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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Time for Season 2!

Channelknight Fadran

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21 hours ago, UnfortunatelyNamed said:

Klave shook his head. "You can. I'm not feeling particularly hungry at the moment."

"So... I guess I can leave you here with Lightning." Said Galard. "It will do him good - he feels a little left out."

"I'm right here, you know." Said Lightning, breathing out a small flame. "You could have the decency to take it to heart. And this place could've had the decency of attracting more than three dragons."

"So there are two more?" Said Galard. "Hmm... Interesting."

"There was also another reptile downstairs, I think - I caught a whiff of its smell, but it's gone now. As are those dragons. Klade here, though... You have an interesting smell. Care to elaborate on it?"

"I'll leave you two at it," said Galard, pointing at the stairs, "but I think I'll go eat now, if you don't mind."

He went downstairs, taking note of the posters. The research one seemed interesting, perhaps - maybe he'll join it later. He went to the kitchen to grab something for lunch.


All right, Klade can choose whatever fits you - I assumed he'd have an odd smell based on something you said earlier about his arms? Maybe Lightning could see it, too. 

Also, anyone who's still at the inn/plans on returning in the near future, Galard will be there, for now.


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4 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

"I see." 

Leo moved forward into the dungeon(?)

"I am bassically a ssnake demi-god thingie. Or Demon would be an apt term to desscribe me, I ssupposse."


Want to rescue a person that ends up being "The Boss"?

4 minutes ago, ExoticAlmond said:

Is everyone in this scene currently in a building, cave, or open land?

(I need to know so I can describe my magnificent entrance.)


We are in a library like structure somewhere...this is giving so much How to train your dragon book 5 + Zelda vibes XD

You can join if you want. Just know that OOC(Out of Character) talk is supposed to be in quote boxes.


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11 minutes ago, ExoticAlmond said:

A book about horticulture suspiciously tumbles to the ground open to a page about how to grow chairs in a place called "Shadesmar" 

Pythor's neck stretched down a single drop of venom splattering on the pages.

"What iss thiss? A sstrange book. Ssomething I've never sseen before."

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33 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Ssay I can ssmell ssomething below uss."

Leo sniffed. "Now that you mention it, yes."

4 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Pythor's neck stretched down a single drop of venom splattering on the pages.

"What iss thiss? A sstrange book. Ssomething I've never sseen before."

"What book?"

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The books text starts swirling up into a mini tornado and a man probably in his mid twenties appears in the middle of the tornado. As the text settles back into the book it is noticeable that his skin and hair are completely green. He picks up the book and says "Well Phosh at least this one wasn't in a draconian cultists library."

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1 hour ago, Trutharchivist said:

"So... I guess I can leave you here with Lightning." Said Galard. "It will do him good - he feels a little left out."

"I'm right here, you know." Said Lightning, breathing out a small flame. "You could have the decency to take it to heart. And this place could've had the decency of attracting more than three dragons."

"So there are two more?" Said Galard. "Hmm... Interesting."

"There was also another reptile downstairs, I think - I caught a whiff of its smell, but it's gone now. As are those dragons. Klade here, though... You have an interesting smell. Care to elaborate on it?"

"I'll leave you two at it," said Galard, pointing at the stairs, "but I think I'll go eat now, if you don't mind."

He went downstairs, taking note of the posters. The research one seemed interesting, perhaps - maybe he'll join it later. He went to the kitchen to grab something for lunch.

"My scent? That's a bit of a long story, but I can give you the gist of it." Klave took off his right glove, revealing a hand covered in red shimmering dragon scales. "In my youth, I was a Hunstman. We were a unit in the king's army whose sole job was to deal with monsters." He stared at his hand, continuing. "It was terrible. We were barely-trained recruits, and they threw us at creatures with powers beyond our understanding, perfect predators empowered by magic. Casualties were... catastrophic. I fought things too horrifying to comprehend, watched comrades die in the most awful ways imaginable." His eyes were distant, filled with pain. "I used to envy them. Their deaths were terrible, but at least they knew how it would end. At least it did end for them." He shook himself, eyes snapping back to the present. "Anyways, I was lucky. I survived for three years, got to retire. Tradition was, a Hunstman who survived their enlistment got a dragon scale embedded in their hand. That was this one." He tapped a red scale embedded in the center of the back of his hand, noticeably larger than the others. "The kingdom has quite a store of them left from the extermination, and Huntsmen surviving is rare enough that the tradition will probably continue for centuries before they start running low." Klave held out his hand palm up, small red flames bursting from his upraised fingers. "I didn't have any powers at first. Something like that would have been noticed, and used, if it was as easy as embedding a dragon scale in someone. A few years after I finished my service, I had an encounter with a dragon, and it... activated the scale somehow. It started spreading, creating magic, changing me. At first it almost killed me, then it almost drove me insane, but eventually I managed to master the power it gave me, with a little help." Klave let the flames die and lowered his hand, looking up at Lightning. "That answer your question?"

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4 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Anyone want to have a spooky encounter 



Libraries are the perfect place if you want.

1 hour ago, Shining Silhouette said:

"What book?"

1 hour ago, ExoticAlmond said:

The books text starts swirling up into a mini tornado and a man probably in his mid twenties appears in the middle of the tornado. As the text settles back into the book it is noticeable that his skin and hair are completely green. He picks up the book and says "Well Phosh at least this one wasn't in a draconian cultists library."

"The book called Phossh apparently and the one that man came out of. What'ss your name sstranger?"

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"The book called Phossh apparently and the one that man came out of. What'ss your name sstranger?"

"I am Ghest. The book is not called Phosh it is just a book. I was talking to ... someone else.

Now pray tell why am I talking to a snake?"

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Just now, ExoticAlmond said:

I am Ghest. The book is not called Phosh it is just a book. I was talking to ... someone else.

Now pray tell why am I talking to a snake?


Don't forget quotes because you're talking!

"Becausse that iss what I am. Why sshould I not conssume you now?"

His tongue flicked in and out, testing and tasting the air around Ghest.

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6 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Becausse that iss what I am. Why sshould I not conssume you now?"

His tongue flicked in and out, testing and tasting the air around Ghest.

"Because if I see you so much as try to hurt me I will slice you in half. I really hope it doesn't come to that for it would be terribly messy and ruin these books."

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1 minute ago, ExoticAlmond said:

"Because if I see you so much as try to hurt me I will slice you in half. I really hope it doesn't come to that for it would be terribly messy and ruin these books."

"My sscaless are hard. Harder than you can know, and I will never die. Thiss body only has a temporary usse, it will eventually fail me and I will have to sstart again. By possssessssing another reptile and creating another reptilian sspirit."

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2 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"My sscaless are hard. Harder than you can know, and I will never die. Thiss body only has a temporary usse, it will eventually fail me and I will have to sstart again. By possssessssing another reptile and creating another reptilian sspirit."

"I see. Well my friend is demanding I apologize and I don't feel like fighting anyway so how about we let bygone be bygones."

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1 minute ago, ExoticAlmond said:

"I see. Well my friend is demanding I apologize and I don't feel like fighting anyway so how about we let bygone be bygones."

"If you help uss in our quest to find the map to the cave of ssand witchess that make ssandwichess. Then sshall I let bygoness by bygoness."

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9 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Why hello, new person with a strange PFP. What brings you to this pit of chaos?


Just trying RP for the first time and the lax rules for joining made me feel less stressed.


10 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Pythor's tail slapped against the ground.

"To determine if the ssand witchess make ssandwitches or if they are ssandwitchess which ssand!"

“Interesting, my friend seems intrigued by this query and so am I so I shall join in your endeavors.”

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