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Frustration's Firepower Index: Homepage, updates, and ranking system explained


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Welcome to Frustration's Firepower Index. A collection of threads detailing the combat capabilities of Cosmere worlds, and Magic systems. This thread will function as a homepage, where I will explain the ranking systems, as well as give general updates.


Competed pages


Ranking System explained


The planetary ranking system has eight categories in which it is given a rank. For the first seven: Shards, Dawnshards, Defenses, Offenses, Natural advantages, Armed forces, and Economics and Technology, each world is assigned a score out of a total, with the total being the highest rank in that category.

The points allocated are based on the following:

For each shard in residence on a planet that planet gets 1 point. If that shard is capable of acting in a meaningful way they get another point. New vessels get an additional point, as do Avatars, assuming that their host shard is not in residence on the same planet.

For each Dawnshard on a planet a world is given 1 point, and if they are useable they are given an additional point.

For Defenses, Offenses, and Natural advantages, each world is given 1 point for any notable strength, with half points for minor advantages, or 1.5 points, or higher for larger advantages. And loses points for weaknesses based on the same system.

Armed forces are the same as the above, but for each force unwilling to work with the others it's minus 1 point, and if there is open war between any forces, the force with the lowest points is removed from the total.

Economics and Technology, works on the same principles as the above.

Logistics follow the same principles

Intelligence and counter intelligence are the same as well.

Notable uses of Investiture is awarded as bonus points.


Current planetary matchup:

  1. Roshar(On Roshar) 54/67
  2. Sel 41.5/67
  3. Roshar(Off Roshar) 32/67
  4. Scadrial 31/67
  5. Taldain 27/67
  6. Canticle: 25.5/67
  7. Nalthis 23.5/67
  8. Komashi 20.5/67
  9. Lumar 9.5/67
  10. First of the Sun 4/67
  11. Threnody -3.5/67


Section leaders


Shards - Roshar 4.5 points

Dawnshards - Roshar 1 point

Defenses - Taldain 5.5 points

Offenses - Nalthis 1 point

Natural advantages - Roshar 2 points

Armed forces - Sel 12 points

Economics and Technology - Taldain 7.5 points


  • On world - Canticle 10 points
  • Off world - Roshar 3 points


  • On Roshar - Roshar 10.5,  elswhere Scadrial 7 points


  • On Roshar - Roshar 9 points, elsewhere Nalthis 4 points

Allies: - Taldain 1 point

Notable uses of investiture -  Komashi +5


Rules for magic system rankings


Each magic system user will be allowed to have technology of their world, so long as it does not give them additional invested arts. So modern fabrials, primer cubes, standard singer forms and awakened objects are allowed, but medallions, soulcasters, Forms of Power and honorblades are not.

Additionally the threads will consider the theoretical maximum that a user of the magic is capable of, regardless of whether those in world know how to do it.


Coming soon:

Edited by Frustration
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am afraid this needs to add a section on population to really build a useful comparison.

And we have the problem that the intelligence is centuries out of date. At the time of the Catacendre, the Ire had to fear Threnody in another solar system. At the time of the last Desolation, no longer.

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16 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

I am afraid this needs to add a section on population to really build a useful comparison.

Population is included in the natural advantages section of all worlds which we have information on.

17 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

And we have the problem that the intelligence is centuries out of date. At the time of the Catacendre, the Ire had to fear Threnody in another solar system. At the time of the last Desolation, no longer.

While this is true, I can't think of anything to do about it.

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7 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Population is included in the natural advantages section of all worlds which we have information on.

I stand corrected.

7 minutes ago, Frustration said:

While this is true, I can't think of anything to do about it.

  1. Date the information
  2. Do multiple articles or sections. It coulb be argued that pre-Catacendre Scadrial would have ended up higher on the index than Way & Wayne Scadrial, which in turn was certainly vastly more powerful than Scadrial a few decades after the Catacendre

And you may need a political section to tell us about the degree of political unity or the chance of an opponent to exploit internal disunity.

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3 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:
  1. Date the information

At the start of each thread I mention that I'm assessing the world as it appears in the most recent book, unless missed one which is possible.

3 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

And you may need a political section to tell us about the degree of political unity or the chance of an opponent to exploit internal disunity.

I probably should add or expand on that yes, thanks for the suggestion.

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The scoring of technology is in additional points, I wonder if it would be better to make it as multiplier factor for Armed forces. Like e.g. medieval technology as a base x1, guns/explosives x1.5, automatic weapons x1.75 or something like + x0.2 for any crucial advancement in military tech. On top of that WMD, rockets or any more interesting weapons as additional points. But this factor would have to be fairly chosen, not what I propposed. Similarly usage of invested arts in war could also work as multiplier and additional points together. Just throwing it out here to think about it. That would require a great rework and new fair scale. Additional points works as well, but in my opinion are not as good as multiplier factor, because technology will always dominate any medieval army, no matter numbers (on our world).

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I have added the Logistics, Inteligence, and Counterintelligence sections, and it has shaken the entire ranking system up.

Also I can't help but feel I didn't total Nalthis's points correctly, but I can't find any error, if any of you notice something tell me about it.

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6 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Also I can't help but feel I didn't total Nalthis's points correctly, but I can't find any error, if any of you notice something tell me about it.

Yeah, me to, however there is like 32 more max point, from which Nalthis gained only 1/3, 12,5. So math is ok. Nalthis didn't score well somehow. I can't think of anything else to add to new sections, but to economic section of Nalthis I would add that Hallandren have extensive dye plantations and dyes made out of Tears of Edgli (uniqe good in whole Cosmere), which are very desirable and are the reason for the wealth of Hallandren. Also they sell Breaths and have whole market around that. T'Telir has restaurants and food delivery form them. They also trade with other worlds via CR with goods like paintings and art pieces famed across Cosmere.
Idris have the only known copper mines in the world. That means both 
Hallandren and Idris has monopoly on specific trade good and thus rich and stable economy.

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On 12/16/2022 at 6:44 PM, Frustration said:


Comming soon:

1. Frustration's Firepower Index: Taldain. Only waiting to finish the White Sand Graphic Novels.

I'd very suggest reading it as the Omnibus. A lot of the Ars Arcanum pages have a lot of details that would be relevant as well as the additional mentions of the Darkside Magic system, which the original ones lack

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10 hours ago, iceblade44 said:

I'd very suggest reading it as the Omnibus. A lot of the Ars Arcanum pages have a lot of details that would be relevant as well as the additional mentions of the Darkside Magic system, which the original ones lack

I do have to say the timing of the omnibus release was rather unfortunate.:P 

The problem is, I didn't get an order in for the Omnibus, and with how behind they are in print... I think it would be easier to do the page with the books I have access to now(supplimented by Coppermind artilces), and when I get the chance I'll update it.

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10 hours ago, Frustration said:

I do have to say the timing of the omnibus release was rather unfortunate.:P 

The problem is, I didn't get an order in for the Omnibus, and with how behind they are in print... I think it would be easier to do the page with the books I have access to now(supplimented by Coppermind artilces), and when I get the chance I'll update it.

it is avaible for digital read, though it is quite the price. Still thats how I read it

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So are we considering general fortune a shard has? Because I feel that can lead to quite the edge in any sort of large scale attack. Odium, for example, while powerful, is not particularly adept at thinking ahead (well, pre-TOdium I suppose). Cultivation, Endowment, and maybe Autonomy, on the other hand, are quite high on fortune, and are up to their metaphorical knees in schemes.

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18 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

So are we considering general fortune a shard has? Because I feel that can lead to quite the edge in any sort of large scale attack. Odium, for example, while powerful, is not particularly adept at thinking ahead (well, pre-TOdium I suppose). Cultivation, Endowment, and maybe Autonomy, on the other hand, are quite high on fortune, and are up to their metaphorical knees in schemes.

Not really no. Because while some shards do have different skills, from what we have seen when it comes to direct clashes those tend to not matter much until your conflict lasts hundreds or even thousands of years. Whereas being a new Vessel tends to change things immediately.

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Added Windrunners a few days ago, but just barely got the links in.

Just added a page for Taldain, and it stole both Scadrial's #1 Economics and Technology spot, and Roshar's #1 Deffense spot.

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  • 3 months later...

Updated for SP 4


It took me almost an hour to get all the threads updated, I hadn't realized just how long it had been since they had been updated.


Oh and I also added an allies section, and I am considering messing with the weighting system to give more weight to certain sections but that is far from implementation.

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