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1 hour ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

Do y'all wanna have an RP time or get attacked by a beeg scawy monster?



In a bit. Yeah sure.

29 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

"Hm. Good idea." Kaeli tapped the medallion on both Ran'at's and I'ikeq's uniforms, having already connected with Horizon. "There."


Who is Horizon?

43 minutes ago, PyroPhile said:

"One second," Ran'at said, "we should connect our vests in case we get separated."

Mercury taps Ran'at's and I'ikeq's medallions creating the link that carried their voices across vast distances.


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21 hours ago, Enter a username said:









Could mix and match any of those to get a good one.

Ka'ante looked over the foothills. Debris from past fights and monstrous remains littered the battlefield. Give me a strong one, let's start off with a bang. His eyes alighted on a Kin'qir. Perfect. He raised his boon shield, and charged the Kin'qir. 

The monster had eight limbs. Two legs, like a human, four arms, and two wings. The bottom arms were long limbed and long fingered, but while the top arms were also very long, they has stubby fingers with gigantic claws.

Edited by Ookla the Unknown
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3 hours ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

Isek looked up at the large creature fighting the other two acolytes.  He felt like he should know what it was, he had probably studied it, but nothing leaped out to him.

"Well, I should probably help them."

Isek crouched down, fish feet forming metal hooks that dig into the stone, while his legs morphed into large springs. He formed a winch and used his magic to spin it, compressing the springs, creating a massive buildup of tension.

Judging the distance, Isek aimed, feeling the enormous power beneath him. Then he let go, the springs released, and he was sent flying.


Avi prepared for the monster's next attack, dagger held at the ready. She was planning to dismiss the starlight blade surrounding it and stab the creature with the venom-coated metal, but she had to get close first.

Suddenly, a large man made of metal fell from the sky directly on the creature's back, crushing it.

The Din'al screamed with it's strange voice again and convulsed in pain. The Metal Elemental wore a uniform with one of the medallions that marked him as a Reaper. Another acolyte, then

Avi took the opportunity to dash up and stab the Din'al in the head with the venom-coated blade of her dagger. It spasmed for a moment before falling still.

Avi turned to the Metal Elemental and nodded her thanks. She'd seen him in training, but had not interacted with him at all. She didn't even remember his name, but that was a problem easily solved.

"I thank you for your assistance," she said.

@Ookla the Nerdy

Edited by Ookla the Perpetual
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"Happy to be of assistance," Isek said, stepping off of the corpse. He gave a quick assessment of the two other acolytes, a human and an elf, he was certain he had seen them before, but the only thing he could remember was that the elf was an accomplished healer.

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Il'anque looked at the visitor. Well, it was always nice to have more company. Il'anque focused on the currents of magic around her, and closed the wound that she had gotten from the Din'al. Il'anque addressed Isek.

"Thanks for helping us. I don't suppose that you'd be willing to join our group?"

@Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Frustrated.

Edited by Ookla the Nerdy
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4 hours ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Atren kept jogging up his own personal invisible stairs. So far, there hadn't been any monster that had so much as dented his concentration. A few ground creatures had taken half-hearted swings at him, but there'd been nothing they could do to stop him and they knew it. The flying creatures hadn't fared much better, ramming into his shields a few times before giving up to go chase somebody else.

It had been a few minutes since he had been attacked, and that made him wary. The scenery had changed, too, a sure indication that this portion of the hike was different. More difficult. There'd be harder monsters here.

As if on cue, a giant, flying, lizard-like creature appeared out of nowhere and hurled itself at Atren.


Atren didn't even have to think. The shield flared up in front of the charging lizard-bird, and it rammed into it at full force. At closer range, Atren recognized it for what it was- a Pter'dactyl. Larger and angrier than any he'd seen before, though perhaps the anger was simply from its rather forceful collision with Atren's invisible walls. Whatever the cause, it circled him now, eyes beady. Atren saw only determination in its eyes; the determination of the hunt. Unlike the other monsters, it would not leave him alone.

Atren sighed, raised a hand, and sent a bar of shadow through the creature's head. It fell, silently. Atren continued moving.

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Il'anque looked at Isek. She thought she remembered his name. Something starting with an 'e' - no, 'I'. Isak? Isek? Yes, that's right. Isek. Right, he was the one who I accidentally trapped in a tree on our first day. I wonder if he remembers that. I sure wish I could forget it...

"So" Il'anque said. "Shall we continue our hike?"

@Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Frustrated.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Nerdy said:

Il'anque looked at Isek. She thought she remembered his name. Something starting with an 'e' - no, 'I'. Isak? Isek? Yes, that's right. Isek. Right, he was the one who I accidentally trapped in a tree on our first day. I wonder if he remembers that. I sure wish I could forget it...

"So" Il'anque said. "Shall we continue our hike?"

@Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Frustrated.


1 hour ago, Ookla the Frustrated. said:

"That would be our most optimal course of action, I do believe," Isek said, forming a long pole of iron in his hand to use as a walking stick.

"All right," Avi said. "Once we pass these crystals, we'll be at the first layer. Best keep your wits about you; it'll only get harder from here."

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27 minutes ago, Ookla the Perpetual said:


"All right," Avi said. "Once we pass these crystals, we'll be at the first layer. Best keep your wits about you; it'll only get harder from here."

Il'anque nodded and continued to climb. "I'd love to harvest the monster, but I don't think we have time. We have to keep moving. I have a few tricks to help us climb, but we need to get to the slopes fast. Otherwise, that thing's relatives might come to see what the fuss was all about."

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8 hours ago, PyroPhile said:



Well, if you insist.

Three hills and six minutes later, I’ikeq found himself sweaty and out of breath from keeping up with the Elementals. Pride prevented him from asking the two of them to slow down, but he didn’t know how he’d get all the way up the mountain at this pace. He’d have to hope Ran’at—

A bloodcurdling scream shot through the air, followed by the patter of claws on stone. “Run!” I’ikeq yelled. A huge monster, the size of a large boulder, lumbered into view. It had a muscular body, covered in black fur; teeth and claws as long as I’ikeq was tall. Its maw dripped with fresh scarlet blood.


There are NPC contenders that I can kill off as needed, right? I felt the need to establish some stakes.

@Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Myopic@PyroPhile

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I don't see why not. Most Reapers by now are more than capable of fighting, but there are almost always casualties among every batch.

5 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

Three hills and six minutes later, I’ikeq found himself sweaty and out of breath from keeping up with the Elementals. Pride prevented him from asking the two of them to slow down, but he didn’t know how he’d get all the way up the mountain at this pace. He’d have to hope Ran’at—

A bloodcurdling scream shot through the air, followed by the patter of claws on stone. “Run!” I’ikeq yelled. A huge monster, the size of a large boulder, lumbered into view. It had a muscular body, covered in black fur; teeth and claws as long as I’ikeq was tall. Its maw dripped with fresh scarlet blood.

@Ookla the [Redacted] @Ookla the Myopic@PyroPhile


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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

There are NPC contenders that I can kill off as needed, right? I felt the need to establish some stakes.



Don't forget that Tani's with us as well :P

4 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

A bloodcurdling scream shot through the air, followed by the patter of claws on stone. “Run!” I’ikeq yelled. A huge monster, the size of a large boulder, lumbered into view. It had a muscular body, covered in black fur; teeth and claws as long as I’ikeq was tall. Its maw dripped with fresh scarlet blood.


Mercury grinned, finally a challenge.

Her blades flash as she prepares to charge.

1 minute ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:


"Come on, we can take it!"

Mercury's blades zing as they gleam with electricity and she dashes at the creature.

After all it was slow, right?

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Don't forget that Tani's with us as well :P



@Ookla the Implosion



"Come on, we can take it!"

Mercury's blades zing as they gleam with electricity and she dashes at the creature.

After all it was slow, right?

I’ikeq paled. He’d assumed the group’s collective self-preservation instinct would kick in and they’d run for it. They would probably be able to outpace the monster — it was a Qi’kech, which was a species not known for its speed. The sane decision was to dart away as soon as it saw you.

Clearly, he’d overestimated the group’s sanity.

Edited by Ookla the Omniscient
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Kaeni did not want to be fighting monsters this early on. There was no telling just how much energy was left for her to use at this point, let alone for the inevitable beasts facing them up the slopes. To think they'd be attacked already...

She'd have to play it safe for now. Kaeni dropped backwards and grabbed her bow, slinging it out and pulling an arrow back against the string in one fluid motion. It took only a couple instants to aim right at the monster's head, then a second longer for the tension in the twine to hurl the arrow forward into its face.


You'll be controlling the monster, I take it?


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12 minutes ago, Ookla the [Redacted] said:

You'll be controlling the monster, I take it?


Sounds peachy.

The arrow struck in the middle of the monster’s forehead. From I’ikeq’s point of view, it didn’t look like it did much. The monster roared; a deep, bellowing sound that seemed to make the ground vibrate.

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Just now, Ookla the Omniscient said:

The arrow struck in the middle of the monster’s forehead. From I’ikeq’s point of view, it didn’t look like it did much. The monster roared; a deep, bellowing sound that seemed to make the ground vibrate.

Breathing in and out, syncing her breath to the pulse of lightning in her veins.

Mercury slams both her swords together, a blast of lightning shooting from between the blades. It blasts away, seeking the monster's throat.

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31 minutes ago, Ookla the Omniscient said:

The monster roared; a deep, bellowing sound that seemed to make the ground vibrate.


I have no way to position quotes how I want on mobile so please pretend the quote is where I specify :ph34r:

“The heck is that?

Ran’at jumped backwards reflexively to assess the situation.

There’s a big monster attacking my… would friends be the right word?


The quote should be right here

Right, big monster. Time to focus on survival.

Ran’at jumped forward, stabbing the monster with his dagger and slashing at it with his prosthetic arm.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Breathing in and out, syncing her breath to the pulse of lightning in her veins.

Mercury slams both her swords together, a blast of lightning shooting from between the blades. It blasts away, seeking the monster's throat.


Is this supposed to cut it or shock it?

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Ele’maiya wished there was something to break the dull monotony of trudging through endless brown foothills. She was even beginning to grow bored of the scenery. Perhaps, to liven it up a little, she and Caoimhe could—

A deep, primal groan rose from the ground below, and a head rose from underneath the earth. Grabbing Caoimhe by the sleeve, she ran as fast as she could in the other direction. But something occurred to her. What if it gets the other acolytes? I should see if I can kill it for them. 
Making a snap decision, she turned around and pulled her spear from her pack. A battle cry escaped her lips as she charged the monster.


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Avi led her companions past the last of the crystal arches.

"This is the first layer," she said. "Be on the look out for monsters. And maybe worse things, but I'm not sure yet." 

She stopped and plotted out a path. This part of the Inverted Mountain was generally steeper, but she found a path up to the top that would take minimal energy, if perhaps just a tiny bit more time.

It's not a race, anyway.

"Follow me," she told Il'anque and Isek, "Unless you think you find a better route."

@Ookla the Nerdy @Ookla the Frustrated.

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