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Tower of Ghenjei: An ICanon subplot

The Aspiring Archivist

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"I don't know if I ever asked. How come you left Basilica in the first place?"

"Well, I started in with the marshmallows, and then Essa asked me to join her organization, and I thought it'd be nice to take a break from the court and all that."

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

"Well, I started in with the marshmallows, and then Essa asked me to join her organization, and I thought it'd be nice to take a break from the court and all that."

"That must have been hard to grow up with."

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

She didn't really agree, but she didn't press the point. "I didn't know you had to live like that--on the streets... How did you find your way to the clinic?"

"A lot of looking and a little bit of luck. It doesn't really matter."

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Just now, The Halcyon Girl said:

"Years? I can't get over that."

"Well, it was almost five years once I got to the clinic. It was a year when Kol... anyway. I was never all that good at stealing, so after a while I had to find a way to get food and books honestly."

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Well, it was almost five years once I got to the clinic. It was a year when Kol... anyway. I was never all that good at stealing, so after a while I had to find a way to get food and books honestly."

"Books. You're dedicated, huh?"

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2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"I needed to understand things. What else could I do? My whole life had been destroyed and I didn't know why."

"Yeah... that's true." She bit her lip. "You've just had this huge tragedy of a life... I'm so sorry."

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8 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Yeah. Guess so."

Wynn's eyes sparkled, and for a second, she was herself again. "I want to show you something."

From a pocket, she pulled out a tiny statuette. Intricately carved from alexandrite, it depicted a barn swallow fighting a snake. The treasure subtly shifted colors in the light, like some sort of delicate apparition. 

"This type of carving can only be found in a tiny backwater dimension inhabited only by frog people." Wynn held the gem out to Lerac, looking him in the eyes. "You are an immortal, but you must never forget that the universe is infinite, and things of value can be found anywhere. Do not look down on someone because of their class. In the same way, respect the 'gods', but do not let them rule you. You'll always end up regretting it." 

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1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

"Yeah... that's true." She bit her lip. "You've just had this huge tragedy of a life... I'm so sorry."

"Most of it was fine. Just that last part... I mean, it's not like it was easy for you, either."

Just now, Ranryu said:

Wynn's eyes sparkled, and for a second, she was herself again. "I want to show you something."

From a pocket, she pulled out a tiny statuette. Intricately carved from alexandrite, it depicted a barn swallow fighting a snake. The treasure subtly shifted colors in the light, like some sort of delicate apparition. 

"This type of carving can only be found in a tiny backwater dimension inhabited only by frog people." Wynn held the gem out to Lerac, looking him in the eyes. "You are an immortal, but you must never forget that the universe is infinite, and things of value can be found anywhere. Do not look down on someone because of their class. In the same way, respect the 'gods', but do not let them rule you. You'll always end up regretting it." 

"Got it. But what does the carving have to do with that?"


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4 minutes ago, The Halcyon Girl said:



It's the weekend. I can stay up until 2 am and still get more sleep than normal.


4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Got it. But what does the carving have to do with that?"

Wynn inhaled deeply and the moment was over. She put the carving away.

"Who would've thought frog people had the capability to mind and carve such pure alexandrite? It's a hard stone- not easy to work. Do not judge a person by their civilization, is what I'm trying to say. I had to learn that the hard way."

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1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"You have nothing to be sorry for. And what do you mean, you made your own problems? You were in a rough situation."

"Princess life was rigorous, but it was easy. I made my own problems when I started trying to save fantasy characters."

1 minute ago, Ranryu said:


Wynn inhaled deeply and the moment was over. She put the carving away.

"Who would've thought frog people had the capability to mind and carve such pure alexandrite? It's a hard stone- not easy to work. Do not judge a person by their civilization, is what I'm trying to say. I had to learn that the hard way."


True enough, I suppose. 


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1 minute ago, Ranryu said:

Wynn inhaled deeply and the moment was over. She put the carving away.

"Who would've thought frog people had the capability to mind and carve such pure alexandrite? It's a hard stone- not easy to work. Do not judge a person by their civilization, is what I'm trying to say. I had to learn that the hard way."

"Oh. Okay." He paused. "Um... how are you feeling?"

1 minute ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

"Princess life was rigorous, but it was easy. I made my own problems when I started trying to save fantasy characters."

"That's no good way to look at it. You tried doing a kind thing. It's not your fault that it... didn't always go well. You know, you never told me much about that."

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