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The Figeri Collective is quite the place. It is perhaps the most odd and unnatural planetary system that the gods have ever created, permeated on hundreds of levels by other realms of spirits, fae, gods, and monsters. Beings older than time, eldritch creatures, and spirits beyond these worlds all inhabit the places you call home, spreading their influence throughout the ethereum.

However, with so many gods and monsters vying for power, existence becomes difficult for the likes of mere mortals. Normal people become pawns to the greater beings, used and exploited to accomplish goals far beyond their sight. In many ways this is simply the norm: injustice is justice, in a sense. 
But there is one god in particular who does not stand for this: Death themself.

While gods, monsters, creatures, and horrors fight among each other, they often imprison human souls for any numbers of purposes. Death cannot bring life back to those wrongfully slain, but strives constantly to see that these souls are rightfully delivered to the Pillars of Judgement to go on to the afterlife they deserve. But it is not within a god’s rights to impede on another's' domain even for the cause of justice, which is why they bring mortals into their influence: to act in a god’s stead and carry out their bidding throughout the Collective.

Death’s champions are known as the Reapers: those who gather and guide lost souls to the Pillars. The way to the afterlife is filled with monsters and malevolent spirits hungry for the souls of the dead, and the Reapers must destroy the hordes to pave the way. Most act as guides for the constant flow of souls traveling to the afterlife; some search for the lost; a few even infiltrate other gods’ domains to retrieve those who have been wrongfully taken.

Your story begins at the foot of the Inverted Mountain. The final examination to join the Reaper Corps begins at sundown, where it will be your task to climb to the top and reach the Veins of White Iron. The slopes and cliffs are littered with monsters and malevolence, however, and many have perished here before. It is a dangerous journey, but those who survive will select their ore and forge themselves the most deadly weapon in the Collective: a Reaper’s Scythe.

From there you will become a proprietor of justice: a Reaper, guiding souls against all odds to the afterlife.




Welcome to my newest RP, created because I'm really bored and really tired and I've been feeling awful lately; all things that can only be cured by epic anime fight scenes.

All the worldbuilding information can be found here, so I won't bother to post much of it here in this thread. At the end of the doc are plenty of blank character templates where you can throw down your ideas, and I'll give them some light workshopping to make sure they work. Here're some pointers and such to help out your creation:

  • Please don't call your demigod of the wind and sea "Bill." I'm hoping to take this RP somewhat seriously.
  • Feel free to give your character more powers and abilities than you would otherwise. I'm planning for the power scale in this story to be a lot broader than in most. If you're worried something's too OP or doesn't fit the vibe, feel free to ask (here, PMs, discord if you know me - whatever makes you comfortable).
  • I also threw down a whole bunch of magical materials in the doc for a reason! My character has a mithril bow, so yours can totally have an adamantium helmet. Try not to deck yourself out in full morsanite armor and make yourself literally indestructible though: again, I'm open for workshopping your power level.
  • A reminder that the Reaper Corps consists of powerful warriors. I recognize that people like playing non-combative characters, but saying "they're totally useless in combat" and having them just happen to be there at the Final Selection after years of training makes absolutely no sense.
    • Exception: play a support magician? I think that could be cool. Not many healers about nowadays.
  • Try to make your characters decently mature. At least 16 in human years (though I've yet to meet a truly mature 16-y/o. My character is physically in their early 20s).
  • There's a Backstory section in the character template, but feel free to leave it cryptic or blank :ph34r:
    • If it's massive and plot-y please run it past me first
  • Edgy is fine I guess



Fadran - Kaeni


Name: Kaeni

Race: Fire Elemental

Age: 2 years old (Looks and acts roughly 16-18 in human years)

Magic: Fire magic (duh). When panicked she just sorta hurls fireballs at people, but her abilities can grow significantly more creative based on how steady-minded she is in the moment.

Abilities: Fights almost entirely with her magic, but wields a mithril bow and (normal) arrow as well

Personality: Usually very reserved, tentative, and often nervous

Backstory: Ehehehehehhhh I never give out the backstory for free

Other: Prefers her apple cider cold, actually.

Description: Tall, humanoid, with bronze-ish skin and glowing amber eyes. Her hair is a wild mess of golden yellow and orange. She usually goes for a minimalist kind of style for her outfits.





Wizard - Mercury


Name: Mercury

Race: Lightning elemental

Age: Around one and a half years

Magic: Lightning magic

Abilities: Natural fighter who dual wields swords, still mastering her weapon. Can channel lightning into her swords making them charged with electricity and she can also use them to produce a blast of lightning. One sword is made of mithril and the other of adamantium.

Personality: Outgoing and reckless

Backstory: you don't get to know that right now

Other: Produces a small static field that practically does nothing but makes her hair stand up on end and any one else's hair that gets too close.

Description: Humanoid-ish, short light blue hair. Wears practical clothing, but almost never armor. Her skin has patterns of lightning that flashes beneath her skin. Has lightning blue eyes.

Pancake Boi - I'ikeq


Name: I’ikeq (“One that is cursed,” in the old human language)

Race: Moon demigod (second generation; human parents)

Age: 23

Magic: Water magic: he has a short range, so he carries two flasks of water that he uses to make various melee weapons. His favorite are dual swords, though depending on the situation he might use a spear or knives or a broadsword or whatever else.

Abilities: He’s a good fighter (self-taught), but not a great one; makes up for it in tenacity and smarts.

Personality: Usually stoic, but has a soft side.

Backstory: you’ll see *cackles evilly*

Other: His eye twitches when lying, he’s mortally scared of snakes, and he is partial to a fermented drink called neike (think kombucha but stronger). Alignment: True Neutral

Description: Tall and broad-shouldered; golden-brown skin; black hair. He has bright silver eyes that clash with the rest of his appearance.

Tani - E;la


Name: E;la (pronounce it however you like)

Race: Death demigod, Elf parent

Age: Older than you. Probably not as mature as you though.

Magic: Really good at soulsense - to the point where she can tell if you mean harm and could probably fight with her eyes shut if she wanted to, and she can beat up your soul. She can also imbue her sword with soul magic to the point that it cuts your soul instead of your skin, kind of like a shardblade except that it’s still blocked by armor. She can barely do anything with necromancy. She’s good at sorcery, but not really good. She specializes in plant sorcery - getting plants to grow really fast, not having to worry about underbrush, convincing trees to move their roots a bit every now and then, that sort of stuff. Not big stuff. She’s not good enough for the big stuff yet.

Abilities: She’s really good at attacking, and less good at defending. Her preferred weapon is her sword. She likes climbing and is good at it.

Personality: E M O T I O N S. If you hurt her friends, she will hurt you. She’s mostly gotten over her edginess. Probably. She sometimes suppresses stuff that’s sad or painful, even though she knows it’s bad for her and makes her blank and grouchy and moody.

Backstory: She had a life. You don’t know about it. I’ll make stuff up during RP if I feel like it. (Flashbacks/recalls will always be in italics, or maybe spoiler boxes. Idk.)
Other: She likes puns, she tries to pretend she doesn’t like hugs but it’s kind of a public secret that she does, and she likes to play games.

Description: Her hair is short and black as pitch. She’s solid and slender and short. She has a hand-and-a-half hilt sword sheathed on her back, and her bloomsilk uniform is black, snug, has long sleeves and a collar, and hangs a little past her hips. She wears a tank top or undershirt under it. She wears leather boots and keeps knives in both of them. Her sword is made of aolunite and her knife is made of mithril. She really likes good sturdy pants.

Enter - ???


[Under maintenance]

Frustration - Isek


Name: Isek

Race: Metal Elemental

Magic: Metal magic, he can sense earth and fire sorcery but can't perform it, and is learning wizardry but only understands theory, no practice. 

Abilities: he can form metal out of his body, as well as fuse it to him.

Personality: Isek is blunt, saying exactly what comes to mind, he has trouble learning, but is willing to try. He is highly curious, and has a single minded dedication. 

Backstory: not sharing. 

Description: Isek stands roughly 7 feet tall, and appears like a glowing metallic statue of a human, though what metal depends on the circumstances. 

Nerdy Aarakocra - Il'anque


Name: Il’anque (Means “One of Many Paths”)

Race: Elf

Age: 190

Magic: Sorcery. Il’aque uses plant-themed magic, with a focus on healing.

Abilities: Natural healing. Il’anque dual-wields scimitars, and is primarily a healer. She can fight if threatened. She also has a great knowledge of healing herbs.

Personality: Laughs things off. Not comic relief, per se, but also not of a super serious disposition.


Other: May or may not be bi. Does not wear armor, but makes up for it with incredible spryness. Il’anque’s bloomsilk uniform has patterns of brown and green.

Description: Il’anque has tan skin, straight black hair, and striking green eyes. She almost always has a jovial expression. 

Bookwyrm - Ast'avi


Name: Ast'avi Stargate

Race: Star Demigod (diluted by human blood)

Age: 19

Magic: She's a warlock with access to the power of star magic due to her divine ancestry, but also learned some Wizardry to disguise the fact that she does.

Abilities: She's a skilled assassin and gatherer of information. She also has brief visions of relevant information, whether the event she sees is in the past, present, or future.

Personality: She's quiet and stoic, and doesn't socialize too much with the other Reaper candidates. She's very serious. She reads a lot, and spends her time in her own research. 

Backstory: She lived in a prosperous small city filled with the descendants of celestial deities. When that city was destroyed by the encroaching influence of another god, her parents and most of those she knew were killed. She later learned that their souls were ferried to safety by the Reapers, and so she resolved to join them, so that she could do for others the same that had been done for her loved ones.

Other: She has a small Etheriumite dagger that extends a glowing blade when the right magic is used. It's carved with the symbol of her old city.

Description: She has light brown skin, curly black hair that's about shoulder length, and deep blue eyes that seem to twinkle with stars in the right light. She wears a black long sleeved shirt, black pants, and black boots as her base outfit, with a blue tunic which holds her medallion over that for the uniform, and a deep blue enveloping cloak over that. She has a leather belt/sash covered in pouches for whatever she needs, and straps her dagger to that.

MysticalShadows - Ele’maiya


Name: Ele’maiya

Race: Naiad

Age: Has the emotional maturity of about 18-20 human years (not sure how long naiad lifespans are)

Magic: healing magic (acts as a battlefield healer-type thing), specialising in supernatural ailments

Abilities: Can fight competently if the circumstances require, but is more comfortable healing on the battlefield. Wields a spear with a neranite tip, but prefers not to use it because it carries memories (hehe backstory time)

Personality: Quietly fierce and intense but hides it well, outwardly appears to be calm and docile

Backstory: I promise there will be something here when I think of it…

Other: uh… she plays a lot of instruments

Description: 4’9”, tan skin, long brown wavy hair with streaks of blue in it, usually wears a simple light blue dress

Pyro - Ran'at


Name: (tentatively) Ran’at

Race: Human

Age: ~20

Magic: Basic wizardry

Abilities: Prosthetic arm; works via magic; alloy of terranium and ethereumite

Personality: Friendly, curious, tinkerer, strong moral compass 

Backstory: I’m working this out on the fly, okay?  It’s a seeecret

Other: Prosthetic arm has pointed fingertips, allowing for use in combat, has a steel knife

Description: Red hair, average height, relatively skinny

Xino - Atren


Name: Atren

Race: Human/Shadow demigod

Age: 21

Magic: Legally distinct silence magic™

Abilities: Magic (enhanced by his fancy cloak)

Personality: Bent on revenge against the Aberrants

Backstory: The only survivor of a destroyed world.

Other: Cloak of shadows, made of adamantium and ethereumite. Enhances the wearer’s power if they are emotionless.

Description: Black hair, nearly-black eyes, pale skin. (What do you think a shadow demigod looks like?)


Now allow me to summon all the people who have expressed interest so far:

@Ookla the Myopic (Wizard), @Ookla the Perpetual (Bookwyrm), , @Ookla the Implosion (Tani), @Enter a username (Not an ookla - finally), @Ookla the Omniscient (Pancake Boi), @Goob (Amazing Goob)

Edited by Ookla the [Redacted]
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Then play a normal character for once instead of someone with severe ties to the entire multiverse :P

But in all seriousness, I can't really force anyone into a time and interaction obligation. If you just want to build a character and throw them in there that's fine; if you need to leave halfway through that's fine too


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31 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

A reminder that the Reaper Corps consists of powerful warriors. I recognize that people like playing non-combative characters, but saying "they're totally useless in combat" and having them just happen to be there at the Final Selection after years of training makes absolutely no sense.


I feel a little bit called out here… :ph34r:


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1 hour ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

A reminder that the Reaper Corps consists of powerful warriors. I recognize that people like playing non-combative characters, but saying "they're totally useless in combat" and having them just happen to be there at the Final Selection after years of training makes absolutely no sense.

  • Exception: play a support magician? I think that could be cool. Not many healers about nowadays.


Do I need to power-boost my character then?

On another note, the notification I got for this thread said  “a topic: White Iron Corps.” Fadran, I think your username is messing with the 17th Shard’s systems :P

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:



That happens a lot for me, with completely random people, it's weird.


1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:



If you're on a phone or something similar, I would recommend checking to make sure you have google docs downloaded. That's how I fixed the same problem.


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@Ookla the [Redacted]


A few questions:

1. Should I make a summary of this "truthseeker" organization we talked about in the SU thread?

2. Because you mention that the Figeri Collective is a planetary system, is there some form of interplanetary travel? Is there a lists of worlds in the system? Can there be a gas giant with like three habitable moons? (Yes, that was three questions, but they all kind of go together.)

3. Do the Reapers often go on full blown heists/prison breaks in order to save captive souls from those who hold them unjustly?

4. Would it be possible for a character to forge a weapon out of White Iron without becoming a Reaper? Somehow? Wonky loopholes?

5. Are some of these questions answered in the document that I just need to go re-read?


I also haven't made my character yet, so I should probably go do that...


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2 hours ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Name: Mercury

Race: Lightning elemental

Age: Around one and a half years

Magic: Lightning magic

Abilities: Natural fighter who dual wields swords, still mastering her weapon. Can channel lightning into her swords making them charged with electricity and she can also use them to produce a blast of lightning. One sword is made of mithril and the other of adamantium.

Personality: Outgoing and reckless

Backstory: you don't get to know that right now >:D

Other: Produces a small static field that practically does nothing but makes her hair stand up on end and any one else's hair that gets too close.

Description: Humanoid-ish, short light blue hair. Wears practical clothing, but almost never armor. Her skin has patterns of lightning that flashes beneath her skin. Has lightning blue eyes.


I added somethings and changed what she wields as two swords would make more sense. 

I would like you input on her being able to channel a blast of lightning through her blades. 


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56 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:


1. Should I make a summary of this "truthseeker" organization we talked about in the SU thread?

2. Because you mention that the Figeri Collective is a planetary system, is there some form of interplanetary travel? Is there a lists of worlds in the system? Can there be a gas giant with like three habitable moons? (Yes, that was three questions, but they all kind of go together.)

3. Do the Reapers often go on full blown heists/prison breaks in order to save captive souls from those who hold them unjustly?

4. Would it be possible for a character to forge a weapon out of White Iron without becoming a Reaper? Somehow? Wonky loopholes?

5. Are some of these questions answered in the document that I just need to go re-read?

  1. No
  2. Everything is pretty heavily permeated by several layers of parallel dimensions, so think of it like how Shadesmar lets you travel between planets in a magical way
  3. Often? No. Occasionally? Yes.
  4. Death tries to keep the ore and techniques under wraps but there are always exceptions.
  5. I dunno. Maybe.
30 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:


I would like your input on her being able to channel a blast of lightning through her blades. 

Sounds lit. Go for it.

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Behold Isek.


Name: Isek

Race: Metal Elemental

Magic: Metal magic, he can sense earth and fire sorcery but can't perform it, and is learning wizardry but only understands theory, no practice. 

Abilities: he can form metal out of his body, as well as fuse it to him.

Personality: Isek is blunt, saying exactly what comes to mind, he has trouble learning, but is willing to try. He is highly curious, and has a single minded dedication. 

Backstory: not sharing. 

Description: Isek stands roughly 7 feet tall, and appears like a glowing metallic statue of a human, though what metal depends on the circumstances. 



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3 minutes ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

What power level should our characters be at? Also is it ok if my character is actually possessed by a nature spirit?


Pretty powerful, though more so in a capability sense than a technique sense (i.e. "really good at fighting" as opposed to "can stop time for everyone except themselves)

Depends. What kind of possessed?


34 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:

Also, can you copy my character into the OP at the top? Let me know if I put anything that doesn't fit.


Is yours the star demigod child?


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Depends. What kind of possessed?


The 'possession is latent until a moment of great stress at which point anime happens, kicking off a large character arc with way too much identity crisis' version.


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Just now, Ookla the Nerdy said:

No clue. The only thing that I know about anime is that the main character in bleach has a large sword which is slightly smaller than a koloss sword.

Don't ask.


Yugi is basically wilingly possessed by a egyptian pharoh who greatly increases his skill and luck in dueling. And Yugi does have a bit of a identity crisis about it at the begining.


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Yugi is basically wilingly possessed by a egyptian pharoh who greatly increases his skill and luck in dueling. And Yugi does have a bit of a identity crisis about it at the begining.


Similar, I guess.

Although it isn't willing, and Il'anque doesn't know about it until it becomes relevant.


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