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3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Umm... no." Kaeni looked down at her hands. The fingers were still trembling slightly from all that energy she'd used up earlier. "Can't you just stick yourself to the wall or something?"

"No, it's not metal. And it has to be more than just metal."

Scrambling up the stairs Mercury continues to lecture Kaeni.

"I can't attract to it. Because of the polarity. At least that's what I remember from the little I learned about it."

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Avi pulled herself onto the crystal platform beside Il'anque, collapsing in exhaustion. But she held the spell. She felt the normally faint starlight as warm as the sun, and it gave her strength. But her magic was one that took centuries to perfect. Centuries that, because of her ancestry, she would have.

But at barely below two decades of life, she didn't have the focus to hold it for long. Even with the stars' light and strength.

Avi groaned as her energy continued to drain, but she kept the stairwell solid.

@NerdyAarakocra @Frustration

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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2 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Il'aque gave Kaeni a look. "Be prepared to fire. Whatever is coming, we won't go down without a fight." Il'anque held her scimitars up high, as if rallying everyone behind a banner.

Mercury echoed Kaeni.

"Yeah, we're not going down."

Her swords glimmer with lightning and the air crackles with it.

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A wave of power washed over the acolytes, like the pressure all around them had increased tenfold. Kaeni felt her life force flicker and dim, suddenly diluted; she was the candle and this was the fire. Even the mountain's glowing gems and glittering crystals seemed to darken at the sudden presence's absolute dominance. Time warped ever so slightly, and every second seemed to drag for far too long.

Kaeni trembled. She wrapped her arms around herself to try to stop her hands from shaking.

It finally appeared from around the mountainside with a heavy swoosh of its wings. A titanic head of feathers and antlers, a body like a battleship, claws large and sharp enough to rend a building in two, and the wings spreading out so wide and far... they blotted out the stars, the moon, the sky, the mountain.

The wyvern slammed into the mountainside with its talons, cracking into stone and shattering the veins. Each beat of its wings crashed over them with the power of a hurricane, shoving them back into the wall of stone. And then it roared with a hideous shriek, and the entire world went silent save for the perpetual shrillness.

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Avi released her spell as the last of the Acolytes made it onto the crystal platform. She collapsed onto her knees. All she could do was watch in horror as the wyvern blotted out the stars and roared with a shrillness that evoked pure terror.

Avi closed her eyes.

So this is how it ends.


Avi's eyes snapped open.

I have work for you yet, my daughter.

Strength flooded Avi; strength as she had never understood before. The light of a thousand distant suns raged in her veins. She stood up, and the starscape hidden in the irises of her eyes glittered with a powerful light, making them glow like spotlights.

A vision struck her; not a vision of sight, but a vision of certanty.

They would win.

Glowing with otherworldly light, Avi gathered her strength. A mini star appeared over each of her hands, glowing with white light.

"You're right," she said to Mercury. "This isn't our end."

She launched one of her gleaming stars at the wyvern's right wing.


I'm going to let you RP the monster, Fadran.


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"I don't want to die..." Kaeni whispered to herself.

You're strong. You know how powerful you can be.

Power doesn't mean I can beat a Wyvern...

Not alone, but what about with everyone's help?


Gods, Kaeni... you just killed a glengal, didn't you?

She squeezed her arms in tighter. That was all Mercury and Ran'at and E;la. All I did was almost get myself killed.

You still helped.


Then help barely again.

Kaeni's breath caught against her own thoughts. She started choking up a little.

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Isek had never really been into studying monsters, that had always been his father's thing, but even to him every inch and alloy within was screaming danger. Fortunelty for him, combat had been something he studied.

It can move increadibly quickly, can slow down things that approach it, so we need to lock it in place, Isek thought.

Isek knelt down, and allowed metal to flow from him, a thin silvery lining that spread outward, covering the ground.

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Il'anque stood firm. She raised her blade in salute to the wyvern. She would not die today.

Something welled up within her. She reached into a pouch in her tunic and grabbed a something small. A seed. The potential for infinite life, wrapped up in a small shell.

I will not die today.

She focused on the seed.

And willed it to grow.

Wood spread out from the seed, growing into an ornate bow and several arrows. This normally would have left her feeling drained, but this time it didn't. She strung the bow, and knocked an arrow.


She fired the bow, directly at the wyvern.

How am I doing this? I never was able to use a bow before...

But that didn't matter. She would fight - for life and for death, in equal measure.

She would not die today.

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The wyvern swooped away from the attacks, avoiding the arrow and pulling itself out of range. The pressure seemed to lessen the further it retreated, but for now it still creaked across them.

For now it was trying to decide what to do next. There was a bit of time for them all.

Kaeni grit her teeth, curled his hands into fists, and forced herself to stand up. Her face glistened in the light of the moon, shining with amber tears. She wiped her face with her fist and sniffed, eyes on the wyvern.

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