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Quick Fix 64: Spies in Starsight


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17 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Also ty @Haelbarde for continuing to gather and present data until the very end. It really was a case that whenever you were around and in thread I v!read you, then when you disappeared and everyone else was talking, I ended up v!reading them and dropping you back down haha. Stick also did great at proving themselves imo. Really was just the confidence in at least 1 of us being evil that messed us up.


The woes of the vastly different time zone (while keeping normal hours for said timezone. :ph34r:) But heh, for all that stress, the thread didn't end up mattering :P 

Ah well. Was fun putting in the work. Been a moment since I've gotten as engaged in a game. 

EDIT: Out of curiosity, did the threatening droid avatar have any effect on your reads?

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6 hours ago, Ookla the Unknown said:

Kinda want to know your thought processes @Devotary of Spontaneity, @_Stick_, @JNV, not that I disagree, just would like to know if there was any extra reasoning behind there.

I was prepared to talk as much as possible and get myself killed as the canary in the coal mine, but after JNV died immediately and I was suddenly half the village win von it didn't seem fair to the village to risk myself like that. If there had been a lot more IC I would have been more willing to keep talking.

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I do almost feel like IC should outnumber the elims? Maybe by 1 or 2? Even if we had flipped TUN instead of Hael, we would have lost. I feel like with 4 elims especially, the game was more or less guaranteed to end in a draw or e-win.

I say that because elims can't die to the NK but IC can die to both the execution and the NK + the smaller the player list gets the easier finding IC's becomes (given the fact elims don't factor themselves while villagers have to factor everyone)

Would be neat if the IC had a NK of their own to discuss/vote for in doc, maybe?

Honestly IC members having roles in general could be a good play. Perhaps a list of options and some kind of limitation, like a single option can only be used 1x per cycle by a single ICguy, perhaps with a limited number of uses (3x?) per option in the game.


Perhaps then, IC members don't exactly discuss who they are using actions on or who they suspect, but more strategize on how to use what abilities and when, and be like "Yo I'm using one of the protects tonight!" And actually don't use it at all to mislead the elims

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5 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I was prepared to talk as much as possible and get myself killed as the canary in the coal mine, but after JNV died immediately and I was suddenly half the village win von it didn't seem fair to the village to risk myself like that. If there had been a lot more IC I would have been more willing to keep talking.

Yeah, after JNV died and varvax stopped talking I took it as a sign to also not talk xD And I didn’t want to give away the remaining IC being someone who’s not inactive. Tbh after they killed you I just kinda assumed you were the fourth IC who never spoke in the doc because my mind just wouldn’t associate varvax with you ever, and so I was pretty confident about not being the last IC. Clearly I was wrong lmao. I was hoping varvax was maybe Bookwyrm or Hael or someone - my initial gut read was Kas, but once he started admitting to things like having suspected Fifth of being IC because Fifth would talk a lot in the doc, or having suspected Wiz of being in the doc for the same reason - this didn’t line up with the abandoned state of the actual IC doc so my conclusion was either he’s evil or just not IC. But the self vote C1 was the beginning of my doubts since that’s a questionable move for an IC member. So as much as I didn’t want to die, I wasn’t too worried as I always assumed varvax was alive, just decided to give everyone the silent treatment :( 

But good work elims! Your shots were very accurate. Thanks @Szeth_Pancakes!

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Oh and now that I just read the docs, I wanted to apologize again for my C3 episode. I thought logging off for the night would be enough to let myself chill out first, but then when I got around to actually explain my side of C2, I still ended up delivering it too charged with emotion.

The point then was not to avoid getting voted out, I want that to be clear, just to not to have my word constantly dismissed (big trigger). Especially after, when I was less adrenalized, I was able to see that the data I presented could have been done so in a way divided from emotion that should've been compelling enough on it's own. Of course, yada yada bipolar, but my mental health should not play a role in these games at all, and realistically it's my job alone to deal with it, not for y'all to walk around me on broken glass and eggshells.

I do feel this was a step in the right direction from the LG84 meltdown, so when the next time my neurodivergency clashes with these games, I think it won't be an issue so much as I'm more likely to just ghost the game for as long as it takes for me to be in the right state again.

I'm also going to make it a rule for myself not to Self-Vote or use ALL CAPS FOR EMPHASIS. It's just anti-fun. 

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Self voting came in clutch for me in LG89 but I’d agree that self-voting when driven by emotion is generally just not great. 

Also I really wanted to leave some threatening memes in the IC doc for the elims to look at and tremble with fear. But sadly Szeth ruled against it when I asked because it could lead to ICs pretending to be each other which I guess would be misleading for the elims :( Since I specifically wanted to leave memes in there without saying a word indicating Anon Figment. 

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5 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

Self voting came in clutch for me in LG89 but I’d agree that self-voting when driven by emotion is generally just not great. 

Also I really wanted to leave some threatening memes in the IC doc for the elims to look at and tremble in fear. But sadly Szeth ruled against it when I asked because it could lead to ICs pretending to be each other which I guess would be misleading for the elims :( Since I specifically wanted to leave memes in there without saying a word indicating Anon Figment. 

TBH I feel like it'd be a fair strat for the IC members to invent a fictional Codename/Persona and communicate with themselves in different tabs, just to throw the elims off. 

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23 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

TBH I feel like it'd be a fair strat for the IC members to invent a fictional Codename/Persona and communicate with themselves in different tabs, just to throw the elims off. 

The thought definitely crossed my mind but I figured it probably wasn’t legal. Would’ve been really fun though

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Im like the tiniest bit miffed that I got murdered cause someone elses odc activity synced up with my thread activity cause like I purposefully talked weird I timed my activity to be hours apart and boom nope murdered but Im honestly kinda glad I wasnt alive for the ending there that would have miserable good shots evils that was clever and yeah the numbers seemed wobbly there but this was fun for the brief day I was alive heres a quokka to cleanse the palate




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Re. The Silvereye refusal to vote. If I had thought I could accurately save Silver, or even just that they were actually in danger, I probably would have, but by the point I realized it was too late to do anything but bus. I also think that Kas and others are too good at identifying busses, so I felt that I was too likely to be caught. And it turns out Aman thinks forced apathy is village, which it kinda is.

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11 hours ago, Ookla the Unknown said:

That's the point of the elims receiving the names of the non-voters. Vote and maybe die, or not vote and definitely die. Their choice.

Edit: You also forgot to lock the spreadsheet.

In a perfect world, sure, but inactivity is a big issue with this.

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8 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

In a perfect world, sure, but inactivity is a big issue with this.

If you tell the GM you could be excused, same as a normal inactivity filter. 

In a perfect world, the IC talks often but in a way that it is very difficult to solve, though doable. In a imperfect world, we have to offer an incentive. This is my incentive.

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Unknown said:

If you tell the GM you could be excused, same as a normal inactivity filter. 

I still feel like it would put a whole lot of pressure on the IC. And it would be tricky to have new people / habitual inactives in the IC, and filtering out them leads to meta solving and that leads to madness.

I think they might have more incentive to use a kill than an extra vote.

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1 hour ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

I still feel like it would put a whole lot of pressure on the IC. And it would be tricky to have new people / habitual inactives in the IC, and filtering out them leads to meta solving and that leads to madness.

I think they might have more incentive to use a kill than an extra vote.

What if you made it so Winzik choose his own inner circle? And people can be switched out of the inner circle but instead the goal is for the elims to kill Winzik and maybe his secretary as well, but with agreement between the secretary and Winzik people can be kicked out of the inner circle?

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23 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

What if you made it so Winzik choose his own inner circle? And people can be switched out of the inner circle but instead the goal is for the elims to kill Winzik and maybe his secretary as well, but with agreement between the secretary and Winzik people can be kicked out of the inner circle?

So basically the Jedi/Apprentice doc? :P With a few differences I guess

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  • 5 weeks later...

Congratulations to the elims for winning, and thank you to Szeth_Pancakes for running the game!

As always, if anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get ahold of Wilson, Devotary of Spontaneity, Elbereth, Araris Valerian, Elandera, or StrikerEZ, or post in the GM Signups & Discussion ThreadNot only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. 

You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone in our Art of Game Creation thread. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about. If you would rather keep some detail secret, or are self-conscious about posting in thread (there's really no need to be; while we do slaughter each other, we are very polite about it), then I'm sure one of our fantastic committee members (Amanuensis, STINK, Sart, Fifth Scholar, Straw, Archer, and Kasimir) would be more than willing to help you out in private.

Thanks again to everyone that played, and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games! :ph34r:

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