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Tower of Ghenjei: An ICanon subplot

The Aspiring Archivist

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

“Yeah, me too. Exactly.” That’s what I should have said. Oh well, next time. With a smile, she closed the door. 


Alright. Morning time! You decide if she's awake or not.

TAAron woke up, rubbing his eyes. I should check on Haly.

He made his way down the passage and to her room.

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

TAAron woke up, rubbing his eyes. I should check on Haly.

He made his way down the passage and to her room.

She was in the library, still half- asleep, watching the ceiling and mumbling incoherently from the top of the very high bookcase.



i find that interesting 


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7 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

She was in the library, still half- asleep, watching the ceiling and mumbling incoherently from the top of the very high bookcase.

"Haly," he whispered. Dropping a coin, he Pushed himself up to her. "Why are you up here?"

Edited by Ookla the Inverted
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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Haly," he whispered. Dropping a coin, he Pushed himself up to her. "Why are you up here?"

Waking up completely, she yelped and jolted upright, almost falling off the bookshelf. “TAAron! Good morning. I don’t know. I… don’t remember.” Scrunching her forehead, she looked around at the library. “There was something… a dream, or something. I’m not sure.”


Bye! Later.


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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

Waking up completely, she yelped and jolted upright, almost falling off the bookshelf. “TAAron! Good morning. I don’t know. I… don’t remember.” Scrunching her forehead, she looked around at the library. “There was something… a dream, or something. I’m not sure.”

"Does this... happen often?" He shook his head, laughing softly. "How did yesterday go?"

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36 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:


Wynn rummaged around in her bedroom's storage bins. Three billion years of abandonment and neglect had taken their toll on the lower levels of the Mound, but the Aos Si knew how to build things to last.

"Come on Snuffle, where- aha!"

Triumphantly, she pulled a worn card out of the junk assortment. She put it in her duel disk, praying it would still work after all this time.

A small metallic puppy appeared, big shiny eyes eager to please. Wynn rubbed its head, nostalgia hitting her full on.

"Hey Snuffles. Wanna help me track something down?"

The puppy barked, then began chasing its own tail.

"I'll take that as a yes." Wynn chuckled, scooping the little machine up. "We've got our work cut out for us."

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Just now, Ranryu said:

Wynn rummaged around in her bedroom's storage bins. Three billion years of abandonment and neglect had taken their toll on the lower levels of the Mound, but the Aos Si knew how to build things to last.

"Come on Snuffle, where- aha!"

Triumphantly, she pulled a worn card out of the junk assortment. She put it in her duel disk, praying it would still work after all this time.

A small metallic puppy appeared, big shiny eyes eager to please. Wynn rubbed its head, nostalgia hitting her full on.

"Hey Snuffles. Wanna help me track something down?"

The puppy barked, then began chasing its own tail.

"I'll take that as a yes." Wynn chuckled, scooping the little machine up. "We've got our work cut out for us."

A dog? That's your plan?

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22 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

A dog? That's your plan?



Snuffle isn't just a dog, she's my childhood friend. Don't criticize unless you have something actually helpful. 

Wynn left her room and breathed in deeply. It was nice to be home, even if that home was a wasteland death trap that ended up killing most of her people. She walked down a treetop hallway, gazing out the window that gave a view of the forest floor. The golems were sleeping nicely, like they had never even gone on a murderous rampage. And the moss... it looked like the atmosphere system had broken down and decided to give the ground level a continuous shower of mist. It was pretty. Reminded Wynn of Ireland. Nice world, that one had been.

She found her way to the security chamber and locked the realm.

Now the only way to get in or out of here is with me.


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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Snuffle isn't just a dog, she's my childhood friend. Don't criticize unless you have something actually helpful. 

Wynn left her room and breathed in deeply. It was nice to be home, even if that home was a wasteland death trap that ended up killing most of her people. She walked down a treetop hallway, gazing out the window that gave a view of the forest floor. The golems were sleeping nicely, like they had never even gone on a murderous rampage. And the moss... it looked like the atmosphere system had broken down and decided to give the ground level a continuous shower of mist. It was pretty. Reminded Wynn of Ireland. Nice world, that one had been.

She found her way to the security chamber and locked the realm.

Now the only way to get in or out of here is with me.

By the way, I heard from Death. He says to call off your council people or he'll destroy Lerac's soul.

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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

By the way, I heard from Death. He says to call off your council people or he'll destroy Lerac's soul.

I highly doubt that he would actually do that. It would definitely consign him to a fate of eternal suffering. Besides, it's out of my hands. I don't control the gods, especially not the class sixes. If any one of them wanted to, they could probably crush you and restore Lerac in a single blink. But that would be against their rules. Some gods, unlike you, have principles.

Wynn continued deeper into the Mound's network of tree tunnels, feeling slightly disappointed that any energy wells would have dissipated eons ago. She came to the armory.  Hmmm. No weapons. At least they went down fighting. As she exited, Wynn noticed a single weapon on the floor, a glaive made of some strange sleek material. As she picked it up, she received a jolt.



*singing* It's the glaive Ranryu killed herself with!


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Just now, Ranryu said:

I highly doubt that he would actually do that. It would definitely consign him to a fate of eternal suffering. Besides, it's out of my hands. I don't control the gods, especially not the class sixes. If any one of them wanted to, they could probably crush you and restore Lerac in a single blink. But that would be against their rules. Some gods, unlike you, have principles.

Wynn continued deeper into the Mound's network of tree tunnels, feeling slightly disappointed that any energy wells would have dissipated eons ago. She came to the armory.  Hmmm. No weapons. At least they went down fighting. As she exited, Wynn noticed a single weapon on the floor, a glaive made of some strange sleek material. As she picked it up, she received a jolt.



Oh. Lovely.

I could probably bring him back. I know Death well.

"Wynn?" Lerac's voice sounded in the room.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

I could probably bring him back. I know Death well.

"Wynn?" Lerac's voice sounded in the room.

Yeah, and I'm sure his soul comes with a hefty price. He chose his death. I won't force him back just to satisfy own desires.

"I miss you Lerac!" Wynn called out, not convinced that he could actually hear her. "The Hunt will bust you out of there soon. You'll get your chance for a fair afterlife."

Wynn twirled the glaive and continued walking. The weapon felt so right in her hands. A final gift from Eria, perhaps. Or maybe she was just being sentimental. Either way, Wynn sensed power in the weapon.

I hope you don't feel jealous, Tors.

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Yeah, and I'm sure his soul comes with a hefty price. He chose his death. I won't force him back just to satisfy own desires.

"I miss you Lerac!" Wynn called out, not convinced that he could actually hear her. "The Hunt will bust you out of there soon. You'll get your chance for a fair afterlife."

Wynn twirled the glaive and continued walking. The weapon felt so right in her hands. A final gift from Eria, perhaps. Or maybe she was just being sentimental. Either way, Wynn sensed power in the weapon.

I hope you don't feel jealous, Tors.

"Why do you miss me? What was I to you?"

What is it, exactly?

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Why do you miss me? What was I to you?"

What is it, exactly?

"You were someone who gave me hope. Now be quiet, Malum."

Wynn took another deep, nostalgic breath. Now wasn't the time to be lingering on the dead, no matter how much they tried to break into her life. She had her full memories back for the first time in decades, a mechanical puppy in her arms, and a purpose to fulfill. Today was a good day, in a cold, misty sort of way.

I view you as a person first and a weapon second. Unless we're fighting Malum, I'll be using this glaive. I can already tell it'll meld nicely with my Shadow Magic.

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

"You were someone who gave me hope. Now be quiet, Malum."

Wynn took another deep, nostalgic breath. Now wasn't the time to be lingering on the dead, no matter how much they tried to break into her life. She had her full memories back for the first time in decades, a mechanical puppy in her arms, and a purpose to fulfill. Today was a good day, in a cold, misty sort of way.

I view you as a person first and a weapon second. Unless we're fighting Malum, I'll be using this glaive. I can already tell it'll meld nicely with my Shadow Magic.

"I gave you hope? How so?"

Alright... What is your plan for dealing with him?

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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"I gave you hope? How so?"

Alright... What is your plan for dealing with him?

"You healed people at your own expense. You said what you thought. You even laid down your life for someone whom you'd only recently met. You gave me hope that maybe not all mortals are incapable of thinking beyond themselves and their chosen loved ones."

Uhh... I wouldn't really call it a plan. I figure, we get some more Stacis, trap him with it somehow, then use you to kill him. Don't ask me how- I haven't gotten that far yet.


Just a thought, but what's the timeline for this adventure? Like, how long has it been since they all set out to heal TAAron? 


Edited by Ranryu
Quote not spoiler oops
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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

"You healed people at your own expense. You said what you thought. You even laid down your life for someone whom you'd only recently met. You gave me hope that maybe not all mortals are incapable of thinking beyond themselves and their chosen loved ones."

Uhh... I wouldn't really call it a plan. I figure, we get some more Stacis, trap him with it somehow, then use you to kill him. Don't ask me how- I haven't gotten that far yet.


Maybe a week or less? There was the time at Terra de Lumine, then the End of Time, the Tower, and everything after that.

"I was also nosy and insensitive. Those aren't very redeeming qualities."

Right. Is that what the dog is for?

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"I was also nosy and insensitive. Those aren't very redeeming qualities."

Right. Is that what the dog is for?

"And they made you not perfect. Real."

Yep. Snuffle here is the best treasure-finder I've ever come across. Wynn patted the puppy's head, and Snuffle yipped happily in return.

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Just now, Ranryu said:

"And they made you not perfect. Real."

Yep. Snuffle here is the best treasure-finder I've ever come across. Wynn patted the puppy's head, and Snuffle yipped happily in return.

"Wynn, why didn't you come and talk to me like you did with TAAron? No, that's a dumb question. I'm not as important." The voice didn't sound bitter, just resigned.

How sweet. Where did you get the name?

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17 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Wynn, why didn't you come and talk to me like you did with TAAron? No, that's a dumb question. I'm not as important." The voice didn't sound bitter, just resigned.

How sweet. Where did you get the name?

"I never got to see TAAron. Death will literally not allow me past his doors again. Believe me, I tried. The only reason I went back for TAAron was because Haly needs him. You might not understand now, but mortal death isn't something I mess with lightly. Unless you'd like to try undeath?"

Back when she was a real puppy, I was allergic to her. Unfortunately, puppies don't last very long. She agreed to let Orange make her into a robot after she died. 

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2 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"I never got to see TAAron. Death will literally not allow me past his doors again. Believe me, I tried. The only reason I went back for TAAron was because Haly needs him. You might not understand now, but mortal death isn't something I mess with lightly. Unless you'd like to try undeath?"

Back when she was a real puppy, I was allergic to her. Unfortunately, puppies don't last very long. She agreed to let Orange make her into a robot after she died. 

"Undeath? That doesn't sound pleasant. Well, I... guess this is goodbye." Lerac sounded deeply sad. There almost seemed to be a longing in his voice, although what for could not be certain.

The puppy agreed? How?

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Undeath? That doesn't sound pleasant. Well, I... guess this is goodbye." Lerac sounded deeply sad. There almost seemed to be a longing in his voice, although what for could not be certain.

The puppy agreed? How?

Wynn looked sad. "Bye for now. The future is never what you expect it to be. I... well please wait for me, if you can. I'm sorry."

That was cruel of you, Malum. If you want to be a helpful member of this team, you need to stop doing things like that.

Wynn addressed Tors.

She's a puppy. All she wants is to be with me. When I called her spirit back, she came running.

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn looked sad. "Bye for now. The future is never what you expect it to be. I... well please wait for me, if you can. I'm sorry."

That was cruel of you, Malum. If you want to be a helpful member of this team, you need to stop doing things like that.

Wynn addressed Tors.

She's a puppy. All she wants is to be with me. When I called her spirit back, she came running.

"Wait for you? How long will that be? Wynn, I-" Lerac's voice cut out with a horrible screech, like metal scraping. It was replaced by the voice of Death.

"It is done, Malum. As you requested."

I don't think he'll be able to wait for you. What a shame.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Wait for you? How long will that be? Wynn, I-" Lerac's voice cut out with a horrible screech, like metal scraping. It was replaced by the voice of Death.

"It is done, Malum. As you requested."

I don't think he'll be able to wait for you. What a shame.

And that one little action just sealed Death's fate. The Hunt's chains are off now. Not even Death himself can stand against the fury of the interdimensional justice system. What Malum, were you trying to make me cry? You really need to get it together if you ever want to be a full-fledged member of the team. 

"And you, Death. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, you should be afraid. Be very afraid." Wynn felt calm, like the misty land underneath the trees. "Class fives are so much more fun to get revenge on than mortals. They could trap you in a pit for eternity, or break you into tiny pieces and scatter you everywhere- ooh! They could make you mortal! You'd like that, wouldn't you?

"And both of you. Don't you know that it's better to build up walls, instead of tearing them down? I get that you're the gods of death and destruction, but you'll be able to destroy better if you pace yourselves, spend more time planning and less time trying and failing to make teenage girls cry. Honestly, how have you both been around so long without figuring that out?"

Wynn stroked Snuffle calmly. Perhaps it was better to forget humanity- go back to how she had been eons ago.

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2 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

And that one little action just sealed Death's fate. The Hunt's chains are off now. Not even Death himself can stand against the fury of the interdimensional justice system. What Malum, were you trying to make me cry? You really need to get it together if you ever want to be a full-fledged member of the team. 

"And you, Death. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, you should be afraid. Be very afraid." Wynn felt calm, like the misty land underneath the trees. "Class fives are so much more fun to get revenge on than mortals. They could trap you in a pit for eternity, or break you into tiny pieces and scatter you everywhere- ooh! They could make you mortal! You'd like that, wouldn't you?

"And both of you. Don't you know that it's better to build up walls, instead of tearing them down? I get that you're the gods of death and destruction, but you'll be able to destroy better if you pace yourselves, spend more time planning and less time trying and failing to make teenage girls cry. Honestly, how have you both been around so long without figuring that out?"

Wynn stroked Snuffle calmly. Perhaps it was better to forget humanity- go back to how she had been eons ago.

I'm not trying to make you cry, girl. I simply wish to demonstrate the extent of my power. You questioned me, and now your mortal friend is gone forever.

Wynn, are you okay? What just happened?

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