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What does reputation mean to you? [poll]


How do you navigate reputation?  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. How often do you give rep?

    • Every now and again (0-2 rep per browsing session/day)
    • Pretty often (3-5 rep per session/day)
    • Quite a lot (5-10 rep per session/day)
    • I often hit the rep limit (10+ rep per session/day)
    • Prefer not to answer
  2. 2. How often are you on the shard

    • Once ever other week or so
    • Once a week
    • A few times a week
    • Most days
    • At least once a day
    • I should probably be spending more time reading Brandon Sanderson books
    • Prefer not to answer
  3. 3. How much do you care about reputation?

    • I really couldn’t care less.
    • It is something that I look at every now and again
    • Reputation is cool, I guess
    • I really care about reputation
    • Is the 17th shard not a place where you are supposed to get as much rep as you possibly can?
    • Prefer not to answer

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2 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

Honestly same. Idk why, but seeing funny number go up, WITH nerdy titles? I just can’t resist.

The problem with me, is that if I realize that I've received a bunch of rep in a day my mind automatically goes "hmm, what can I do to win the day and have the most rep?" I just...don't really like that, because I never want to post something just to receive rep.

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I really like the addition of reputation. It's a fun thing, and tbh I care more about it than likes or follows on any other site (not that I have lots of experience with social media...just pinterest and goodreads). I think the cosmere-related titles make everything so much better.

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On 8/17/2023 at 7:53 PM, Experience said:

The problem with me, is that if I realize that I've received a bunch of rep in a day my mind automatically goes "hmm, what can I do to win the day and have the most rep?" I just...don't really like that, because I never want to post something just to receive rep.

Yeah, me too

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  • 1 month later...

Question 1;


I spend 98% of my time on the Cosmere discussion threads. I don't think I've ever posted a personal update or gone into one of the RP corners, so my reputation giving habits are mostly around encouraging good behavior that improves the community, thoughtful comments, and welcoming newcomers. I'm pretty sporadic when giving reputation honestly, I sometimes write a response before I remember to hit the yellow and white arrow.

Question 2:


Most days. I come here to decompress and write essays on realmatic theory when my homework starts feeling too complex. Like today, when I really ought to be studying for a quiz on machine learning linear regression.

Question 3:


Considering how other people have talked about reputation, I probably care about reputation more than I should. Other than a couple jaunts into some of the mental health, cultural/religious, and humor threads, the vast majority of my time is spent in Cosmere discussion forums. The most of my posts are intended to expand the scope of the discussion, clarify the parameters of the thread, or sometimes to be a data point in the discussion on the given subject. In general I like the threads that help people understand the Cosmere better, appreciate the characters more, or enjoy the books in general. It's easy to write negative criticism, but whenever a post recontextualizes the way that I understand a character and gives me better depth into the kind of person that Brandon is trying to represent, then I feel that I have gained something particularly meaningful from spending time on the Shard. It helps me understand a larger world and society as we view the events portrayed in the Cosmere. These are the sections where I think reputation does matter more than other places, it helps highlight the truly insightful. It might not be good, but I found myself using it as a metric on if a thread was really worth reading or not, and I'll skim for highlights based on if someone actually got reputation or not in some of the longer threads. 


I do have two questions, though the original is almost a year old:

Do you care at all about a poster's reputation when reading a thread? Do you find that you pay more attention to people with impressive titles like Shardbearer or Mistborn rather than a lowly Oldblood or Forerunner? I suspect there's an element of authority that comes from a high post count and high reputation - even if that post count and reputation was 80% posting cat videos and memes to followers (not disparaging anyone who does that). 

What is your opinion on the "most popular contributor" rankings? Do you like the system? Do you think it encourages behavior that should be promoted on 17th Shard?

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3 hours ago, Duxredux said:

What is your opinion on the "most popular contributor" rankings?

Was ist das? Is this the "win the day" tripe? Because I like the reputation system For many of the reasons you stated), I would not be sad to see the "win the day" mini-game go away (or only apply to posts in the Community zone).


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4 hours ago, Duxredux said:

Do you care at all about a poster's reputation when reading a thread? Do you find that you pay more attention to people with impressive titles like Shardbearer or Mistborn rather than a lowly Oldblood or Forerunner?

Not really. First of all, I actually have very minimal knowledge of which ranks are the higher and which are lower. Second of all, I feel like people who are really active in the community section and do lots of SUs (status updates but it keeps autocorrecting to sushi) get more rep (which makes sense) so I don't use it as a way see whether they're credible or not. One thing that I sometimes glance at is the post count just to see if people have been here a while, if that makes sense.

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4 hours ago, Duxredux said:

I do have two questions, though the original is almost a year old:


Oh no worries at all! This question is still very much relevant in the Shard, and so long as it’s relevant, I’m happy to see more interaction with it.



Do you care at all about a poster's reputation when reading a thread? Do you find that you pay more attention to people with impressive titles like Shardbearer or Mistborn rather than a lowly Oldblood or Forerunner? I suspect there's an element of authority that comes from a high post count and high reputation - even if that post count and reputation was 80% posting cat videos and memes to followers (not disparaging anyone who does that). 

What is your opinion on the "most popular contributor" rankings? Do you like the system? Do you think it encourages behavior that should be promoted on 17th Shard?

I like to see my titles go up, but I mostly care more about people that I’ve seen around the Shard that seem to really care about this. Now, generally, that leads to them getting a higher rank, but not always.

However, I can’t help but look upon someone like Voidus with quiet awe at their majesty.

as to the contributor or winning the day, I’d honestly love to know how that system works, as even some of the Shards admins have no clue how it’s decided. It makes me happy when I see it, and that’s good enough for me.

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It's been almost a year now since I voted in this poll. Now I have no idea how I vote but I'm quite sure my answers have changed at least a bit. 

Question 1: How often do you give rep?


It depends on the day, quite often or quite a lot if there is more happening on average around 5-10. I mostly sit in the Cosmere section. I tend to give reputation quite freely to posts I agree with, to those who put in a lot of work, those who provided new information, a new interesting point of view or idea, to those who give detailed answers to a question and help others etc. I give rep to encourage positive behavior, something like "let's end this now as we're getting off topic or unnecessarily aggressive". Also I want to encourage new members so I also give them rep for first posts, thoughtful comments or good questions.

But when a new book gets released, and I finally get my language version of it, I usually spend a few days constantly hitting rep limit, because there are so many great posts that deserve it but I can only give 20 a day. That's a bit frustrating.

And arts. I like fanarts and I give rep to all those beautiful images posted on the forum. You guys are amazing! <3 

Question 2: How often are you on the shard?


Everyday for almost a year now. I've become active since the announcement of SP, earlier I was just lurking in the shadows, visiting once in a while.

Question 3: What does reputation mean to me?





I care about it a bit, it's cool and it's nice to get rep points, but I'm not really trying to get them, if that makes sense. When I'm writing a post I'm trying to be as thoughtful and detailed as possible, provide WoBs and quotes, help others answer their questions and explain Cosmere to them. I engage a lot in discussions about Cosmere as they are just fun on their own. Getting a rep just makes me feel that I was helpful and this is nice to know.

And I love the titles. I'm always curious what my next title will be, but I'm not checking it to have a little surprise, but now it takes a little while to get a new title. Being a Tarachin Superstar is great but I can't wait to become The Lord Ruler or The Broken One! Titles are just really fun, I wish they were updated - but I think with this it's better to wait for KoWT.


7 hours ago, Duxredux said:

Do you care at all about a poster's reputation when reading a thread? Do you find that you pay more attention to people with impressive titles like Shardbearer or Mistborn rather than a lowly Oldblood or Forerunner? I suspect there's an element of authority that comes from a high post count and high reputation - even if that post count and reputation was 80% posting cat videos and memes to followers (not disparaging anyone who does that). 

Not really. I just "judge" based on what a person is writing, and if they write something interesting, or detailed, it picks my attention. But I look at the titles of people I discuss often with - it's nice to see them Ascending.

7 hours ago, Duxredux said:

What is your opinion on the "most popular contributor" rankings? Do you like the system? Do you think it encourages behavior that should be promoted on 17th Shard?

The system is broken! I lost (or got undeservingly) a few winning days thanks to that - I got a win, and a few days later the leaderboard got updated and I'm off the podium entirely. The "past leaders" section counts reputation differently than the "specific day leaderboard" section, and it looks like the "past leaders" is the one giving awards. It's even funnier because not even admins understand the logic of it. But I like the idea, it's fun and rewarding for people who contribute a lot. Sometimes when I'm bored I just see who got the most likes this week and I just check them up. I know I won't be winning anyway, so I don't really feel any competitive urge or anything like that. I think it should definitely stay.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/17/2023 at 10:12 AM, Robin Sedai said:

Upvotes, basically. You can give reputation by clicking the orange arrow button next to someone else's post. The total amount of reputation you have is displayed on your profile.

I'm new here and still trying to figure out how everything works in this forum. I haven't seen orange arrows next to any posts. Is that a feature that changed recently? Is upvoting the same as tapping the heart icon? Hopefully this isn't a dumb question.

On 8/17/2023 at 7:39 PM, Scars of Hathsin said:

It is nice getting upvoted, and moving through the ranks of Reputation Titles 


Yay... 100 posts!

What are reputation titles?

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4 hours ago, Xandra Stormblessed said:

I'm new here and still trying to figure out how everything works in this forum. I haven't seen orange arrows next to any posts. Is that a feature that changed recently? Is upvoting the same as tapping the heart icon? Hopefully this isn't a dumb question.

Yep, exactly that! (And don't worry, it's not a stupid question at all.) The forum got a big update recently, which makes a lot of my descriptions obsolete haha. Upvoting still works the same, except the orange arrows have been replaced with blue hearts.

4 hours ago, Xandra Stormblessed said:

What are reputation titles?

There used to be certain "ranks" you got that changed depending on the amount of reputation you had - for example Spren, Misting, Kandra, etc. Here is a list of them. I'm not sure if the feature is still there though.

This is what it used to look like:






Edited by Robin Sedai
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2 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

Yep, exactly that! (And don't worry, it's not a stupid question at all.) The forum got a big update recently, which makes a lot of my descriptions obsolete haha. Upvoting still works the same, except the orange arrows have been replaced with blue hearts.

There used to be certain "ranks" you got that changed depending on the amount of reputation you had - for example Spren, Misting, Kandra, etc. I'm not sure if the feature is still there though.

This is what it used to look like:

  Reveal hidden contents





They still exist, they just aren't visible out side of PMs. The mods are planning on fixing that I believe.

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8 hours ago, Xandra Stormblessed said:

What are reputation titles?

7 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

There used to be certain "ranks" you got that changed depending on the amount of reputation you had - for example Spren, Misting, Kandra, etc. Here is a list of them. I'm not sure if the feature is still there though.

5 hours ago, Experience said:

They still exist, they just aren't visible out side of PMs. The mods are planning on fixing that I believe.

They appear to be fixed, but maybe only for PC?



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  • 1 month later...

Question 1:


I regularly reach my rep limit :P I like things that are funny, clever, heartfelt, from friends, or make good points. 

Question 2:


I'm usually on the shard at least once every two days,  but I try to at least check notifs once a day. (if you RP with me, you know that I have no kind of schedule :P)

Question 3:


I enjoy getting likes bc it makes me feel awesome :P  it's pretty cool

I LOVE the titles a lot more though

i'm always excited to see what comes next and often look at the thing on the coppermind as a refresher :P 

I don't have any other social media :P  

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  • 5 months later...

Reputation? It’s not Taylor’s worst album, but it’s a bit moody for me. This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things is fun though. Why? Shouldn’t this be in Community?


Edit: Yes, this was a joke. But could someone please explain Reputation to me? I don’t quite know how it works. 

Edited by LightRinger
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8 hours ago, LightRinger said:

But could someone please explain Reputation to me? I don’t quite know how it works. 

Also discussed here - it is, essentially, just this site's version of "like." Back before the Shattering, we actually had both positive and negative Rep, so a given post could add or remove your reputation. Negative Rep was removed when the system was revamped and the number of member titles increased to incorporate new(er - at the time) Cosmere work references. It's been a while so we may, with luck, get another update with some references between then and now (but not likely soon, as it is alot of work for the Admins). Slight Spoilers:


Example - making 0 Rep's new title = Doug. . . 

The theory is two-fold:

  1. Seeing a member title and rep level gives an indication to newer Sharders that a given person has had their contributions to the site recognized by their peers (answering questions, coordinating games and RP, looking up references) - that's kinda what this whole tread is about:  polling the community to see how and why people like to give and recieve an upvote like heart reaction (or whatever it's called now)
  2. When looking through older threads, the amount of Rep on a given post is an indication that that given post was acknowledged by their peers (Example 1 - Cosmere [Stormlight Archive Spoilers]; Example 2 - General Community) - and since Notifications happen for awarding Reputation (unless the individual turns them off) they will know that somebody has given them a metaphorical pat on the back (it's anonymous, unless they go check the thread and see you sill reading it. . . )

From the other thread: 

On 3/27/2024 at 2:09 PM, Treamayne said:

BLUF: The "Heart" (formerly up arrow) in the bottom right of a post is how you award Reputation for a post you like. Reputation earns ranks, which display under your name (usually - mobile varies)

For more info, Please see:

PS: BLUF = Bottom Line Up Front (like a TLDR that comes at the beginning)

Hope that helps

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