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Quick Fix 64: Spies in Starsight


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Important note: This ruleset was written before Cytonic and the novellas. Think of this game as an alternate continuity of sorts. 

The UrDail, in collaboration with the DDF and using M-Bot’s hologram technology, have sent a team of Spies to Starsight, this time to root out and assassinate the members of Winzik’s Inner Circle, who are responsible for the corruption within the Superiority Department of Protective Services. Can the Spies complete their mission, or will it end in disaster?


Welcome to QF64: Spies in Starsight! I, Szeth_Pancakes / @Ookla the Omniscient, will be your GM. I'm new at this, so if anyone wants to co-GM the help would be greatly appreciated. Your IM is @Araris Valerian.

Another important note: Since Ookla season ends in the middle of this game, please provide your non-Ookla name in the signups to protect my sanity. Thank you :)


The game will start on Saturday, December 17 at 9:00 PM PST (12:00 AM EST). Rollovers should hopefully be short due to the light game rules, but we'll see :shrug:




Each Day and Night are combined into one 24-hour-long Cycle.

Every Cycle, there is an execution, which is decided by a vote. The minimum number of votes somebody can be exed by is 1.

Every Cycle, one of the Spies can submit an action to assassinate one player.

If you don't post for two cycles in a row, you will be removed from the game and, if one is available, replaced by a pinch hitter. If none are available, you die.

PMs are not open.



SDPS Member: You win if all of the Spies are eliminated.

Spy: You win if Winzik and all members of the Inner Circle are eliminated. You have a doc in which to conspire.



Winzik: You have great influence among the SDPS, so in addition to your normal vote in the thread, you can also make use of a second vote in your GM PM. 

Inner Circle Member: You are Winzik’s most ardent followers. You and Winzik share a doc in which to conspire, but the Spies have infiltrated it, so you must use codenames to protect your identity.


Other rules

Winzik and the Inner Circle have edit access to the Inner Circle Doc. All Spies are able to view said doc.

Winzik and the Inner Circle must use codenames in the doc, given to them in their GM PMs at the start of the game, to protect their identities.

Player List


1. @JNV - Jennal, a Tenasi diplomat

2. @Ookla the Myopic / The Wandering Wizard - Adding Fuel to the Fire, a figment who smells like smoke

3. @ookla the gastrointestinal / Dannnnnex

4. @Ookla the Unknown / The Unknown Novel - delver

5. @Kasimir - Illvin Karrde

6. @Ookla Carried by the Wind / Just A Silvereye - John Johnson, an off-duty pilot

7. @_Stick_

8. @Ookla the Perpetual / The Bookwyrm - Hiari, a Kitsen diplomat

9. @Ookla the Forgotten / xinoehp512 - Doncie Black, a rogue human wearing a hologram

10. @Ookla the Nerdy / Nerdy Aarakocra. - Bob McFondue, a licensed human owned by a Superiority politician

11. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kalli, [redacted], and [redacted], a Dione

12. @InfiniteInsanity

13. @Haelbarde

14. @ExoticAlmond

15. @Ookla the Tall / Matrim's Dice

16. @Fifth Scholar - Ëarendil, brightest of mariners

17. @Amanuensis - self

Rule Clarifications


- When I say "elims will have view access," I mean that they'll have anonymous edit access (like the IC) but won't be allowed to edit the document.

Quick Links

Have fun!

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Signing up as Illvin Karrde, one of Starsight's many, many (human) docking crew who plays a mean game of sabacc poker in his off hours.

A good way to celebrate the end of my exams >>

Edited by Kasimir
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How do you plan to swing the edit v. view access issue - player integrity? Feels somewhat revealing if players have to give you their Gmails, as this would immediately give a pool for who the spies and inner circle/winzik could be by checking the permission settings.

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12 hours ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

(12:00 AM EST).

<_<  Ping me if you don't get the player count you need, but for now I think I'll pass. I learned from the LG that I'm incapable of not staying up for rollovers because I like instant gratification

4 hours ago, Kasimir said:

How do you plan to swing the edit v. view access issue - player integrity? Feels somewhat revealing if players have to give you their Gmails, as this would immediately give a pool for who the spies and inner circle/winzik could be by checking the permission settings.

Specifically the issue is you can't edit a Google Doc in incognito mode on mobile, so you might be stuck doing it all on desktop. 

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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Paragrapher said:

Specifically the issue is you can't edit a Google Doc in incognito mode on mobile, so you might be stuck doing it all on desktop. 

You can sign in to do it, right? I believe you'd still appear as an anonymous animal to others on the doc. I'm just worried that you don't appear anonymous in edit history or permissions history.

But I also really don't see how you can selectively allow edit access to some and view access to others without requiring emails, so it feels like something that will need to rely on player integrity.

7 minutes ago, Ookla the Paragrapher said:

<_<  Ping me if you don't get the player count you need, but for now I think I'll pass. I learned from the LG that I'm incapable of not staying up for rollovers because I like instant gratification

RIP bro.

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I suppose I’ll say that if you need more players then I’ll play, but otherwise stay a PHer. I want to take a break soonish like Shining is, but I’m definitely playing the AG so this QF is a weird in-between spot :P.

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6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

How do you plan to swing the edit v. view access issue - player integrity? Feels somewhat revealing if players have to give you their Gmails, as this would immediately give a pool for who the spies and inner circle/winzik could be by checking the permission settings.

It does depend on player integrity, but it would be fairly hard for an elim to edit the doc and get away with it.

1 hour ago, Ookla the Paragrapher said:

Specifically the issue is you can't edit a Google Doc in incognito mode on mobile, so you might be stuck doing it all on desktop. 

You can! Commenting doesn't work anonymously but that's it.

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

I'm just worried that you don't appear anonymous in edit history or permissions history.

That's not how it looks on my end. I just see "all anonymous users."

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17 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

You can! Commenting doesn't work anonymously but that's it.

For me, both tend to work, but commenting is sometimes with my account, sometimes not.

Editing as far as I know has only not worked once, and that was for unknown but most likely different reasons.

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21 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

It does depend on player integrity, but it would be fairly hard for an elim to edit the doc and get away with it.

Yeah, I don't really care about that. The point of my question was just to know if you'll be requiring email access. If I don't have to create a throwaway just to play this, I'm much more likely to stay on the playerlist :P 

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Just now, Kasimir said:

Yeah, I don't really care about that. The point of my question was just to know if you'll be requiring email access. If I don't have to create a throwaway just to play this, I'm much more likely to stay on the playerlist :P 

I'm not requiring email access. Should specify that :blink:

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

I'm not requiring email access. Should specify that :blink:


Ngl this game looks like it's gonna be hard to be Inner Council.

Who can resist trolling when you have a captive Elim audience? :D 

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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

That's the fun of it tho :P

Very true :P 

Except you troll and part of the Elim wincon is fulfilled when you die, oy vey.

But who cares about being responsible, the trolling is a once in a lifetime opportunity! :D

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