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Tower of Ghenjei: An ICanon subplot

The Aspiring Archivist

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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

Lerac remained limp, except for that slight tremor. He had gone pale, and appeared to be losing a lot of blood himself. He began whispering something faintly. "I'm sorry, father. I'll do better."



Trauma :lol:. You wanna leave or go find his mom?

Wynn cursed herself for not noticing how bad his injury was. A quick Shadow kept the blood from coming out, but she couldn't repair the damage on the inside.

"Lerac, I know you're hurt, but please answer me if you can. You said your mother works at a health clinic. Where is it? Or somewhere safe?"

They exited the palace, Wynn's Shadows keeping any possible threats at bay. But she was losing energy faster than she should've due to her injury. Already, centuries worth of memories were gone.

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Just now, Ranryu said:

Wynn cursed herself for not noticing how bad his injury was. A quick Shadow kept the blood from coming out, but she couldn't repair the damage on the inside.

"Lerac, I know you're hurt, but please answer me if you can. You said your mother works at a health clinic. Where is it? Or somewhere safe?"

They exited the palace, Wynn's Shadows keeping any possible threats at bay. But she was losing energy faster than she should've due to her injury. Already, centuries worth of memories were gone.


They'll probably have to leave.

Lerac shuddered. "Mother... in a different country. Far from here."

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Lerac shuddered. "Mother... in a different country. Far from here."


Wynn summoned her duel runner. Groaning, she set Lerac on it as gently as she could. Then she dragged herself behind him.

"Engage autopilot. Destination, anywhere but here."

The runner took off.


Any ideas where? 


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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:


Wynn summoned her duel runner. Groaning, she set Lerac on it as gently as she could. Then she dragged herself behind him.

"Engage autopilot. Destination, anywhere but here."

The runner took off.


Not really. You can choose if you like.


Or now would be a really awful time for that water world. Hehe


Lerac slumped over in his seat. "Wynn, I'm going to die again soon," he said softly.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Lerac slumped over in his seat. "Wynn, I'm going to die again soon," he said softly.

"No." Wynn snarled. "You won't die, I swear it on Eria's soul."


Aaaaand we're back to mythology. None of the worlds I write about are good for RP's.

The duel runner slowed to a stop. Around them was a beautiful forest, with a golden beach shining in the distance. Small animals and birds fled as the runner plowed through the undergrowth.

"The Dawn Garden." Wynn breathed a sigh of relief. Looking around, she spotted a tree bearing golden pears. Her Shadow grabbed one.

"Eat this. It will help."

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3 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"No." Wynn snarled. "You won't die, I swear it on Eria's soul."

The duel runner slowed to a stop. Around them was a beautiful forest, with a golden beach shining in the distance. Small animals and birds fled as the runner plowed through the undergrowth.

"The Dawn Garden." Wynn breathed a sigh of relief. Looking around, she spotted a tree bearing golden pears. Her Shadow grabbed one.

"Eat this. It will help."

Lerac took the fruit and bit into it.


What is the nature of the plant? What does it do?


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Lerac took the fruit and bit into it.


You remember those golden apples? Well they're pears now because pears are cooler. His wounds should heal quite quickly, along with the typical effects of golden apples.

Wynn looked at him with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry. It was the only option to keep you from dying again."

He didn't want to go back to his world. Why did you force him? Idiot. You need to listen better.

Blood continued to drip from her side.

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn looked at him with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry. It was the only option to keep you from dying again."

He didn't want to go back to his world. Why did you force him? Idiot. You need to listen better.

Blood continued to drip from her side.


I don't remember the golden apples... Were they used before? What other effects should I know about?


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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:



Ah sorry. In greek mythology (and minecraft, sort of), golden apples have magical effects, including healing, immortality, and starting wars. This is a myth mash-up however, so instead of being guarded by a monster, they are cultivated by three nymphs on a magical island.


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Just now, Ranryu said:



Hm... I don't think Death will like this very much.

Nothing seemed to happen. Lerac remained pale and weak. His breath became quick and shallow.

A cold presence came over Wynn, the presence of Death. "What are you trying to do, Wynn?"

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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

Nothing seemed to happen. Lerac remained pale and weak. His breath became quick and shallow.

A cold presence came over Wynn, the presence of Death. "What are you trying to do, Wynn?"

"Keep him from dying again. Calm down- it doesn't change our deal. He's not an Aos Si, so his soul will still go to the afterlife when he dies. You might have to wait a bit longer to get him, but that's no big deal to you, right? You are Death. You are inevitable. I only try to cheat nature to save nature. This isn't one of those times."


Immortal is a deceiving term. Clearly, immortals such as Aos Si can die (or un-die, in their case). Not aging is all it takes to be classified as an immortal. They can still be killed (all though it can be more difficult than killing a mortal, depending)


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Just now, Ranryu said:

"Keep him from dying again. Calm down- it doesn't change our deal. He's not an Aos Si, so his soul will still go to the afterlife when he dies. You might have to wait a bit longer to get him, but that's no big deal to you, right? You are Death. You are inevitable. I only try to cheat nature to save nature. This isn't one of those times."

"Be careful with what you are interfering, Wynn. You have not violated our agreement, but you push the boundaries." The presence vanished.

For the next few minutes, Lerac still did not heal. Instead, he got worse, eyes losing focus, life slipping away.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Be careful with what you are interfering, Wynn. You have not violated our agreement, but you push the boundaries." The presence vanished.

For the next few minutes, Lerac still did not heal. Instead, he got worse, eyes losing focus, life slipping away.

"Nononono!" Wynn was frantic. "Not again!" And this time it is my fault. Completely.

"Come on Lerac, stay with me. We need you!"

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6 minutes ago, Ranryu said:

"Nononono!" Wynn was frantic. "Not again!" And this time it is my fault. Completely.

"Come on Lerac, stay with me. We need you!"

"Wynn, you're hurt," he mumbled. Weakly grabbing her arm, he began healing her wounds with what little healing energy he had. Then, his hand released and slumped down to the ground. His breath stopped.


To clarify, he's not actually quite dead yet, although it appears that way. As a warning, Death is letting him get to the very edge before letting the golden pear take effect.


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Just now, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Wynn, you're hurt," he mumbled. Weakly grabbing her arm, he began healing her wounds with what little healing energy he had. Then, his hand released and slumped down to the ground. His breath stopped.

Tears trickled down Wynn's face, mixing with blood from her not-fully-healed wound on the forest floor.

"Atlantides, please grant us asylum." She called out to the forest.

A breeze blew through the trees, followed by faint musical laughter. Acceptance.

Wynn didn't know what to do, so she leaned against a tree and watched Lerac. If the pear didn't work, then there was nothing she could do.

Curse Death. Curse him.

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Tears trickled down Wynn's face, mixing with blood from her not-fully-healed wound on the forest floor.

"Atlantides, please grant us asylum." She called out to the forest.

A breeze blew through the trees, followed by faint musical laughter. Acceptance.

Wynn didn't know what to do, so she leaned against a tree and watched Lerac. If the pear didn't work, then there was nothing she could do.

Curse Death. Curse him.

Suddenly, the color began returning to Lerac's face. With a gasp, he sat up, breathing heavily. "Woah."

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

Suddenly, the color began returning to Lerac's face. With a gasp, he sat up, breathing heavily. "Woah."

"Lerac!" Wynn had to pull herself back. "You're alive! I'm... sorry. This is all my fault."

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Just now, Ranryu said:

"Lerac!" Wynn had to pull herself back. "You're alive! I'm... sorry. This is all my fault."

"No. It's mine. I shouldn't have attacked my father." He walked up to her. "You're still hurt." Carefully, he put a hand on her stomach, and began healing the wound.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"No. It's mine. I shouldn't have attacked my father." He walked up to her. "You're still hurt." Carefully, he put a hand on her stomach, and began healing the wound.

Instantly she began feeling better.

"The Atlantides have granted us safe haven here. They are forbidden to interact with lesser beings like us, but their garden is at our disposal. There are things here that could help us. And then we need to go find that Stacis stuff using Snuffle."

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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Instantly she began feeling better.

"The Atlantides have granted us safe haven here. They are forbidden to interact with lesser beings like us, but their garden is at our disposal. There are things here that could help us. And then we need to go find that Stacis stuff using Snuffle."

"Got it." The health kept coursing through Wynn, creating a pleasant warm sensation that it hadn't ever before. Even her metal ribs unbent. "What was that fruit, Wynn? I was all but out of health after the fight, but now I have plenty. What else does it do?"

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"Got it." The health kept coursing through Wynn, creating a pleasant warm sensation that it hadn't ever before. Even her metal ribs unbent. "What was that fruit, Wynn? I was all but out of health after the fight, but now I have plenty. What else does it do?"

Wynn scratched the back of her head, trying to ignore the fact that Lerac was touching her.

"Um... It kind... might've made you immortal? And it might've souped up your powers too?"

She smiled guiltily. 


I'm calling it a night. Well, technically a morning now. Bye!


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9 hours ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn scratched the back of her head, trying to ignore the fact that Lerac was touching her.

"Um... It kind... might've made you immortal? And it might've souped up your powers too?"

She smiled guiltily.

"It... wait. It can't be that easy, can it? Why wouldn't you just do it for everyone?" The healing had stopped, but Lerac was apparently too distracted in thought to remove his hand. The warm sensation persisted.




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9 hours ago, Ookla the Inverted said:

"It... wait. It can't be that easy, can it? Why wouldn't you just do it for everyone?" The healing had stopped, but Lerac was apparently too distracted to remove his hand. The warm sensation persisted.

"The Atlantides guard the fruit jealously. They must like you a lot. And besides, being immortal is a big responsibility. Many of us go mad after a few centuries, lose their sense of self. I broke a few dozen laws just by bringing you here. But we won't be punished, because the Atlantides accepted us."

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