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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Time for Season 2!

Channelknight Fadran

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2 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:



That really depends. This is the sort of thing where if he can recognize strange power within and possibly trigger an instance of heat manipulation or the like accidentally fairly quickly. It's grafted into him. If he's perceptive enough not too long.


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2 hours ago, Shadowed said:

Azra sighed, looking at the group gathering to leave to rescue that boy. She considered asking to go, but something itched at her, something that told her she’d be more useful inside the inn than out of it.

She turned away from the window and set off in the direction that Iyin was leading her.


You're the one with the spider monkey, right? I'm sorry, 40 pages of messages can get you a bit confused. Anyway, as I said, tomorrow I won't be available until after sunset where I am, which I think is close to you timezone-wise. My character is currently in the kitchen , but if and when Nath will choose to take away his projection from there he might return to the roof, where he stays for now.


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I don't know how I'm going to keep up if large numbers of pages keep appearing every time I leave.

Bookwyrm went back to his room to gather necessary equipment for the journey to save Tacien. Once the portal was done.

He opened the door and proclaimed to his companions:

"Looks like we have an adventure."

About time! Perideria said. Even If I can fly around occasionally, it's boring here. Lets go.

She vanished as she soulmerged herself into Bookwyrm, who chuckled at her enthusiasm.

Bookwyrm turned to Astyl. 

"I'll help in any way that I can. As always." He smiled and vanished in a flash of light.

Windaphra flitted up to Bookwyrm.

"We best be off," she said. Bookwyrm nodded, grabbed his pack, and made his way back to the group.

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Shaking his head, Pythor comes out of the stupor of thought.

"Well, now iss the time to truly disscover the truth of thiss mysstery! And now we musst leave the Inn to find the way to thiss cave. At leasst that'ss what I think. Perhapss we need to ra-look through the library for mapss that detail where ssuch a treassure is hidden."

@Shining Silhouette @CalanoCorvus


Just tagging people that had expressed interest. Anyone can join. You will jusst have to put up with two ssnakey guyssss.


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Theo is currently probably thousands of miles away, living a life he doesn't enjoy. Still in the exposition stage with him. Theo will be solo for a bit.

Theo walked downstairs, pointedly not looking at the embellished suits of armor, inscribed with the Vertical Eye of Mortus, which housed the skeletons of members of House Mortus long since passed on.

He didn't like those suits of armor. All the rumors surrounding House Mortus... if they were true, those suits of armor were more than just suits of armor.

He walked into the foyer, glaring at the Vertical Eye in marble on the floor. His family really liked putting their symbol everywhere.

Even when most of them were gone, they still hovered over him.

He scowled and walked out the door into the front gardens. He wandered through the grass, up to the gate, then walked down the road into the City.

He took a deep breath of the clear, crisp, air. Despite it's rather... unorthodox reputation, the City was beautiful. No one could deny that.

He meandered into downtown, passing statues and shops, carts and carriages.

He walked into a shop selling a strange new drink, called Hoc. He ordered a mug of it, then sat in the corner.

At first glance, he'd seem like a normal customer. But, if you got a closer look at him, you'd realize how much different from the others he was. Black hair, styled after strange styles not native to the City, with bags under his eyes and pale skin. Clothes that didn't leave much skin showing, which wasn't too bad, except most of the time they were black.

He sipped his Hoc. He'd had it a couple of times before, and enjoyed it quite a bit. Sweet and rich, with a warmth to rival the cold outside and inside.

He sniffed, taking another sip, looking around.

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42 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Shaking his head, Pythor comes out of the stupor of thought.

"Well, now iss the time to truly disscover the truth of thiss mysstery! And now we musst leave the Inn to find the way to thiss cave. At leasst that'ss what I think. Perhapss we need to ra-look through the library for mapss that detail where ssuch a treassure is hidden."

"The sssssandwitches... hmmmm

I believe we should go to the sssssquinting ssschol of ssssscrolls

They have good review on RateYourLibraries.com"

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9 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"You should know that Tacien has a really bad reaction when people he is at all connected to die. Like that person who attacked us."

"Then we'll try to capture those who've directly interacted with him."

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10 hours ago, Mr. Misting said:

Dave brushed away a link of chain that was coiled around his hand and then grabbed Obsidian's hand with a curious smile.

Obsidian gripped Dave's hand with viselike strength. Black liquid oozed from his hand and began to spread down Dave's arm.

11 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Ilvaite opened her eyes.

She was in a room she had never been in before. It was well furnished, but completely empty.

"Hello?" she called out.

The responding silence was deafening.

"Hello?" she called out again, a note of panic entering into her voice.

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2 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Obsidian gripped Dave's hand with viselike strength. Black liquid oozed from his hand and began to spread down Dave's arm.

11 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Dave looked down at is arm with an amused expression. "Are you trying to eat me or something of the sort?"

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3 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Yes," replied Obsidian candidly. "You will become part of the whole."

"Hmm. I should probably be opposed to that. By chance, would this hurt?" Dave flicked his other hand and a chain rocketed towards Obsidian's head. Dave shrugged. "You seem nice enough, but remaining uneaten is a step above being polite."

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1 hour ago, Mr. Misting said:

"Hmm. I should probably be opposed to that. By chance, would this hurt?" Dave flicked his other hand and a chain rocketed towards Obsidian's head. Dave shrugged. "You seem nice enough, but remaining uneaten is a step above being polite."

Obsidian recoiled from the impact but did not let go. The black goo continued to spread.

"No," he said, his voice slurring. "Shouldn't... hurt. Unless..."

The pain of a chain slamming against the face hit Dave abruptly.

Edited by xinoehp512
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31 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Obsidian recoiled from the impact but did not let go. The black goo continued to spread.

"No," he said, his voice slurring. "Shouldn't... hurt."


Do you think you should quote/mention Misting to make sure he sees this?


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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

Obsidian recoiled from the impact but did not let go. The black goo continued to spread.

"No," he said, his voice slurring. "Shouldn't... hurt. Unless..."

The pain of a chain slamming against the face hit Dave abruptly.

Dave ran his hand across his nose. It came away with blood. He frowned.

He sighed. "I didn't want to kill someone so soon after coming here. But even as the Sealed Arbiter I can bring judgement down on mortals, you know."

Edited by Mr. Misting
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10 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Dave ran his hand across his nose. It came away with blood. He frowned.

He sighed. "I didn't want to kill someone so soon after coming here. But even as the Sealed Arbiter I can bring judgement down on mortals, you know."


To be clear; only the pain. Not the actual chain.

"Not... mortal..." Obsidian hissed.

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Theo held a hand up in front of him, then snapped. Above his fist a small ball of black fire, Deathfire, appeared. His use of the Magic was tied to his House, so it was very death oriented. The light in the room seemed to dim, but apparently only to him.

Deathfire consumed anything and everything that was alive or used to be alive. Wood, plants, flesh, cloth, anything that at any point was derived from a living being. By this logic, Deathfire ignored stone and other nonliving materials. Metals could not be burned either.

The ball of Deathfire above his fist rippled and churned, a ball of hunger, a ball of desire, encased in one of the most dangerous physical elements. Theo released his fist, and the ball of Deathfire vanished, and the room brightened again.

He finished his Hoc, then sat there, contemplating.

And a realization occured to him.

He had power. He had influence. He could find this... Group that his sister had supposedly joined. He stood, walked to the bar, and dropped a couple of banknotes on it. He walked out and walked back home, thinking the whole way.

The Group, whatever it was, clearly had power. They had managed to convince Veronica to leave House Mortus, Veronica of all people. It was hard to get Theo's older sister to do anything, let alone join some shady organization. He strode through the foyer and went into his private study.

It was time to do some research.

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6 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Not... mortal..." Obsidian hissed.


Ah, yes. Is the chain stuck in obsidian's head or something?

"Ok, I'm over this." Dave glanced around the foyer, calmly looking for someone to help him, ignoring the black ooze creeping up his arm. "Hello? We may have a parasite trying to consume me. Fadran? Anyone?"

@Channelknight Fadran

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5 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

"Ok, I'm over this." Dave glanced around the foyer, calmly looking for someone to help him, ignoring the black ooze creeping up his arm. "Hello? We may have a parasite trying to consume me. Fadran? Anyone?"

@Channelknight Fadran

The form of a small boy appeared near Dave. He appeared to be a boy covered in a layer of frost. The form immediately began diffusing, colors bending prismatically and a strange light warping off of him. He looked at Dave, observing the predicament, not saying a word.

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5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The form of a small boy appeared near Dave. He appeared to be a boy covered in a layer of frost. The form immediately began diffusing, colors bending prismatically and a strange light warping off of him. He looked at Dave, observing the predicament, not saying a word.

"Hello, I'm terribly sorry but it is probably not the time for pleasantries. Could you perhaps do something about this?" Dave said, gesturing to his ooze covered arm.

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14 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

"Ok, I'm over this." Dave glanced around the foyer, calmly looking for someone to help him, ignoring the black ooze creeping up his arm. "Hello? We may have a parasite trying to consume me. Fadran? Anyone?"

@Channelknight Fadran


I don't think so. He transfered the pain of the strike to Dave. How hard did Dave swing the chain?


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Just now, Mr. Misting said:

"Hello, I'm terribly sorry but it is probably not the time for pleasantries. Could you perhaps do something about this?" Dave said, gesturing to his ooze covered arm.

Apparently unsure what else to do, the boy slashed at Obsidian with a dagger. Before he could do anything further, however, his form began to glow violently and distort even more until he vanished in a flash and a wave of cold.


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2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Apparently unsure what else to do, the boy slashed at Obsidian with a dagger. Before he could do anything further, however, his form began to glow violently and distort even more until he vanished in a flash and a wave of cold.


The dagger scored a cut on Obsidian's arm. It bled black. Obsidian hissed and turned to face the now-empty air, but did not stop the ooze.

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