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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Time for Season 2!

Channelknight Fadran

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4 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

All it seemed to do was make the pain worse. Tacien's mental space remained dead silent.

EmLee cried out in pain. I can’t give up. Pain is just a truckload of stimulation that the brain perceives as harmful, right? She started sweating. This was pushing her to capacity, straining her abilities, but she had to go on. She didn’t know why, but she felt like she had to go on.


I gotta do the necessary task of sleeping, so I’ll see you all tomorrow. (though no guarantees that I’ll be able to be on for long because *sundays*)


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11 minutes ago, 2EmLee2 said:

EmLee cried out in pain. I can’t give up. Pain is just a truckload of stimulation that the brain perceives as harmful, right? She started sweating. This was pushing her to capacity, straining her abilities, but she had to go on. She didn’t know why, but she felt like she had to go on.

The sensation was awful, not just an ordinary pain but one that felt like it was eating away at her mind with a constant pressure. It created the illusion of being trapped, as though she were being crushed into a box that was growing smaller and smaller.

Then, for just a fraction of a second, she broke into his mind. There was a blinding flash of pure information that was impossible to perceive, a final burst of pain, and she was ejected from Tacien's mind, the connection gone. He sat there, apparently undisturbed. The pain lowered from its former excruciating level, but would persist quite strongly, along with the awful sensation of being trapped, for several hours to come.


Now I'm all alone...


Edited by The Aspiring Archivist
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2 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

The sensation was awful, not just an ordinary pain but one that felt like it was eating away at her mind with a constant pressure. It created the illusion of being trapped, as though she were being crushed into a box that was growing smaller and smaller.

Then, for just a fraction of a second, she broke into his mind. There was a blinding flash of pure information that was impossible to perceive, a final burst of pain, and she was ejected from Tacien's mind, the connection gone. He sat there, apparently undisturbed. The pain lowered from its former excruciating level, but would persist quite strongly, along with the awful sensation of being trapped, for several hours to come.



Let's presume Nath finished talking to Cufre informing him that Tacien is immortal, but not totally invulnerable to go harm. He leaves and next day finds him picking up from there.

Nath appears now before Tacien. A strange sensation echoing through their connection. Curious he gently follows the feeling using their bond as a highway into his mind.


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7 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

"Dragons and humans never got along in my world either." Klave looked sad. "Humans have always been too quick to act out of fear, and, from what I have learned, dragons never really saw us as a threat. Not until it was too late."

Galard nodded, somewhat wistfully. "It's pretty much the same in my world. Dragons are hated and hunted by most humans. I come from a specific culture which, in elden times, worshipped dragons. The kingdom which they were part of didn't like it, and so they tried annihilating them. Legends say they were saved by a thunder of dragons, which moved mountains to surround the land where my ancestors lived." He sighed. "I was born and grew up in a valley - alongside Lightning here. My people no longer worship dragons, exactly, but we're in a close relationship with them. We were in for something of a shock when we crossed the mountains, Lightning and I."

"We weren't accepted very well by the locals. There was this one human who accepted Galard as an apprentice - long story - and I had to move in with a few dragons that lived about ten miles away from the city. It was all a huge mess until we found a place in between - the university was located close enough to the dragons' lairs. We had to work put a treaty between humans and dragons, and it didn't really hold up."

"... And that's our story, I guess. Which isn't too much related to what you were saying. Anything else?"


Yay, I got to cover some of Galard's backstory! It's not everything - I skipped the hypnotic flesh eating goats and the trolls, and I still need to work out his career in the university, but that's... Kind of most of the worldbuilding of his world. Well, the original version, at least - it'll take me some more time to work out how things work when I'll actually write his story.


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After a few more minutes resting, Bookwyrm pulled himself out of bed. Astyl, who was characteristically concerned about him, had released himself from his soulmerge in order to watch over his human. Bookwyrm dressed in a simple blue tunic, rather than the more fortified one he used for questing, and left his weapons unsummoned. Then, with Astyl and Windaphra by his side, and Perideria in his mind, he stepped out of his room and into the hallway.

He eventually passed the recruitment forms that Fadran put up.

They need people to research a form of magic in an isolated world...without revealing anything about the wider expanse of Existence..or the "Macrosmos," as they call it here. I should be able to do that...right?

I think you'll be okay, Astyl said to him mentally. I don't know why you're doubting yourself. You're incredibly skilled.

Yeah, but most of my powers come from other worlds. 

You can be discrete, can't you?

Bookwyrm sighed. I suppose.

He wrote his name under the paper, but resolved to leave a little later. He wanted to see how everyone else in the Inn was doing.

@Channelknight Fadran


I will join the Eltelia Research Team. But I'm going to wait a little bit to actually enter that portal. I might want to do some character interaction stuff first.


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On 1/6/2023 at 4:01 PM, The Wandering Wizard said:

"We can alwayss sstart there. And yess I do know about the whole sseeing-the-universse-and-having-your-mind-opened and all that jasz."

Quickly slithering after Scales, Pythor scanned the streets, his tail curling around any stray mice or rats for a snack.

Swallowing the last rat whole, Pythor grew a bit, gaining some extra mass.

"Ahhh, that'ss better. I think it'ss the one with the sscroll at the top. A rather common ssign of a library or knowledge."


"Or ninjass."

@Shining Silhouette


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5 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

Nath appears now before Tacien. A strange sensation echoing through their connection. Curious he gently follows the feeling using their bond as a highway into his mind.


Why is there a strange sensation?


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1 hour ago, The Bookwyrm said:

I will join the Eltelia Research Team. But I'm going to wait a little bit to actually enter that portal. I might want to do some character interaction stuff first.


Just making sure: you are aware that this mission is happening in another thread, right? I guess you posted it here because you wanted to get some character interaction in the inn.


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11 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

If you want, Gone could express interest in one of the activities and ask Cufre to go with him.



Hmmm... I don't know, maybe...

Ooh, I have an idea...

Gone crawled out of his room, looking for the café. He was hungry again, and he wanted food. He looked at the board in the lobby as he passed, and stopped as he saw two new papers there. They looked important. He looked around for someone to read them to him.


Ah, the pain of knowing the answer to the question your character asks, but having them ask it anyway because realism...


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1 minute ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Gone crawled out of his room, looking for the café. He was hungry again, and he wanted food. He looked at the board in the lobby as he passed, and stopped as he saw two new papers there. They looked important. He looked around for someone to read them to him.

Cufre was around, having gone around to locate Tacien after waking up and finding him missing. He now approached Gone. "Hey. What are those?"

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"If other people are going, I don't want to be left alone." Gone said emphatically. He had only recently realized that being lonely was something that could be prevented, and he wanted to prevent it as thoroughly as possible. "If I could help on either one, I want to. Mr. Fadran was nice to me, and he's letting me stay here. I want to help with one of them."


I changed my mind on him deciding to do the junkyard one, because it says it needs exceptional warriors... so he probably wouldn't want to do that one.


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1 minute ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

"If other people are going, I don't want to be left alone." Gone said emphatically. He had only recently realized that being lonely was something that could be prevented, and he wanted to prevent it as thoroughly as possible. "If I could help on either one, I want to. Mr. Fadran was nice to me, and he's letting me stay here. I want to help with one of them."

"Alright." Cufre looked at the posters contemplatively. "If you want to do one, maybe I can come with you. Either way, you won't be alone."

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2 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Alright." Cufre looked at the posters contemplatively. "If you want to do one, maybe I can come with you. Either way, you won't be alone."

"You'd come with me? What about Tacien? Are you sure you want to do that?" Gone said, his eyes wide. Then he looked at the papers again, even though he couldn't read them. "Well, I wanna do the information one. That doesn't sound scary. But I can't read. So I guess I can do the junkyard one? But I can't fight." Gone looked down, thinking. "If you're really coming with me, then maybe you could help me read."


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Just now, Shallan Stormblessed said:

"You'd come with me? What about Tacien? Are you sure you want to do that?" Gone said, his eyes wide. Then he looked at the papers again, even though he couldn't read them. "Well, I wanna do the information one. That doesn't sound scary. But I can't read. So I guess I can do the junkyard one? But I can't fight." Gone looked down, thinking. "If you're really coming with me, then maybe you could help me read."

"Sure. I could probably bring Tacien along for the research one, since it's low danger. Of course, he can't really communicate, but I'm sure he'd find a way to be helpful." He smiled warmly at Gone. "What do you think?"

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Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

"Sure. I could probably bring Tacien along for the research one, since it's low danger. Of course, he can't really communicate, but I'm sure he'd find a way to be helpful." He smiled warmly at Gone. "What do you think?"

Gone was still thinking on what Cufre had said earlier. Either way you won't be alone. It sounded unbelievable. Somewhat overwhelming as well, but still wonderful. "I want to do the not scary one," he said. "And thank you for being so nice to me." On a whim, he went up and hugged Cufre. 

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Just now, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Gone was still thinking on what Cufre had said earlier. Either way you won't be alone. It sounded unbelievable. Somewhat overwhelming as well, but still wonderful. "I want to do the not scary one," he said. "And thank you for being so nice to me." On a whim, he went up and hugged Cufre. 

Cufre was momentarily surprised, but then he hugged the boy right back. "You are very welcome. You know you deserve kindness, right? Everyone does."

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5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Cufre was momentarily surprised, but then he hugged the boy right back. "You are very welcome. You know you deserve kindness, right? Everyone does."

Gone smiled. "Thank you! And I hope Tacien is having a good day. Tell him that!"


okay, now I have to go. Bye!!! Have fun, y'all!


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Just now, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Gone smiled. "Thank you! And I hope Tacien is having a good day. Tell him that!"

Cufre frowned slightly, letting go of Gone. "I don't think he is, unfortunately. He's having one of those days where he just sort of... locks up."

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4 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Gone frowned. "I hope he gets better..."

"Better how? I mean, tomorrow he'll probably be able to express emotion again, but... well. I just wanted you to know that you are worth a lot, okay? Don't forget that."

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3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

After a few more minutes resting, Bookwyrm pulled himself out of bed. Astyl, who was characteristically concerned about him, had released himself from his soulmerge in order to watch over his human. Bookwyrm dressed in a simple blue tunic, rather than the more fortified one he used for questing, and left his weapons unsummoned. Then, with Astyl and Windaphra by his side, and Perideria in his mind, he stepped out of his room and into the hallway.

He eventually passed the recruitment forms that Fadran put up.

They need people to research a form of magic in an isolated world...without revealing anything about the wider expanse of Existence..or the "Macrosmos," as they call it here. I should be able to do that...right?

I think you'll be okay, Astyl said to him mentally. I don't know why you're doubting yourself. You're incredibly skilled.

Yeah, but most of my powers come from other worlds. 

You can be discrete, can't you?

Bookwyrm sighed. I suppose.

He wrote his name under the paper, but resolved to leave a little later. He wanted to see how everyone else in the Inn was doing.

@Channelknight Fadran


Silver mumbled sleepily in his armchair next to the fire. He yawned, stretching and blinking his eyes. Morning already? Oops. He'd meant to ask for a room to sleep in, but it seemed he'd dozed off again.

The lobby had started to fill with people examining the message boards. Silver sauntered over to the Elteria advertisement, where a man in a blue cloak was writing his name down.

"Hello!" he called. "I see you're also joining the research team?"

@The Bookwyrm

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