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Tower of Ghenjei: An ICanon subplot

The Aspiring Archivist

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn typed the name in.

"A direct portal! How convenient!" A glowing white oval appeared in the air. "Come on, let's go!"

Lerac sighed, and stepped in.

The world before them was unnaturally perfect. Rolling hills of perfect green with patches of perfect bright flowers spread out before them. A picturesque forest of trees, some green and some in fall colors, spread out to their left. To the right, a city full of quaint homes spread out for miles, and at the center was a group of larger buildings and I've enormous palace. People, tiny dots from here, roamed the streets.

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Lerac sighed, and stepped in.

The world before them was unnaturally perfect. Rolling hills of perfect green with patches of perfect bright flowers spread out before them. A picturesque forest of trees, some green and some in fall colors, spread out to their left. To the right, a city full of quaint homes spread out for miles, and at the center was a group of larger buildings and I've enormous palace. People, tiny dots from here, roamed the streets.

Wynn wrinkled her nose at the landscape.

"Needs some zombies, or a nice gloom. Where to?"

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

"Cool? Um... how welcoming are your people? Because based on the look of things I have a feeling they really won't like me."

"What gave you that impression?" He shook his head. "The people are tense, but if you keep your head down you'll be fine."

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38 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"What gave you that impression?" He shook his head. "The people are tense, but if you keep your head down you'll be fine."

"That's the problem. I'll give it my best shot, but odds are we'll draw unwanted attention."

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7 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Well, if worse comes to worse, I can play the vaguely important person card to get you out of trouble."

"If worst comes to worst, I can use Shadow Magic to defend us."

They made their way to the palace. 

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Just now, Ranryu said:

"If worst comes to worst, I can use Shadow Magic to defend us."

They made their way to the palace. 

The pair drew odd looks, and some hushed whispers, but no one did or said anything to them.

When they reached the palace, however, there was a large group of what appeared to be guards waiting for them. They wore bright green uniforms, with a golden insignia. "Why do you come to the palace, outsiders?" one said.

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13 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The pair drew odd looks, and some hushed whispers, but no one did or said anything to them.

When they reached the palace, however, there was a large group of what appeared to be guards waiting for them. They wore bright green uniforms, with a golden insignia. "Why do you come to the palace, outsiders?" one said.

"We came because there is an angry god who wants to destroy everything." Wynn said matter-of-factly. "And we aren't quite ready to face him yet."

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

"We came because there is an angry god who wants to destroy everything." Wynn said matter-of-factly. "And we aren't quite ready to face him yet."

The man scoffed. "What a ridiculous story. Who are you, an enemy spy?" He leveled his spear at Wynn.

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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

The man scoffed. "What a ridiculous story. Who are you, an enemy spy?" He leveled his spear at Wynn.

Wynn held her hands up and took a step back. "Not spies, just weary warriors. You know Lerac, right? He's from here."

"I probably shouldn't kill any of these guys, right?" She muttered to Lerac.

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Just now, Ranryu said:

Wynn held her hands up and took a step back. "Not spies, just weary warriors. You know Lerac, right? He's from here."

"I probably shouldn't kill any of these guys, right?" She muttered to Lerac.

Lerac groaned. "No. Hello, Parel."

He pulled back his spear and nodded. "Lerac it is. Welcome back. Who is your companion, boy? Did you finally get yourself a woman?"

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Lerac groaned. "No. Hello, Parel."

He pulled back his spear and nodded. "Lerac it is. Welcome back. Who is your companion, boy? Did you finally get yourself a woman?"

Wynn bristled at the man's words, but decided that it would probably be wiser to remain silent, if only to keep herself from escalating the situation and murdering him.

She did switch on her duel disk, however. Murder could come later.

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn bristled at the man's words, but decided that it would probably be wiser to remain silent, if only to keep herself from escalating the situation and murdering him.

She did switch on her duel disk, however. Murder could come later.

"Let us in, Parel."

"Fine." Parel gestured for the guards to move away, and he opened the gates for them.

"Come on, Wynn. We're going to the general's quarters."

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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Let us in, Parel."

"Fine." Parel gestured for the guards to move away, and he opened the gates for them.

"Come on, Wynn. We're going to the general's quarters."

Wynn followed. As they passed the gate, she snickered and used a tendril of Shadow Magic to make the head fall of Parel's spear.

"Serves him right." She chuckled quietly.

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn followed. As they passed the gate, she snickered and used a tendril of Shadow Magic to make the head fall of Parel's spear.

"Serves him right." She chuckled quietly.

"Look who's keeping her head down." Lerac lead them down several hallways, before stopping at a door labeledLerac Bloodvine, Head General. Lerac knocked.

The door swung open a few moments later, held by an attendant. "Who is it?" a gruff voice called.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Look who's keeping her head down." Lerac lead them down several hallways, before stopping at a door labeledLerac Bloodvine, Head General. Lerac knocked.

The door swung open a few moments later, held by an attendant. "Who is it?" a gruff voice called.

Hmmm. Is he named after his father?

"Just a few tired warriors." Wynn responded. "We've literally been to afterlife and back. Just thought you'd like to know."

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Hmmm. Is he named after his father?

"Just a few tired warriors." Wynn responded. "We've literally been to afterlife and back. Just thought you'd like to know."

The man inside looked much like Lerac, except a few decades older and worn down by battle. His uniform was a more modest dull green as opposed to the bright colors of the guards. He looked up at the pair. "Hello, son." He directed his gaze to Wynn. "Who are you, and how do you know him? I assure you, the boy is nothing but trouble."

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The man inside looked much like Lerac, except a few decades older and worn down by battle. His uniform was a more modest dull green as opposed to the bright colors of the guards. He looked up at the pair. "Hello, son." He directed his gaze to Wynn. "Who are you, and how do you know him? I assure you, the boy is nothing but trouble."

"My name is Wynn, Bringer of Storms. Nice introduction of your son, by the way. It's not like he died and now his life depends on us killing a god or anything. It's not like he's been halfway across the multiverse and back trying to save it. And if you think he's trouble, you'll hate me."

Wynn smirked. 

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8 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"My name is Wynn, Bringer of Storms. Nice introduction of your son, by the way. It's not like he died and now his life depends on us killing a god or anything. It's not like he's been halfway across the multiverse and back trying to save it. And if you think he's trouble, you'll hate me."

Wynn smirked. 

Lerac's father snorted. "This is the first time he's pulled someone else into his little plots. Be wary. I don't know what he told you, but you probably shouldn't believe him."

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Lerac's father snorted. "This is the first time he's pulled someone else into his little plots. Be wary. I don't know what he told you, but you probably shouldn't believe him."

Wynn yawned. "I have a low patience for mortals." She surrounded herself with a corona of writhing Shadows. "He didn't tell me anything. He got possessed by Malum and forcibly taken off-world. You seem like a terrible father, so you probably didn't even wonder where he was. Our goal in coming here was to inform you that Lerac is alive again, but you clearly don't care. So now we're gonna crash here for a day or so, see if you have any cool stuff that could aide us against Malum, and give most of you a serious attitude adjustment. Do you know how many people would kill to have a son like Lerac?"

She turned to Lerac. "What did you do to get such a reputation anyway?"

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18 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn yawned. "I have a low patience for mortals." She surrounded herself with a corona of writhing Shadows. "He didn't tell me anything. He got possessed by Malum and forcibly taken off-world. You seem like a terrible father, so you probably didn't even wonder where he was. Our goal in coming here was to inform you that Lerac is alive again, but you clearly don't care. So now we're gonna crash here for a day or so, see if you have any cool stuff that could aide us against Malum, and give most of you a serious attitude adjustment. Do you know how many people would kill to have a son like Lerac?"

She turned to Lerac. "What did you do to get such a reputation anyway?"

The general's expression turned from boredom to hot anger. "I have done nothing but provide for my son all these years. He has been nothing but trouble, constantly undermining authority during a major crisis. I will not harbor you in your absurd quest, nor will I stand for this disrespect!" He waved his hands, and vines grew up around Wynn, enormous and strong, squeezing and suffocating her.


My ability to post may be spotty for the next hour or so.


Edited by Ookla the Inverted
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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

The general's expression turned from boredom to hot anger. "I have done nothing but provide for my son all these years. He has been nothing but trouble, constantly undermining authority during a major crisis. I will not harbor you in your absurd quest, nor will I stand for this disrespect!" He waved his hands, and vines grew up around Wynn, enormous and strong, squeezing and suffocating her.



I should probably sign off after this anyway. Happy New Year!

Luckily, Wynn wasn't that easy to suffocate. With a small burst of energy, her Shadow cleaved the vines straight through and deposited her a few feet away.

"Sheesh, anger much? The plant magic is very cool and all, but I do not appreciate having to waste my energy fighting vines. If you wanted help with whatever crisis you're going through, you could've just asked like a sane person."

Calm yourself. You only murder people who deserve it, not magic plant dudes with anger issues. Besides, he's Lerac's dad. Do not kill him even the tiniest bit.

"You wanna go somewhere else?" Wynn asked Lerac. "Now I understand why you were reluctant to come. Your world sucks worse than the Slime Pits of the 35th Barrier."

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