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11 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Oh. Rip the pancake boi

(You can bump into us too, Szeth)


Sure. I’d probably be behind you all anyway

I’ikeq climbed to the top of what felt like the billionth hill. It felt like it would be forever before he actually reached the mountain, which seemed no closer than it had been at the start. He spied three figures on the upward slope of the next hill. His first instinct was to avoid them, but his competitors didn’t have any reason to bring him harm. Perhaps talking to them could lead to an alliance. That would be advantageous; he’d make quick work of the Ke’es, but he knew he would have to face much more dangerous monsters as he got closer to the shrine. Taking a deep breath, he started towards the group.


I’m not sure who I want to join with.

Who wants to the most?


Edit: What about both of us?

Edited by Ookla the Omniscient
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Ooh, we’re all bumping into each other!

As Ran’at traveled towards the two figures he saw earlier, he spotted another shape in the distance doing the same. Now that he was a bit closer, he could see that they were fellow acolytes. 
“Hello there,” he called out.

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

"Hey Kae."

A teasing grin spreads across Mercury's face, "climb testing your abilities already?"

"There was a bit of a spot." She frowned and glanced out towards the foothills. "Who's that?"

7 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

I’ikeq climbed to the top of what felt like the billionth hill. It felt like it would be forever before he actually reached the mountain, which seemed no closer than it had been at the start. He spied three figures on the upward slope of the next hill. His first instinct was to avoid them, but his competitors didn’t have any reason to bring him harm. Perhaps talking to them could lead to an alliance. That would be advantageous; he’d make quick work of the Ke’es, but he knew he would have to face much more dangerous monsters as he got closer to the shrine. Taking a deep breath, he started towards the group.

1 minute ago, PyroPhile said:

As Ran’at traveled towards the two figures he saw earlier, he spotted another shape in the distance doing the same. Now that he was a bit closer, he could see that they were fellow acolytes. 
“Hello there,” he called out.

"General Kenobi," Kaeli replied, "you are a bold one."

Kaeli waved. No reason not to be friendly to the others.

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7 minutes ago, PyroPhile said:

As Ran’at traveled towards the two figures he saw earlier, he spotted another shape in the distance doing the same. Now that he was a bit closer, he could see that they were fellow acolytes. 
“Hello there,” he called out.

14 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

I’ikeq climbed to the top of what felt like the billionth hill. It felt like it would be forever before he actually reached the mountain, which seemed no closer than it had been at the start. He spied three figures on the upward slope of the next hill. His first instinct was to avoid them, but his competitors didn’t have any reason to bring him harm. Perhaps talking to them could lead to an alliance. That would be advantageous; he’d make quick work of the Ke’es, but he knew he would have to face much more dangerous monsters as he got closer to the shrine. Taking a deep breath, he started towards the group.

4 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"There was a bit of a spot." She frowned and glanced out towards the foothills. "Who's that?"

12 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

"It appears some other acolytes have caught up to us. Perhaps they're looking for help."

Mercury waves at the figures, both swords still in her hands.

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12 minutes ago, PyroPhile said:

Did Kaeli or Mercury see Ran’at’s prosthetic not-robot arm?



I'd say so, and everyone has probably seen one another at one point, so yeah.

7 minutes ago, PyroPhile said:

“I’d like to learn your names.”


"I'll tell you mine, but then I get to learn yours. My name is Mercury and these are my blades, Strife and Malice."


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1 hour ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

Il'anque followed. After all, she hadn't made any kind of plan for this. It would be best to follow avi, and- hey, what was that?

A blurry form pounced at Avi and Il'anque. This was a del'kthin: a panther-like beast. It remained cloaked in the shadows and then struck with its paralytic venom. Il'anque parried its strike with one of her blades, but this beast was thirsty for blood.

"Avi!" yelled Il'anque. "Slight problem here!"

Avi spun and drew her dagger. The beast turned and leapt at her. She called on her ancestry, a distant goddess with a power she new intimately. An extended blade of white light coalesced around the dagger, forming it into a short sword. She blocked the del'kthin's attack, throwing it off of her and away from them. Then she turned and faced it, dagger held in a ready stance.

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"You may begin."

The words reverberated through E;la, rattling her bones. She waited a moment, her mind nudging at a memory, before drawing her sword and expanding her soulsense.

One night, lying awake, thinking. Curious, wanting to know how far her soulsense could reach. She began to spread it, not knowing that Death was near, doing something. She brushed a blinding, powerful soul for a moment, fainted, and awoke in the morning with a piercing headache.

Noting where the most monsters were, she started off toward the mountain at a moderate pace.

3 hours ago, Enter a username said:

Help I need help with a name



Also I wish to meet up with someone(s)

Also also, is italics fine or should memories go in spoiler boxes?

Edited by Ookla the Implosion
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“H-hello,” I’ikeq said, out of breath, as he reached the others. Two of them were Elementals — they could be erratic, he’d learned. It was unsettling how they just poof-ed into existence fully mature. He’d seen these ones in training; he was pretty sure they were less than two moths old.

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@Ookla the Nerdy


I'm just going to go ahead and kill it because I think it fits my character.

Avi feinted at the del'kthin, lunging toward it with her starlight-encased dagger. The creature retaliated by roaring and lunging at her, in turn. Avi dodged, rolling to the left to avoid it's venom filled claws. Then as it landed off balance, she spun, dismissed the starlight blade, and rammed the dagger directly into the creatures neck. It died with nothing more than a weak whine.

Avi pulled the dagger out of the monster. Instead of having to wipe it off, the creature's blood simply...melted away from the dagger. It was made of Etheriumite and alloys of other metals, and had magical properties, including the ability to clean itself. It was nice.

She slid the dagger into its sheath and turned to Il'anque. "Let's keep moving," she said. "We have another fifteen minutes before we reach the next part of the hike. If we're lucky."

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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

“H-hello,” I’ikeq said, out of breath, as he reached the others. Two of them were Elementals — they could be erratic, he’d learned. It was unsettling how they just poof-ed into existence fully mature. He’d seen these ones in training; he was pretty sure they were less than two moths old.


Training takes 5 years matter what. The elementals have to be at least that old.

"You're..." Kaeli snapped her fingers a couple of times. "Iki? Ikeri?"

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