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is savantism reversible?

Immortal Platypus

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Savantism is a warping of the spiritweb, which is a bit more than just an addiction. Savantism likely is possible to heal, but it would need to be done by restoring the spiritweb to a more natural state. Considering that things like gold healing come from comparing the body to the spiritweb, that makes it more difficult to heal the spiritweb itself than just applying a healing source or taking away the metal. I suspect hemalurgy might actually be the best way to repair savantism, though that comes with its own damage. It would be quite like surgery, where you're attempting to do minor harm to the body in order to facilitate major healing.

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Shardic power can do it - Sazed repairs Spook's savantism at the end of HoA.

Otherwise... probably not, at least without knowledge way beyond what anyone has. Hemalurgy principles might get there someday, but Hemalurgy as we know it is inherently Ruinous. Perhaps there'd be an Era 4 way to do it with multiple magic systems and multiple worlds' knowledge interacting.

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7 hours ago, alder24 said:

Can Identity manipulation trick your spirit web into thinking it should look like someone's else spirit web - like a Feruchemist storing his identity and tapping somebody else's? Maybe with some connection manipulation? 

I imagine even if you could put somebody else's Identity in place after blanking your own, the result would be like a fun house mirror: A distorted identity laid over a warped and deformed spiritweb (i.e. changing identity wouldn't repair the spirit web deformities since ID is only 1 "node" on the spirit web, rather than your spirit web being a component of your ID).

Edited by Treamayne
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