. She's a trident, and her name is Tors. She can only talk to people she's bonded with, but you might be able to make out a ripple in the air right..." He pointed at where Tors was hovering near him. "There.

"And, uh, she says that the manipulator is a good from our world, named Malum. He killed the other good in his world, and destroyed it thereafter. And now he wants to kill all of us."

"Ah. That's bad. It would explain why balefire didn't work though. Do you have any idea what his powers work, maybe some weaknesses he might have?"

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Just now, Ookla the Untitled said:

"Ah. That's bad. It would explain why balefire didn't work though. Do you have any idea what his powers work, maybe some weaknesses he might have?"

"I have no idea. Uh, Tristan... he was the one who was involved with this. That is, before... well. I guess Tors might know a thing or two."

About that... I need to tell you something.

"Yeah? What is it?"

Tristan is... potentially... still alive.


We've identified that Malum destroyed the world by putting it into interdimensional space. Things can survive there. More importantly, when you left your dream with Haly he stayed there, and he knew things that you don't.

TAAron sat down, shaking. "That can't be possible. The stacis bracelet cut off."

There are things we don't know about the void and about stacis crystal.

"No. No, no no."

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Untitled said:

"Ah. That's bad. It would explain why balefire didn't work though. Do you have any idea what his powers work, maybe some weaknesses he might have?"

"Uh, Nameless? Are you still hurt? Because... I found a doctor, but she's a little bit... weird."


Guys it's Nurse Joy from Pokemon. She's now a worldhopper. 


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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Untitled said:

"Uh, yeah. I'm still hurt. And what do you mean weird?"

"Uh... She seems skilled enough, but she also doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'death' or 'permanent injury'? Plus, word bubbles appear when she talks."

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Just now, Ookla the Obstinate said:

"Uh... She seems skilled enough, but she also doesn't seem to understand the concept of 'death' or 'permanent injury'? Plus, word bubbles appear when she talks."

"Oh. In that case, She's probably perfect. After all, if she's never lost a patient, she must be skilled."

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Just now, Ookla the Untitled said:

"Think she's good enough to help you? It might be possible."

"Help... me? No, probably not. It's fine, anyways. I'm-" He collapsed, unconscious.


Did you both see why he's shaking on the ground?


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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Help... me? No, probably not. It's fine, anyways. I'm-" He collapsed, unconscious.

Nameless started to shove himself upright to catch TAAron, but collapsed back to the ground as a sudden bought of nausea overcame him. "TAAron? You alright?"


I did, but Nameless didn't.


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Untitled said:

Nameless started to shove himself upright to catch TAAron, but collapsed back to the ground as a sudden bought of nausea overcame him. "TAAron? You alright?"

TAAron muttered something softly that Nameless couldn't quite make out from where he was.

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Just now, Ookla the Untitled said:

Nameless watched him go, cursing softly. "Storm it TAAron, now is not a great time to split up."

Despite there being nothing visible, TAAron apparently slammed into something and began getting pushed back towards the group, breathing heavily.

TAAron, get a hold or yourself.

The frantic scholar grabbed on to whatever was pushing him, and it suddenly became visible to Nameless. A trident made of what looked like a blue glass was floating in the air, pushing him along.

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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

Despite there being nothing visible, TAAron apparently slammed into something and began getting pushed back towards the group, breathing heavily.

TAAron, get a hold or yourself.

The frantic scholar grabbed on to whatever was pushing him, and it suddenly became visible to Nameless. A trident made of what looked like a blue glass was floating in the air, pushing him along.

Nameless blinked. "Huh. So that's what his spre-er, Tors looks like?"

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Just now, Ookla the Untitled said:

Nameless blinked. "Huh. So that's what his spre-er, Tors looks like?"

Yes, hello.

The voice came as a vibration from the trident.

Nice to meet you, I suppose.

Tors dragged TAAron until he was back with the rest of the group.

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Yes, hello.

The voice came as a vibration from the trident.

Nice to meet you, I suppose.

Tors dragged TAAron until he was back with the rest of the group.

"Nice to meet you too. Could you, um, explain why TAAron freaked out like that?"

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