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32 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Il'anque quickly made it up the lattice of vines, reaching the peak. She looked down to see Kaeni right behind her, about to reach the top. Il'anque looked around. It was barren, without even a pool of water or a bush. The centerpiece was a warping in the air, something that pushed on Il'anque with the same force as the Wyvern. The Gates of Eternity. And surrounding the Gates was their end goal, the White Iron.

Ast'avi wouldn't be able to defend forever. Il'anque drew and fired her bow at the Wyvern.

Kaeni took out her own after a stuttering hesitation, bringing the string to her cheek and aiming it out. Loosing the arrow proved useless, however, as both projectiles again grew more and more sluggish the closer they drew to the wyvern. Before long it had appeared that the two of them had stopped completely, hovering in midair.

"Is it some kinda... force field?"

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Avi warded off the Wyvern with beams of powerful light whenever it got close. Just in case, she summoned one of her constellations of glinting points of light, ready to scatter as soon as needed.

Il'anque was at the top, and Kaeni was at least close. Then she overheard Isek's plan.

"Let me know if you need me to do anything!" she shouted.


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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

As Mercury climbed another crazy idea occured to her and she yells to Avi over the raging winds. "Avi what would happen if I struck on of your orbs with really powerful lightning when it was close to the Wyvern?" 

Avi blinked.

"I don't know," she shouted back. "But we can find out!"

As the Wyvern glided closer to the side of the mountain, Avi channeled energy above her palm into a glowing white sphere that shone like the sun. She hurled it at the creature before she could think about whether or not it was a bad idea.

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Avi blinked.

"I don't know," she shouted back. "But we can find out!"

As the Wyvern glided closer to the side of the mountain, Avi channeled energy above her palm into a glowing white sphere that shone like the sun. She hurled it at the creature before she could think about whether or not it was a bad idea.

1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Mercury was ready, the blades whirred up to a deadly hum and a deafening crack of thunder rolled from her blades. A pure white, blazing bolt raced towards the star and struck it. 

@Channelknight Fadran @The Bookwyrm


And they alllll blew up!

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17 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Avi blinked.

"I don't know," she shouted back. "But we can find out!"

As the Wyvern glided closer to the side of the mountain, Avi channeled energy above her palm into a glowing white sphere that shone like the sun. She hurled it at the creature before she could think about whether or not it was a bad idea.

16 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Mercury was ready, the blades whirred up to a deadly hum and a deafening crack of thunder rolled from her blades. A pure white, blazing bolt raced towards the star and struck it. 

@Channelknight Fadran @The Bookwyrm


*assertively writes explosion*

The crash of power washed over the mountainside. A trio of shockwaves, one after another, could be seen in the dust and gravel. Everyone stumbled; Kaeni almost fell back, but dropped against the Gates and managed to stay on her feet.

It all happened so quick that it would take her nearly an hour to deconstruct it later. The bolt of lightning, having come from Mercury, effectively directed the explosion away from the acolytes. Had she struck it from above or the other side, Kaeni could only imagine they'd all have been vaporized. The explosion in question, however, exploded outwards in an incomplete sphere, a cone cut out of the end to protect them from the brunt of the force. It probably wasn't intended by either Avi or Mercury, but it kept them all alive.

There was a short battle of force on force between the explosion and the wyvern's warp field. The blinding white shockwave rippled against an invisible force, and the wyvern seemed to... stress. Suddenly it wasn't just stopping arrows. Its esoteric magic - the ability to bend time and space around itself - proved to be insufficient. In a sudden climax, the explosion crashed through the field and blew across the wyvern, knocking it back into a daze. The wyvern plummeted for a moment - then seconds - before it remembered and recovered. More beats of wings - now rapid and awkward - brought it back to level with its own weight.

Another shrieking roar, a dozen times louder than the last. Kaeni's hands shot to her ears.

Of course they'd just made it mad.

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Avi turned and summoned a cloud of tiny "stars" that would automatically shoot themselves at the wyvern if it drew close. Then she began climbing up Il'anque's vine ladder.

She arrived at the peak, but any feelings of triumph were extinguished by the attacking monster. She shot the rest of the stars at the wyvern, the glittering cloud chasing after the winged beast.

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Burning Veins. 

Kaeni clamped a fist into the palm of her hand - far from necessary to start her technique, but it really seemed to spark it more efficiently. She began to emenate a burning amber light, shadows crossing the definition in her muscles, her eyes blazing and dilating to broaden her perception. The ability steeled her nerves, pouring strength throughout her body. The trembling in her fingers stopped.

That wouldn't be enough to stop this thing, though.

"Um... any plans, guys?"

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Here goes nothing!

I said that I had plans.

Il'anque looked on, aiming for another shot, as the wyvern swooped directly at her. She didn't feel fear, even when its claws launched boulders right at her. Maybe being this close would negate the wyvern's magic. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Avi's shooting stars perusing their foe. All she had to do was fire one good shot, and-


Il'anque didn't think; she didn't have time to. She reacted on instinct, moving with inhuman (inelvish?) speed as the wyvern's claws almost grabbed her, snatching at the space that where she had been just seconds before. She finished in a graceful roll, and prepared to draw her bow, ready to fire as soon as it swept in for another pas-


Il'anque leapt out of the way as the wyvern threw a boulder right at Il'anque. She felt the wind from the boulder's passing, but avoided it by a hair's length. By no means should she have been able to dodge that, but here she was. And, oddly enough, she didn't feel tired, or frightened. Instead, she felt energized, like something was welling up inside her. The energy of growth and change, boundless and verdant.

The wyvern swept in for another pass. Il'anque aimed her bow.

The energy coursing through Il'anque reached a climax, and somehow burst from her, forming a semitransparent apparition painted in green and brown. Its coalesced into something similar to Il'anque, but with resplendent antlers and bark instead of skin.. As Il'anque drew the bow, the spirit, kneeling right next to her, took aim as well.

And then they joined.

The arrow glowed green as Il'anque fired it, piercing through the wyvern's force field like a needle through velvet. The arrow hit the wyvern.

And then grew.

Vines extended from the arrow, covering the wyvern and seeking out its wings.


I'll let you decide how much damage the vines deal.


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