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Quick Fix 64: Spies in Starsight


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3 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

That leaves Wizard, TUN, Kasimir, Stick, Xino, you, Hael, Mat, Fifth, and me as potential JNV-catchers.

3 hours ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

so Fifth but less so than last cycle

Why Fifth less so this cycle?

I doubt Xino noticed if he didn't read the thread. Any of these players who are villagers are less likely to have been looking for IC members, so using it as evidence seems backwards.

Since he didn't actually vote Dannex and stuck with Mat. Though there were enough votes for Dannex that Fifth's vote didn't matter.

Not going to be around for the rest of the cycle so I am going to vote for Silvereye. I don't see much reason for e!Nerdy or Xino to vote for Kas especially when Dannex is village. Kind of would expect e!Silvereye's teammates to have noticed that I didn't list his vote though. Not opposed to TUN but don't feel that strongly.

1 hour ago, Ookla the Unknown said:

the last LG, where I made a point to vote more).

What's caused you to not make that point this game?

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 So I didn't get to reading everything because I'm sick now and have steadily been getting worse for the past 24 hours. But from what I did get to read makes me vote Aman. 

... And now I can't remember why. Scud. 

I have an extra long lunch break tomorrow and multiple half free periods. So I'll do my best to read and actually have reasons. Sorry y'all.

I really need to get some sleep otherwise I would do it now.

Edited by InfiniteInsanity
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29 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I doubt Xino noticed if he didn't read the thread. Any of these players who are villagers are less likely to have been looking for IC members, so using it as evidence seems backwards.

Not implying that it's evidence, sorry if that was confusing. I'm trying to ask you who you would weed out of that group as villagers so we can narrow down the killer.


(4) Silver: Kas, Wizard, AmanDevo
(3) Nerdy: Xino, Mat, Bookwyrm

(2) Xino: Nerdy, Almond,
(1) AmanInsanity
(1) TUN: Stick,

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Going on record (again :D) that I don't like the leading train. It doesn't feel good. I've developed a bad gut read on Wiz and am still paranoid of Aman even if I do v!read Kas and maybe Stick. It feels too quiet for this to be a hit to me. Like, Silvereye doesn't show up at all? I don't think e!Silvereye would completely ghost like that.

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40 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

 So I didn't get to reading everything because I'm sick now and have steadily been getting worse for the past 24 hours. But from what I did get to read makes me vote Aman. 

... And now I can't remember why. Scud. 

I have an extra long lunch break tomorrow and multiple half free periods. So I'll do my best to read and actually have reasons. Sorry y'all.

I really need to get some sleep otherwise I would do it now.

Sorry to hear you're sick! Hope you feel better soon.

23 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Today has been crazy I am so sorry

will read through and vote. Will try to multiquote but ughhh

six pages -_-

Good luck. I think there's about an hour left in the turn.

11 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Going on record (again :D) that I don't like the leading train. It doesn't feel good. I've developed a bad gut read on Wiz and am still paranoid of Aman even if I do v!read Kas and maybe Stick. It feels too quiet for this to be a hit to me. Like, Silvereye doesn't show up at all? I don't think e!Silvereye would completely ghost like that.

Is there anything Wiz specifically posted that pinged your gut? Am curious and willing to re-evaluate.

Though I do wonder where this energy was yesterday when it was between your v!Danex read and Kas.

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Okay that was a very fast-and-dirty reread so I apologise if none of the following makes sense but I need to throw myself into discussion

Kas is probably village. My paranoia on active thread-talkative players is shifting to Aman but no way in the ten Braizes am I gonna try and build that shrek case in under an hour off of pure gut so I got nothing there. Read of Mat has mildly improved from yesterday but still not looking good. He’s probably about where Hael is. Wonder if I’m just holding grudges over from the MR at this point, or if I’m actually picking up on similar suspicions. It would be funny if Szeth just reconstructed the Sith team. >> It would also be funny if this was an AG2 repeat and there are no hyperactive/experienced Elims. By funny, I mean depressingly chaotic >>

There’s been a lot of discussion on Devo’s vote on me last cycle and it’s gratifying to see that everyone else was as confused as me by it. I see such a vote as much more in line with a hurried!Devo than either v!Devo or e!Devo and don’t necessarily see it as AI—her normal elim playstyle would avoid this entirely, but given that it is such a radical break from it, I am not discounting the possibility that it was somewhat deliberate. From my interactions with her last cycle, though, I have my gun-held-to-temple impression of her as still village. 

Most of the six pages did not stick with me so I am not equipped to comment on as much as I should from this cycle specifically. Finding the early Xino train weird but also the fact that it’s no longer leading makes me almost want to hop onto it. He’s said even less than me, though, so it’s not exactly a quality Exe.

Stick on the other hand has said a lot. She feels Village on balance but this is vibe analysis and nothing specific so right now it’s more “not worth killing” than “has actively done something meriting real trust”

Almond and Insanity I need to look at again. They went completely under my radar. Wizard seems different than in the MR when he was evil—more assertive on things, a bit more talkative as well, so I’m hesitantly marking him as village. 

The Silver/Nerdy debate is not something I understand terribly deeply because I was absent for a good chunk of it but Nerdy gets points from me for actually showing up so I will give Silvereye a two-vote lead for the present as I continue to try to do actual analysis on something. Sorry again. Could have done a lot better by posting before the cycle was about to close >>

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The thread is long and I keep getting distracted >>

My vibe reads didn't really shift a ton. Bookwyrm I was fairly happy with, was about the extent of my thoughts on that. Fifth and Silverye have been absent, and Infinite hadn't really done much. Mat(t) I remain mixed on. Was liking some of it, but not enough to shift the dial atm. Didn't really process anything Devo or Wiz was saying, while I'd like more from TUN. Finally, discussions happening did remind me that I will really need to try my best to remain critical of Aman and Kas' posts, but that's not a problem I've the energy for this cycle.

9 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I >>

Ok look I need some help here I'm sorry :P And it's not just you, if I'm right, it's everyone >>

It is fair that I might be very very tired but like, can I just check some vcs in my notes against yours.

Is there a reason we are asking repeatedly about ties?

Because this looks to me like the vc pre-swap so there's...IDK, no reason to bother? With vote manip or anything?

IDK I just wonder about what we are all smoking because we kept saying there's a tie and there wasn't one even prior to my grumpy switch.

>> I... am not sure I know how that happened. I definitely forgot that Aman had moved his vote to Dannex. I think I got confused by the language others were using around the execution. Aman's "consolidate on Dannex" made me think it was a tie, although that doesn't really imply that. Then Mat(t) talking about it sounded like he didn't want to act as tiebreaker. After that, I was more worried about trying to talk you back off the edge, and didn't bother to go back and double check the vote tally to work out that actually you were fine.  

8 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Low key tempted to theorise a Devo-Aman-Mat-Hael Elim team where all of them just share the same confusion/tainted vc in the doc.

It'd be a fun team :ph34r: 

6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

In theory yes. There was Mint Heron-gate, though I don't recall if Hael intervened if things got dicey for Rae.

I checked the final vote counts and it didn't look like Mint Heron got much heat by end of any particular cycle, other than the cycle in which I died, in which I was one of the 2 votes on Mint Heron that wasn't enough to save me from 3 votes. I definitely was advocating not night killing them for the first few cycles, but still not sure if I did anything in thread. 

5 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Tbh I want to know where Fifth and Hael stand with regards to each other and whether they are willing to bus each other. Neither is here at the moment though. 
Do you have anybody in mind? 

Fifth hasn't said basically anything this turn, and I've yet to review their last cycle posts. Though they're still at goodish, given more players have floated to goodish or higher, and I've not updated their position, more likely to drop them to meh at this stage, pending further review. Without looking at it, I wouldn't not vote Fifth at this stage.

4 hours ago, Kasimir said:


@Amanuensis - Like, it only just crashed down on me how utterly kayana I find that post?


"Fifth and Dannex are V/V or E/E. Fifth maybe wants to kill Danex/save Kas, with four people wanting to do that, they can't all be Evil. Also Danex looks maybe V. So I'll vote Fifth because he's either Evil with Kas or killing V!Danex."

Like...sis you just sayd you thought Sannex and Fifth are V/V or E/E? And you immediately pivot to saying it's E!Fifth/E!Kas or potentially E!Fifth trying to kill V!Danex? Like...how does that follow? I know how much Devo thinks through her moves in a doc, and I'd argue she's careful about her votes and thread posts. It's hard for me to see how E!Devo is ok with that kind of post, even trying to gerrymander a vote (as Stick points out, it's not a good distancing vote because it's got bad set-up, so in this world, why does E!Devo vote Fifth anyway?)

I... think I quoted this because I wanted to think on it further. I guess I'll do the Devo iso next then.

Going to post this now, and dive back in. I appreciate I'm running low on time though. Glancing at the actual vote tally, on the whole the choices feel weird. Silvereye was the other iso I needed to do, so I'll do that too. Before those two iso, I'd be feeling more included to join Stick on TUN, of any of the existing trains - I'd been meh about Silvereye last I looked, I do have Nerdy as elim reading, but... it's just really not that fun an intro to SE to kill them so early in an early game, so more out of principle I'd rather avoid it, otherwise that is probably my preferred choice from a suspicion stand point. Well, actually I'd rather Almond, but same problem, and they're otherwise not an option today.

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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

Oh wow you didn't edit a response to my post yet.

My question is, if you suspected three of the five-man team in AG8, who do you suspect this game?

I posted and left without looking at the page, so I didn't see it.

1 hour ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

I’m mildly offended.

I never remember which animal is which person, was that you?

1 hour ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

What's caused you to not make that point this game?

Because it never actually works that well for me, I do it every now and again just to try it, but it doesn't tend to work out. And kinda lack of information. I prefer to do that during long games or at least hyperactive games with meaningful discussion I can engage in.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Unknown said:

prefer to do that during long games or at least hyperactive games with meaningful discussion I can engage in

Have we not been hyperactively posting here xD 

Anyway @Matrim's Dice how do you think Wiz’s posts/playstyle here compares to that in LG90? Just skimmed through the first few turns of that game and Wiz seems a lot more disconnected and uninterested in game-solving there

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2 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Did you pick up on JNV’s IC tell?

No. I have actively avoided thinking about the IC at all really :P 

meditate: bookmarking this Bookwyrm quote


It just kind of rubs me the wrong way. Doesn't make much sense.

Second, their Xino vote this cycle seems like an attempt to deflect attention; other people were voting Xino, and so Nerdy did the same. Pretty much the exact same action as last cycle; voting based on others, and an attempt to fade into the vote count without much interaction.

Seems brazen given his own voting history and the like

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Idk what I was expecting really smh 


4 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Seems brazen given his own voting history and the like

Tbf they’ve admitted their approach to Dannex was bad

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1 minute ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I will say this is the second cycle in a row where I don’t like the Exe. Very much my fault this time around for not being in the loop for most of the cycle

 but still

 do we want to make a last minute push onto Hael or Aman or TuN 

 I might be willing 

I'm always down to yeet that Aman guy.

Just now, Kasimir said:

Just back from work things. Speedreading.

Good to have you :D

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Unknown said:

Do not like this idea. Nope. Not one bit. How about we make a last minute push off of TuN. 

Funny. I was about to propose you to see if you'd vote someone :P


Quick, someone post so I can vote without having to @ people!

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