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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Time for Season 2!

Channelknight Fadran

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10 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"How can I trust that? I don't know who you are, or what this place is? The only thing I know is that Tacien chose to come here and he probably knows about it. But he's still a kid who doesn't necessarily know what's best for him."

"I mean, that is the funny thing about trust. It's just my word against yours and you have to decide whether I'm good or not."

Fadran sat down onto an armchair. He really wasn't as good at all this hope talk and meaningfullness nowadays. Not after the incursion... not after all his friends had left.

"I'll just tell you this," he eventually said. "The moment I opened this Inn back up, your brother was there. Now that could mean anything really, but the way that street works means that he was really lost. And I don't just mean out in the wild without any way to go. I mean he'd been trying to run away and forget about things he'd rather not know. And all that to say that as soon as a door was open for him, he walked inside; and now he's here, and I intend to help him - and you, and everyone - as best I can." However little that might be.

2 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

"All true enough I suppose. Though you know that as powerful as I am there are others who possess more power than I."

Certainly. I think you'd lose in a fight against a few of those things I've got locked up downstairs--if they were actually trying to kill you, anyways.

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3 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Also Fadran," Bookwyrm interjected quickly, "Whenever you have a moment, come and find me. I'd like to talk to you."

@Channelknight Fadran

Bookwyrm then walked over to Pyro and Klave, Astyl at his side. Bookwyrm caught Nath glancing over at Pyro.

@Nathrangking @UnfortunatelyNamed @PyroPhile


Rayvyn watches them leave and shrugs, walking over the the group. “Hey,” she says. 

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3 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I mean, that is the funny thing about trust. It's just my word against yours and you have to decide whether I'm good or not."

Fadran sat down onto an armchair. He really wasn't as good at all this hope talk and meaningfullness nowadays. Not after the incursion... not after all his friends had left.

"I'll just tell you this," he eventually said. "The moment I opened this Inn back up, your brother was there. Now that could mean anything really, but the way that street works means that he was really lost. And I don't just mean out in the wild without any way to go. I mean he'd been trying to run away and forget about things he'd rather not know. And all that to say that as soon as a door was open for him, he walked inside; and now he's here, and I intend to help him - and you, and everyone - as best I can." However little that might be.

Certainly. I think you'd lose in a fight against a few of those things I've got locked up downstairs--if they were actually trying to kill you, anyways.


My original intention was that he was aware of the opening of the inn, so he got there on time on purpose.

Cufre sighed. "What, exactly, is the purpose of this inn, if you wouldn't mind telling me?"

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7 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

"Also Fadran," Bookwyrm interjected quickly, "Whenever you have a moment, come and find me. I'd like to talk to you."

@Channelknight Fadran

Bookwyrm then walked over to Pyro and Klave, Astyl at his side. Bookwyrm caught Nath glancing over at Pyro.

@Nathrangking @UnfortunatelyNamed @PyroPhile


"Ah yes, my friend from yesterday. Did you find what you were looking for?"

6 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"I mean, that is the funny thing about trust. It's just my word against yours and you have to decide whether I'm good or not."

Fadran sat down onto an armchair. He really wasn't as good at all this hope talk and meaningfullness nowadays. Not after the incursion... not after all his friends had left.

"I'll just tell you this," he eventually said. "The moment I opened this Inn back up, your brother was there. Now that could mean anything really, but the way that street works means that he was really lost. And I don't just mean out in the wild without any way to go. I mean he'd been trying to run away and forget about things he'd rather not know. And all that to say that as soon as a door was open for him, he walked inside; and now he's here, and I intend to help him - and you, and everyone - as best I can." However little that might be.

Certainly. I think you'd lose in a fight against a few of those things I've got locked up downstairs--if they were actually trying to kill you, anyways.

"Have you been trapping primordial deities without me? There are many beings that would give me some level of trouble. If any of them especially those who know how to craft mindscapes anywhere near to my level of skill tried to assault us things would get ugly in a hurry."

Nath allows age to fill his eyes as the girl from the shadows approaches. He conjures chairs for everyone, without breaking eye contact with her. There was something almost familiar about the way she carries herself. 

@Aes Sedai

Edited by Nathrangking
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1 minute ago, Nathrangking said:

"Ah yes, my friend from yesterday. Did you find what you were looking for?"

"I found what I was looking for at that moment...on the long scale? No." Bookwyrm shrugged. "But that's fine. These things take time. And I suppose the answers are just going to lead to more questions...or at the very least, an adventure of some sort..."

5 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Rayvyn watches them leave and shrugs, walking over the the group. “Hey,” she says. 

Bookwyrm gave Rayvyn a friendly nod.

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Oh, um, idea, I had the intention that Rayvyn is an assassin sent to kill someone here, but she isn’t sure who it is yet, just that they’re at the inn. Does anyone want to be that person? If so, we could become friends, which would make for some fun revelations at some point, or if no one does it’ll be a false tip.


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5 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:



My character (who I am desperately going to try to do an intro post for before everyone runs off without me) is gonna have a lotta enemies. You can be his planned assassin.


Edited by Goob
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1 minute ago, Goob said:



2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:



That would probably be fun, I can be the very monster I just said I’d kill. :P Goob, if you want her to want to kill you too, she can, just for fun. 


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1 minute ago, Aes Sedai said:




I did just realized they have to already be at the inn- could something about the mission accidentally get ahead of herself? Some sort of prediction from her employer or whatever?


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29 minutes ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Klave walked past him, dusting off his cloak. "Oh, hello there. Who are you?"


27 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

Nath opens his eyes and turns his head toward PyroPhile and Klave. 

"Nath is my name."


24 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Bookwyrm then walked over to Pyro and Klave, Astyl at his side. Bookwyrm caught Nath glancing over at Pyro.

@Nathrangking @UnfortunatelyNamed @PyroPhile


“Hello, everyone! My name is Pyro. I’d like an introduction from each of you, if that’s okay.” He looked at Bookwyrm, and recognition flashed in his eyes. 
“I know you! From that clinic place.”


If you’re wondering, this Pyro is the same one from from the Insanity clinic. I had him planned for FotT before it was revived, but it mostly dead at that point so I put him in the clinic instead.

Also, Nath, his name is just Pyro, for future reference.


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2 minutes ago, PyroPhile said:

“Hello, everyone! My name is Pyro. I’d like an introduction from each of you, if that’s okay.” He looked at Bookwyrm, and recognition flashed in his eyes. 
“I know you! From that clinic place.”

"I'm Klave. Your name is Pyro, you say? You have fire powers?"

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57 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Cufre sighed. "What, exactly, is the purpose of this inn, if you wouldn't mind telling me?"


I can see Tacien knowing about the opening beforehand. I doubt anyone else would though.

"Just to bring together the adventuring types of people who haven't got anything better to do, really."

56 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

"Have you been trapping primordial deities without me? There are many beings that would give me some level of trouble. If any of them especially those who know how to craft mindscapes anywhere near to my level of skill tried to assault us things would get ugly in a hurry."

Not as much as trapping as much as guiding. They're mostly half-baked, sleepy types. I just show them which way to a good resting spot and they sort of... go there.

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Just to bring together the adventuring types of people who haven't got anything better to do, really."

Not as much as trapping as much as guiding. They're mostly half-baked, sleepy types. I just show them which way to a good resting spot and they sort of... go there.

"Wait, wait. Adventuring types? You're not going to rope my brother into some dangerous mission, are you?"

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Of course not! Like I said earlier, this place is also just a safe space for wanderers and people who need helping."


You should definitely try a find a way to rope him in, though.

Cufre eyed Fadran warily, but apparently decided it wasn't worth continuing.

As he stepped into the room, Tacien continued to eye Rayvyn with that fearful look.

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Pythor fell out of a trapdoor in the ceiling, slamming into the ground with an audible, "Whoof."

Slowly shaking his long snake like neck, Pythor groaned, a serpentine his escaping his forked tongue.

"Sorry about that chumss, I was exploring when the floor opened up underneath my feet and I fell back down into here."

Looking around Pythor's mouth twisted into a slight grin.

"Well what's with everyone being in here? I though most would have moved on by now."

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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Wait, there's a mission?

What is this Fellowship, anyway?

These are questions Bookwyrm has when Fadran gets the chance to talk to him.


40 minutes ago, PyroPhile said:

He looked at Bookwyrm, and recognition flashed in his eyes. 
“I know you! From that clinic place.”

Bookwyrm looked confused for a second.

Then his eyes widened.

"That," he said, "Is not quite me. But it also is. It's...complicated. And something I don't fully understand myself, at the moment...suffice it to say, you might want to keep that version of me separate from this one in your mind."

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