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Avi stared at Il'anque's sudden burst of magic, and at the vines that slowly wrapped around the wyvern.

Questions later, she told herself. If you'd rather others wait to question you, you might as well wait to question others.

As the wyvern struggled in the air, one last surge of energy flooded through Avi.

It's time to end this.

Avi gathered her power, concentrating it. She prepared to fire a beam of energy at lightspeed at the wyvern's head.

Let's see if it can slow this down.

Avi released the energy, and a blinding white flash filled the area.

@Channelknight Fadran

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3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Avi stared at Il'anque's sudden burst of magic, and at the vines that slowly wrapped around the wyvern.

Questions later, she told herself. If you'd rather others wait to question you, you might as well wait to question others.

As the wyvern struggled in the air, one last surge of energy flooded through Avi.

It's time to end this.

Avi gathered her power, concentrating it. She prepared to fire a beam of energy at lightspeed at the wyvern's head.

Let's see if it can slow this down.

Avi released the energy, and a blinding white flash filled the area.

@Channelknight Fadran

A beam of pure energy soared at the wyvern’s face, fast enough even to see until the piercing glow from the air around it began to shine. Had it come unannounced it would’ve been impossible to dodge or deflect - and as it was, the wyvern didn’t have nearly enough time to react and properly defend itself. Only by reading the sudden surge of power from Avi could it even make a move in time to save its life.

Kaeni, of course, couldn’t see any of it. None of them could with the sudden flash. One of her arms flung over her eyes to guard them from the brightness. Thank the gods heat didn’t damage her all that much - she could only wonder what it had done to the rest of her allies.

But when the glow finally faded, there was the smell of burning flesh and hot blood.

The wyvern glared out from behind a blacked, bloody mess of what was once a wing.

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Il'anque stood firm in the shower of light from Avi's beam. The wyvern was bound by Il'anque's vines, and its wing was destroyed.

It was time to end this. Il'anque raised her blades in salute.

With the strength of a forest, she leapt the distance between her and the wyvern, scimitars at ready. She struck twice.

@Channelknight Fadran

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What's up with all this "It's time to end this" stuff?

That's not how you start a fight scene at all!

Two stirkes. The wyvern pulled its face to the side to protect its eyes. It worked, for the most part - but two massive gashes bled furiously from its antlers down to its chin immediately afterwards.

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I think I have a problem

I thought soul magic meant something different from what it apparently does, so I think I accidentally handicapped my character severely. I thought soul magic would let me mess with souls.

As such, I don't think there's much I can do for a "big powerup" moment.


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2 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:




(Sorry, I've been distracted lately)

Isek watched the flying nightmare fuel land on the outcropping above him, completely negating the trap he'd been planning. Inconsiderate.

Exerting his will Isek pulled the metal in, reshaping it into a massive hammer, it took far longer than he would have liked, but the others did an excellent job distracting the beast.

With the strange creature holding still Isek brought the hammer down.

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Oh I never said it was holding still.

Kaeni blazed towards the wyvern, a wake of flame trailing behind every step. She left an afterimage of glowing fire as she charged forwards. The sudden burst of energy, tapping into her soul’s inner powers - the momentum of it consumed the fear that had kept her locked down moments ago. It was as though she’d become the truest, most complete version of herself.

The wyvern was slashing left and right with its claws, retaliating against each of the acolyte’s attacks. The force field was weaker now, but still present - its attacks seemed to get faster and faster the closer she drew to it. Other than the likes of that explosion or Avi’s terrifying beam of pure energy, no ranged attacks seemed to stand a chance against this thing - it didn’t even have to dodge them if they got close enough.

That left only direct attacks as an option. Kaeni flipped out a knife as she approached, darting in a blinding zigzag to draw out the claw, then leapt over it sideways to kick down to the ground and slide beneath its chest. Its attack came at tremendous speeds, but she could still read the burning energy flowing throughout its body - just enough to avoid the swipe.

Her energy condensed and focused, becoming a momentary pinprick in the palm of her hand. Transferring her powers like that was dangerous, even just for the instant it took to do so: all the energy within her for that one splinter of time had become allotted to the knife, heating it to beyond even the likes of her own blood for the next several seconds. Supplemented by the momentum from her dash and dive, Kaeni grasped the knife in both hands to drag it across the underneath of the wyvern’s chest.

It worked. A gash opened, leaking blood. She twisted to her feet and darted out from underneath the wyvern just before it slammed downwards, grinding on her heel to strike again at its claw. The instants of directing her powers, taking aim, and slashing out would appear blinding to any ordinary person.

But nobody here was really all that ordinary.

“Its field…” Had they weakened it? No, that couldn’t be it - the wyvern still attacked them with incredible speed and precision for a creature of that size. Even with her own attacks, she could only barely keep up with it. “Can’t be… nullifying…”

Another slash. Kaeni twisted to the side and slashed back at the claw that tore up the ground where she’d just been standing.

“The arrows were harmless because we were still on the other side…” Her knife gashed across the wyvern’s talons, nearly lopping off one of them entirely. “To us they seemed slow… but now that we’re here it just seems fast.”

It was a relativity thing. They couldn’t harm it from outside - a foolproof power, seemingly, for a creature capable of flight.

Not so anymore.

“Keep going!” Kaeni shouted with another leap and another slash - as if she had to say that in the first place.

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12 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


*Refers to google doc*

...What did you think "mess with souls" means?


I thought you had defined soulsense as just the ability to see with it, which would mean that I couldn't use soulsense to mess with souls. Did I misunderstand that last bit? (if so i'm sorry)

Does this mean I can beat up people's souls?

I had thought that soulsense (or soul magic, or "mess with souls") was also the ability to manipulate your soul in ways that would let you do things like punch ghosts. Or cut through them with a sword.


Edited by Tani
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