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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Time for Season 2!

Channelknight Fadran

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2 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

Rayvyn nodded. "Interesting...and in all your years with him, you've never figured anything out?" A small smirk appears on her face. "Betcha we'll get it soon enough."



Ah, I see. This is what comes of not reading all this RP that you guys have been doing.

Azra turns to the nearest person and strikes up a conversation. “So, what’s your name? I’m Azra, this is Iyin, my monkey. Pleased to meet you. Aren’t you excited by all these new people? I definitely am. Can you tell?” She let out a high-pitched giggle. “I think I’m super excellent at controlling my emotions.”

Uh, that’s a blatant lie and you know it. A voice spoke in her head, faint, yet recognisable. So you finally decided to start talking again, Iyin.


Whoever wants to have a conversation with Azra can answer, I don’t mind who.


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5 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:


"I'm okay to go. I don't need to be here, if you want."


So Gone's a triplet, but his other two twins died. His parents decided that seeing his face was "too painful", so they just neglected him. He started doing crazy things(such as putting makeup to look like bruises on his face and bear-crawling[that's what's comfortable for him now], or wearing ripped-up clothes) to see if they'd acknowledge him, but they never did. So know you know that, but your character doesn't.


Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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12 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

"Ah, yes, sorry. I was just trying to...talk to a presence I felt about the house." Dave shrugged. "And this is my new acquaintance Obsidian." Dave said, gesturing to Obsidian.


Obsidian reached for the keys, then pulled his fingers back.

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Bookwyrm found his way to his room. A door marked with the correct number.

Room 49, he thought. Perfect.

He opened the door to find a fairly spacious room decorated to his liking. There was enough room for his reptilian companions, and a balcony in which they could access the air. The ceiling was made of glass for a nice view of the sky. It was overcast, currently, but hopefully that would change by nightfall.

Bookwyrm set his pack down and looked around the room more. Windaphra also explored the fancy area, flitting around to various nooks and crannies before landing next to Bookwyrm and growing human sized.

"Seems nice enough," she said, folding her arms.

Bookwyrm closed his eyes and released Perideria and Astyl. The two dragons burst into existence in a flash of light; Perideria with her intimidating size and shimmering green scales just a shade lighter than emerald, and Astyl with his deep black scales accented by strange glowing blue and white lines that covered his body. The large portion of the room held spaces for them to sit and rest.

"Good to be out again?" Bookwyrm asked them.

Of course, Perideria replied mentally. It always feels better this way.

Astyl nodded his agreement.

"Sorry to keep you two locked up so long."

"It's no problem," Astyl replied. Unlike Perideria, who spoke mentally, Astyl used a draconic language that was automatically translated through the bond. "We understand that sometimes this way is easier."

Bookwyrm nodded, then sat down at a desk which was conveniently placed and started to think.

Time for some answers.

"Or," Windaphra said, "We go talk to Fadran again."

Bookwyrm paused. "That might be a better idea."

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Dave gestured to the keys, talking softly to Obsidian. "You can take the keys if you want, Fadran is offering them to you after all."

Obsidian took the keys with two fingers, holding them up to his eyes to inspect them. As he did so, black goo sprouted from his fingers and enveloped the keys. Their form wavered and dissolved into the substance, which then flowed back into Obsidian's hand.

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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

Obsidian took the keys with two fingers, holding them up to his eyes to inspect them. As he did so, black goo sprouted from his fingers and enveloped the keys. Their form wavered and dissolved into the substance, which then flowed back into Obsidian's hand.

Dave chuckled. "What are you again?"

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1 hour ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Well, then, what do you think they were after?"

Rayvyn thinks for a minute. “I think…I think they want Tacien. There’s definitely more to him than meets the eye, and people usually like to exploit these kinds of things.”

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9 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Rayvyn thinks for a minute. “I think…I think they want Tacien. There’s definitely more to him than meets the eye, and people usually like to exploit these kinds of things.”

The brother looked down at Tacien, concerned. "He knows things. Lots of things, things he shouldn't know. But how could they use that?"

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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm found his way to his room. A door marked with the correct number.

Room 49, he thought. Perfect.

He opened the door to find a fairly spacious room decorated to his liking. There was enough room for his reptilian companions, and a balcony in which they could access the air. The ceiling was made of glass for a nice view of the sky. It was overcast, currently, but hopefully that would change by nightfall.

Bookwyrm set his pack down and looked around the room more. Windaphra also explored the fancy area, flitting around to various nooks and crannies before landing next to Bookwyrm and growing human sized.

"Seems nice enough," she said, folding her arms.

Bookwyrm closed his eyes and released Perideria and Astyl. The two dragons burst into existence in a flash of light; Perideria with her intimidating size and shimmering green scales just a shade lighter than emerald, and Astyl with his deep black scales accented by strange glowing blue and white lines that covered his body. The large portion of the room held spaces for them to sit and rest.

"Good to be out again?" Bookwyrm asked them.

Of course, Perideria replied mentally. It always feels better this way.

Astyl nodded his agreement.

"Sorry to keep you two locked up so long."

"It's no problem," Astyl replied. Unlike Perideria, who spoke mentally, Astyl used a draconic language that was automatically translated through the bond. "We understand that sometimes this way is easier."

Bookwyrm nodded, then sat down at a desk which was conveniently placed and started to think.

Time for some answers.

"Or," Windaphra said, "We go talk to Fadran again."

Bookwyrm paused. "That might be a better idea."


By all means, bump into me again


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34 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The brother looked down at Tacien, concerned. "He knows things. Lots of things, things he shouldn't know. But how could they use that?"

Rayvyn chuckles dryly. “Knowledge is power. Everyone wants more knowledge. There are hundreds, thousands, of things his knowledge could let them do, and few of them are good.”

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3 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Rayvyn chuckles dryly. “Knowledge is power. Everyone wants more knowledge. There are hundreds, thousands, of things his knowledge could let them do, and few of them are good.”

"Yes, but he can't tell or show them anything."

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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Yes, but he can't tell or show them anything."

“Are you sure? There are a lot of magicians out there. I’m sure they could find a way to read his mind, at least.”

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20 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

“Are you sure? There are a lot of magicians out there. I’m sure they could find a way to read his mind, at least.”

"Believe or not, we've tried things like that. It doesn't work. The most they get is an impression of his emotions."

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32 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Believe or not, we've tried things like that. It doesn't work. The most they get is an impression of his emotions."

“Hmm…” Rayvyn says. “Still, I think they’d find a way. People can be determined when they want to.” She looks at Tacien. “So he’s never communicated at all? No words, no signs, nothing but the drawings?”

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2 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

“Hmm…” Rayvyn says. “Still, I think they’d find a way. People can be determined when they want to.” She looks at Tacien. “So he’s never communicated at all? No words, no signs, nothing but the drawings?”

"Nope. We have no idea why. But he has been able to draw like that... Well, pretty much since he could use a pencil."

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