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Szeth's Revival


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Thinking about Kelser had been reviewed made me think of how Szeth was reviewed. Kelser basically pinned his soul to his body with a spike. This made me think of Szeth and how he was revived. The coppermind says that Szeth was he was reborn with a fabrial, but I don't really like this idea. Nale isn't a Artifabrian, so it doesn't really make sense. I wonder if they used a similar process to what Kelser did. Using some method a similar method, they literally pinned Szeth's spirit to his old body. It had been enough time that his body hadn't gone beyond the point of stormlight healing yet, and his soul was only starting to partially fade. The moment that Szeth's starts to fade into the beyond, Nale grabs his soul and does his shenanigans to pin Szeth's soul to his body. That would be an interesting way to explain the weird after shadow that Szeth leaves and it may even have interesting implications if Szeth can access the beyond (though I think it is unlikely).

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I would say it's similar to how Wax almost died in BoM. Both had their bodies broken and unable to live any further, but they were repaired fast enough so their souls could go back to it - and that's what Nale's fabrial did, heal Szeth's body before his soul went to the beyond. His afterimage is not visible to everybody but to those with sufficient Investiture or connection to the Cognitive Realm. It may be that this fabrial reconnected his soul to his body or strengthen that connection when it was weakening - it was not perfect.

Or just that his body stoped working, but it still takes time for brain to stop as well, so when body got repaired, brain was still alive.



How did Nale bring Szeth back to life?

Brandon Sanderson

Szeth's spirit had not moved onto the Beyond. It was basically Rosharan CPR. He repaired the body, and Szeth was not dead dead. His heart had stopped, but when his body came back together, it started beating again.

FanX 2021 (Sept. 16, 2021)


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On 12/9/2022 at 6:14 AM, lacrossedeamon said:

I do wonder if Lift would see that afterimage on Kelsier and Wax or if the afterimage is only because Nale was not proficient in that operation.

Nale said that the afterimage is specific to Szeth and was only because he was healed so close to when his soul would move into the beyond, Tbf, Nale says a lot of things that aren't true and this seems to be the sort of thing that Ishar (the last sane Herald) would've told him.

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