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E;la gazed around at the white iron. It... resonated with her in some way - she wasn't sure how else she could describe it. It felt, somehow, both safe and dangerous at the same time. It felt... familiar, almost like it knew her. She reached out with her soulsense, and quietly gasped.

The white iron was the soul of the inverted mountain.


is this okay or should i not?

@Channelknight Fadran

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4 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

@Tani @Frustration @The Wandering Wizard @PyroPhile


Avi looked over at her companions, all of which who were still unconscious at the moment. She noticed Il'anque lying in the bed to her other side.

I do have questions for her, as well, Avi thought. I'm not the only one in this group with hidden powers...


I don't think we should have to worry about everyone being on all at the same time. We only need a few of us to be on at a time to keep it alive. Between you and me we'll only ever need a couple more folks to keep things going.

"You're a... star demigod? Something?"

3 hours ago, Tani said:

E;la gazed around at the white iron. It... resonated with her in some way - she wasn't sure how else she could describe it. It felt, somehow, both safe and dangerous at the same time. It felt... familiar, almost like it knew her. She reached out with her soulsense, and quietly gasped.

The white iron was the soul of the inverted mountain.

@Channelknight Fadran




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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"You're a... star demigod? Something?"

Avi hesitated. It was a secret she had tried to keep for...well, ever since her home was destroyed.

But...she was safe, here. And even those who would hunt her for her ancestry would have trouble attacking a reaper.

"Yes," Avi said after a moment. "I'm descended from a powerful Star Goddess that has invested a significant amount of her power in this system. No one is sure of her true name, or the details of her identity...but some of her blood runs in my veins. She's known simply as the Starmother."

Memories churned beneath the surface of her mind as she spoke.

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Those star thingies you used were so cool! I've never seen anything like them before."

Avi blinked, slightly stunned by the compliment.

"It's a rare form of magic," she said. "There aren't that many descendants of the Starmother able to access the magic."

I wouldn't be surprised if I was the only one in Figeri who still has access to this magic...

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Yay, time for some plot

Il'anque awoke with a gasp in a dark pool. She looked around the empty expanse, searching for something - someone.


Il'anque felt something at the corner of her mind, luring her, pulling her. She started to walk towards it, then began jogging, then running. Suddenly, it appeared out of the mists.

A tree. Rising to a seemingly impossible height, enveloped in a golden glow. With trepidation, she reached her hand out to touch it. As her fingers met the bark, the world around her faded into gold.

Il'anque woke up on her cot. "Hello? Is anyone there?" She reached for her scimitars before realizing that she didn't have them on.

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Avi nodded encouragingly, but honestly, she wasn't used to the idea that much herself. She'd never really had friends. She'd kept to herself. Her last actual friend had been Kaelim, and it had been years since she'd seen him.

It was a strange sensation to have a connection to these people. But also comforting.


Is a medical aide or something going to come get us at some point?

And when do we get to see our Scythes?


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They're all okay for the most part at this point - just resting up.

As for the scythes...

Kaeni looked down at her hand, squeezing it in and out of a fist. Something flashed into her vision as she did - a little black symbol.

Hang on a minute.

She concentrated for a second, trying to remember back to their training. It had been... what, three years ago? Some veteran had Reapers come in to explain proper Scythe usage.

"Remember that the first rule of wielding a Scythe is to never use it." They had summoned it into their hand out of seemingly nothing - though that was something of a norm when it came to these people. "It won't just sever someone's soul - it will vaporize it into nothing in just an instant. One cut from refined Morsanite is all it takes to remove a being from existence for all eternity: no second chances, no redos, no justice. These weapons will serve only as an absolute last resort that you must use at your discretion in only the most ensaring of situations, and to harm someone with it - even on accident - will almost assuredly have you removed from the Reaper Corps and executed."

The trainers had hammered that into their heads over and over again over the next few years. That wasn't the part Kaeni was trying to remember. It was after that, when they were explaining how to summon it...

Kaeni tightened the muscles in her hand, and the black symbol of a scythe faded into existence across the back. The mark of a Reaper. They'd all received it after passing basic training, but it had been stark white then. Now it was darker than the night without moon or stars.

Which means...

Her Scythe materalized in her hand, black as the ocean at twilight. Heavy, unwieldy - that was fine. Any Reaper to make it past year one could deal with that. But the way it tilted down, tugging against her arm, almost as if begging to be brought down and swung.

Suddenly, the absolute gravity of her position became very apparent.

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