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"I wouldn't concern myself, Ast'avi Stargate. You are all still here both in body and soul, just differently-attuned. More spirit than anything."

A figure cloaked in gray settled before them, as if having stepped into existence. Their face was pale, eyes covered by shadow. There was a tired smile across it.

Death, it seemed, had arrived.

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2 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I wouldn't concern myself, Ast'avi Stargate. You are all still here both in body and soul, just differently-attuned. More spirit than anything."

A figure cloaked in gray settled before them, as if having stepped into existence. Their face was pale, eyes covered by shadow. There was a tired smile across it.

Death, it seemed, had arrived.


....I was going to change that surname and never got around to it...

Avi froze, then gave the Reaper's salute of respect.


Whatever that salute is.


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Kaeni droppped into one, sitting beside Mercury and Avi. Not once did she take her eyes off of Death.

"Primarily, I think I should be the first to congratulate you on your completion of my Reaper training. In a sense you are already complete - the forging of your Scythe is something of a bridge between then and your initiation as a full Reaper. I imagine your recovery process from this challenge might take a little longer than that of most acolytes, but after that we should have plenty of missions for you to take on."

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"Secondarily, I would like to entrust each of you with a more... confidential issue." They leaned forward in their seat. "Nothing you need to be worrying yourselves about much quite yet, of course. I prefer to send my more experienced Reapers onto missions like those, but surely you've noticed the decided lack of completed acolytes? Our numbers have never been particularly substantial."

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"Simply recall that Death has asked you a favor," they said, standing back up, "and that Death always repays."

They began to pace across the mountaintop, looking at each of them.

"I imagine you're each itching to finish your training. You only need about a handful's worth of stone in order to forge your scythe. Simply select your ore and offer it on the altar here - it will be completed by the time you awaken."

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Simply recall that Death has asked you a favor," they said, standing back up, "and that Death always repays."

They began to pace across the mountaintop, looking at each of them.

"I imagine you're each itching to finish your training. You only need about a handful's worth of stone in order to forge your scythe. Simply select your ore and offer it on the altar here - it will be completed by the time you awaken."

What do they mean by "select?" Isn't it all the same?

Avi looked around at the gleaming white iron around her. It all looked the same.


A small piece of the ore seemed to glint in an invisible light. Like a star amongst the whiteness.

Avi stood up, walked over, and picked up the piece of ore. Up close, it didn't look any different. But it felt right in a way she couldn't explain.

Avi walked back over to Death and held out her ore.

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There's an altar in the center where the Gates were.

Kaeni wandered about a bit. It doesn't matter? Is this just... what. Some kind of test?

She picked an ore geode off the ground, examining it a bit. 

I mean, we aren't supposed to be using it much anyways, right?

Kaeni set the ore onto the altar, then vanished,

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Avi watched as Kaeni placed her ore on the altar, then vanish. She walked over to do the same.

She paused, though. She turned back to Death, wanting to say something.

But staring at that timeless figure, she lost her nerve. She nodded respectfully, then turned and placed her ore on the altar.

I can ask later...I have quite a while before that point, anyway.

Avi vanished.

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They're returned to their bodies afterwards - meaning probably unconscious.

Kaeni gasped awake, shooting upright - damp with sweat.

They weren't on the mountaintop anymore. It didn't even look like they were anywhere near it. Instead she was in a stark white bed in a wooden building full of bunks just like her own. Well-lit; the sun was shining in through blinded windows.

The Reaper Corps medical wing. Of course. Kaeni steadied her breathing as she looked about, taking it in. Honestly, it had been awhile since she'd had to come here. Had they changed the paint? Those lanterns looked new. And she'd certainly never seen so many others here alongside her: in fact, just about everyone who had gone up the mountain with her were in a bed of their own, wearing a regular white silk shirt and trousers instead of their regular uniform.

An ice bag had been strapped across her head. There were chills across her body. A fever? Really? How hard had she pushed herself as a fire elemental to get a fever?

"'Lo?" Kaeni asked aloud.

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Avi slowly opened her eyes.

Her dreams had been filled with strange interactions she couldn't remember fully...

She found herself resting on a comfortable bed in a large wooden room. The architecture was familiar; they were at the Reaper Corp's headquarters. In the medical wing, it seemed...Avi had visited a few times herself before.

The training was not kind on the body, sometimes. But she'd pulled through.

Her whole body ached slightly. She had several cuts and bruises from the fight, but they were mostly healed, now. What would have previously been agony was now a bearable discomfort. She'd be fine in a few days.

She thought. Avi wasn't an expert on healing.

We were probably extracted after we returned from the portal, she thought. There were full Reapers on standby...

Idly, Avi wondered if any other Acolytes had made it to the top besides their little entourage. Death was right...if we were the only ones, the Reapers numbers are somewhat dwindling.

Then again, do they ever need more than a little? We're a potent bunch.

And slowly Avi came to the realization that she was part of that group. Ever since the fateful day ten years ago, when a kind man had given her a path. 

Ast'Avi was a Reaper.

Part of her desperately wanted to get up, see her Scythe, get an assignment. But she told herself to stay patient. 

All in it's due time.

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Hi Avi." Kaeni was chewing on a somewhat bland hunk of bread. "How're you?"

Avi looked over to see Kaeni sitting in the bed next to her and eating some bread.

Avi felt a little awkward. She'd interacted with Kaeni during training, but not that much...

Then again, an experience like the one on top of that mountain unified, she supposed.

"I'm managing," she said, sitting up slowly. "But it'll be a little bit before I'm back in top shape." She looked around the room. "Do you know how we got back here? Or...what's next?"

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@Tani @Frustration @The Wandering Wizard @PyroPhile


I really like this RP and don't want it to die and want to see what happens next.


12 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Il'anque was still unconscious.

Avi looked over at her companions, all of which who were still unconscious at the moment. She noticed Il'anque lying in the bed to her other side.

I do have questions for her, as well, Avi thought. I'm not the only one in this group with hidden powers...

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